属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3876-1-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3876-2-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3876-5-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 34492-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 8176-1980
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-英国进行测试预测脱欧影响
1 | 煤井轨道运输用缆绳滚筒、滑轮、框架和组件.第1部分:平行鼓形筒、框架和组件规范 | Rope rollers, pulleys, mountings and assemblies for colliery track haulage -Specification for parallel barrel rollers, mountings and assemblies | |
2 | 煤井轨道运输用缆绳滚筒、滑轮、框架和组件.第2部分:垂直主轴轮,框和组件规范 | Rope rollers, pulleys, mountings and assemblies for colliery track haulage -Specification for vertical spindle pulleys, mountings and assemblies | |
3 | 煤井轨道运输用缆绳滚筒、滑轮、框架和组件.第5部分:悬挂式滑轮组件和夹件规范 | Rope rollers, pulleys, mountings and assemblies for colliery track haulage -Specification for suspended pulley assemblies and clamps | |
4 | 农业:喷雾车、犁铧车、铰接式挂车、液压播种机、稀浆罐车、运输车等 | Agriculture: Sprayer, plough, artic trailer, hydro seeder, slurry tanker, haulage . | |
5 | 其产品系列品种丰富,涵盖的车型从用于长途运输、短程物流配送、高负荷作业的卡车,一直到厢式车、旅游大客车、专线公共汽车以及Unimog全地形多功能车。 | A comprehensive range of products extending from trucks for long-distance haulage , short-radius distribution and heavy-duty operations to vans for special purpose and passenger applications, MPV′s, touring coaches, regular service buses and the Unimog. | |
6 | 拖式铲运机工作装置的遗传优化设计 | The Optimized Design on the Work Device of the tractor-haulage Scraper | |
7 | 拖运承办者. | a haulage contractor | |
8 | 拖运距离并不十分远。 | haulage distances are not excessively long | |
9 | 有轨车辆用牵引钩.最小牵引力1000KN | Drawhooks for rail vehicles; minimum haulage capacity 1000 kN | |
10 | 与铁路运输和航空运输相比,公路运输是唯一能够满足灵活、可靠标准的运输服务方式。 | Compared with railway and air transportation, road haulage is the only one capable of providing transport services to the required standards of flexibility and reliability. | |
11 | 运费是多少 | How much is haulage ? | |
12 | 运输链.链轨用套筒运输链 | Conveyor chains; bush conveyor chains for haulage systems | |
13 | 在矿井中搬运矿石的系统称为运输。有些很小的矿井仍在用独轮车或小手推车来运输。 | The systems for removing ore from mines are known as haulage . In very small mines wheelbarrows or small handpushed carts are still used for haulage | |
14 | 在全世界范围内,很多需要在苛刻环境下运行车辆,从而需要优异保护功能的机油的人都在使用特级劲霸(Rimula Super),在长距离拖运,以及需要频繁起停的市内和市间公共汽车领域,该产品都倍受青睐。 | Used world-wide by operators who need an oil that provides outstanding protection and performance in severe conditions, Rimula Super is the preferred choice in long distance haulage and in the harsh stop-start of city and inter-city bus operations. | |
15 | 这些结果是在测试车辆在美国完成了387,360公里的行驶里程以后得出的。 | The results were recorded after a total of 387,360km of haulage across the USA. | |
16 | 自从上次由于同情搬运工人来了一次小小的罢工以后,她更觉得自己在码头生活中也有了自己的一份,并且觉得码头工人也更理解她了。 | Ever once the brief strike in sympathy with the haulage men, she felt more a living part of the docks, and felt, too, that the dockers accepted her more thoroughly | |
17 | 作为理想的半挂牵引车, Axor系列适用于将有效载荷和运营经济性作为重要因素的重载配送、公路运输等领域。 | The ideal semi-trailer tractor for heavy distribution, medium-range haulage and fleet work in sectors where payload and operation economy are particularly critical factors. | |
18 | 汽车制造商可能会实现在十年之内每年销售一千万辆电动车的目标,但是电池驱动的道路运输,海运和航空则成了梦想。 | Carmakers may hit their goal of annual sales of 10m electric vehicles in a decade, but battery-powered road haulage , shipping and aviation are dreams. | |
19 | 一些英国议员批评测试是浪费时间和金钱。英国道路运输协会称测试“规模太小,时机太晚。”该组织建议额外举行更大规模的运输演习。 | Some British lawmakers have criticized the tests as a waste of time and money. Britain’s Road Haulage Association has described the tests as "too little, too late". The group suggested holding additional transport exercises that are much bigger. | |
20 | 21123综采工作面运输及回风巷的特殊支护 | Special Support Used in Haulage Way and Return Airway of 21123 Fully Mechanized Face during Larger Ground Pressure | |
21 | GP触摸显示屏在交流电牵引采煤机上的应用 | Applying GP display screen to AC electric haulage shearer | |
22 | HDPE装置粉末输送风机跳车原因分析及对策 | The reason analysis and countermeasure of HDPE powder pneumatic haulage blower interlock shutdown | |
23 | Kroes夫人的父亲拥有一家公路运输公司,在Kroes年轻的时候她曾进搭乘卡车从Antwerp到Dusseldorf。 | Ms Kroes’s father owned a road-haulage firm, and as a girl she travelled in lorries to Antwerp and Dusseldorf. | |
24 | MG系列采煤机牵引部液压系统常见故障诊断 | Analysing and diagnosing the trouble on hydraulic system of MG series shearer haulage unit | |
25 | MG系列采煤机牵引部主油泵的故障树分析 | Fault Tree Analyses of Main Pump in Haulage Unit of MG Series Shearers | |
26 | PLC在电牵引采煤机电控系统中的应用 | Application of PLC in Electrical Control System of Electrical Haulage Shearer | |
27 | TBM掘进煤矿运输巷道的施工技术 | Construction technology of TBM excavating haulage tunnel in coal mine | |
28 | Vayro是面前未来的一款概念货车,旨在满足2020年日益增长的长途公路货物托运服务的需要。 | TheVayro is a future track concept to meet the increasing freight requirement oflong-distance road haulage for the year 2020. | |
29 | 半挂牵引车标注“准拖挂车总质量”参数的质疑 | Accuracy of Semi-trailer Towing Vehicle Which Marked "Total Weight of Permit Haulage Trailer" | |
30 | 半挂式废钢运输车设计 | Design of the Semi- trailer Scrap Steel Haulage Car |