属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天鹅之歌 A swan’s song
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-三维压制 第三世界的发展空间
1 | 一个人,穿着颜色和样式都时髦的衣裳,跑到荒原上去,总显得有些不伦不类。 | A person on a heath in raiment of modern cut and colours has more or less an anomalous look | |
2 | 一个人穿着颜色和样式都时髦的衣裳,在荒原上,总显得有些不伦不类。 | A person on a heath in raiment of modern cut and colours has more or less an anomalous look | |
3 | 因此,希思很少表现出尼克松那种郁郁寡欢。 | As a result Heath rarely exhibited Nixon’s crippling diffidence | |
4 | 因此各州必须具有非常有说服力的理由才能限制堕胎,如保护妇女健康。 | States could therefore only restrict abortion when they had a compelling interest to do so, for example to protect women’s heath . | |
5 | 因为克林的童年是完全和荒原联在一起的,所以凡是看见荒原的人,就难以不联想到克林。 | Clym had been so inwoven with the heath in his boyhood that hardly anybody could look upon it without thinking of him | |
6 | 引起过多少场野火;丢下多少垃圾。总之,要看他们的行为是否惹起了土地所有者和乡下居民完全不友好的表示。 | How many heath fires they cause, how much litter they leave, in short, whether or not they wholly alienate landowners and those who live in the countryside. | |
7 | 游苔莎站了起来…在他身边跟着他走去,一路之上,裙边衣角,擦着带有露水的石南和凤尾草而过。 | Eustacia arose, and walked beside him… brushing her way over the damping heath and fern | |
8 | 渝东南地区中小学教师心理健康状况抽样调查 | A Study of the Mental Heath for Primary and Middle School Teachers in the Southeast Areas of Chongqing | |
9 | 运用Heath-Carter法对俄罗斯族体型的研究 | Study on Somatotypes of Russ Nationality by Heath -Carter Anthropometric Method | |
10 | 沼泽一片大面积的开阔地,通常很高但排水不好,有成片的荒野和泥炭田 | A broad area of open land,often high but poorly drained,with patches of heath and peat bogs. | |
11 | 这片石楠丛生之地宛如一片绿洲与趋避之地,我在这里漫游了很久,直到腿脚淋湿 | The heath was an oasis and a refuge; I rambled about in it until my feet and legs were wet | |
12 | 职业病的分类和目录由国务院卫生行政部门会同国务院劳动保障行政部门规定、调整并公布。 | The public heath authorities and the labor & social security authority under the State Council ( will enact, adjust and promulgate the categories and catalogs of occupational diseases. | |
13 | 中国城市民工面临的主要健康问题 | Heath Problems among the Peasant Workers in the Cities of China | |
14 | 中小学教师心理健康的调查研究 | The Investigation and Study on Mental Heath of Primary and High School Teachers | |
15 | 兹收到爱德华·希斯先生承租上海中山西路175号房屋2002年3月份的房租人民币2000元整。此据。 | Received from Mr. Edward Heath the sum of one thousand yuan (RMB), being the rent for March of 2002 for the premises occupied by him at 175 Zhongshan Road (W), Shanghai. | |
16 | ||1:4月,日本公司Kumon在伯明翰市的贫困地区小希思开设了一家讲学中心。||2:它的课程非常便宜:只需大约55英镑(约88美元)就能获得2周英文和数学的课程,还包括了家庭作业。||3:Kumon在英国有680家机构,它们的顾客构成非常丰富。||4:很多都是来自南亚的人,少部分是来自东欧的;而几乎没有白人和英国人。 | ||1:Nov 16th 2013 |From the print editionIN APRIL Kumon, a Japanese firm, opened a tuition centre in Small Heath , a poor district of Birmingham.||2:Its lessons are fairly cheap: about £55 ($88) a month for twice-weekly English and maths classes and homework.||3:As in many of Kumon’s 680 British outfits, its clients are diverse.||4:Many are south Asian; a few are eastern European; none is white and British. | |
17 | ||1:戈德利因直言不讳地批评保守党的经济政策而变得愈加有名。在上世纪70年代,他发表观点(他意识到此观点不受欢迎):国际贸易应该像他所指出的那样是通过进口管制实现的“某种意义上的管理”,他还缺乏说服力地补充这确实不是贸易保护主义,因为他并不主张减少进口,只是减少进口倾向;应当“尽可能最少地选择”贸易保护措施。||2:更值得称道的是,他正确地预言到了上世纪七十年代希思治下的保守党政府激发的繁荣,将以泪雨告终。对后来撒切尔夫人时期严重经济衰退的预计,也被证明是大体上正确的。 | ||1:Mr Godley became best known for his outspoken criticisms of Conservative economic policies. In the 1970s he took the view, which he recognised as dissenting, that international trade should be, as he put it, “in some sense, managed” through import controls, adding unpersuasively that this was not really protectionism, since he did not want to reduce imports, merely the propensity to import; and protection should be “as minimally selective as possible”. ||2:More creditably, he correctly predicted that the boom generated by the Conservative government under Ted Heath in the 1970s would end in tears. He was also proved largely right in foreseeing the severity of the recession that came later under Margaret Thatcher. | |
18 | ||1:他,名叫迈克尔·富特(Michael Foot),一位备受爱戴的英吉利人——带着他引人注目的一头蓬乱的白发、带着他在普斯泰德西斯公园牵着小狗迪齐蹒跚闲行的身影、带着他对文学的挚爱、还带着他任工党党魁时,身着风帽夹克在站台候车所赢得的谦逊美名——离开了人间。||2:进入高龄后,他几近失明,雪莱和拜伦的作品,乃其至爱,一俟新评问世,他必关注;而且,在早餐(那早餐是几枚在餐盘中来回滚动的鸡蛋)时侃侃而谈,谈论他所爱戴的工党的困境和未来。 | ||1:He died a much-loved Englishman, renowed for his untidy shock of white hair, his shambling wanderings on Hampstead Heath with his dog Dizzy, his devotion to literature, and the modesty that allowed him, when leader of the Labour Party, to stand in his anorak waiting at the bus stop.||2:Deep into old age, half-blind, he never failed to keep up with the latest works on his great loves, Shelley and Byron, and to hold forth over breakfast—several eggs running all over his plate—about the latest troubles of his beloved party, and its prospects for the future. | |
19 | ||1:这位亨利先生的故事潦草地记叙在他留下的11本笔记中,让凯瑟琳的心得到了死去的情人再也无法给予的抚慰。||2:然而随着凯瑟琳对亨利遗稿的探读,也随着她修复工作的深入,生命与器物的界限开始模糊。||3:她让亨利精美的发条天鹅重现生机,却抹去了她不光彩的感情的一切遗迹,抹去了她与情人间通情的电邮:“我永远地抹去了Walberswick后那片松林里,透过叶隙而下的缕缕阳光;也永远地告别了Dunwich平原上,彼时的繁华似锦”。||4:在最后一封电邮前,凯瑟琳迟疑着,那是她的情人去世前几个小时发给她的字句,“我亲吻你的趾尖”,邮件中如是写道。 | ||1: Henry’s story, scrawled in 11 notebooks, comforts Catherine as her lover can no longer. ||2: Yet as she reads and works, the distinction between the animate and inanimate blur. ||3: She brings Henry’s preening swan to life but eradicates the afterlife of her adultery, the e-mail trail between her and her lover: “I deleted, for ever, the celestial light through the pine forest behind Walberswick, the heath at Dunwich in full flower”. ||4: She lingers over his final e-mail, “I kiss your toes”, sent hours before he died. | |
20 | 结果,你就会看到一场奇妙的希思-鲁宾逊简易工艺展。 | The result is a wonderfully Heath -Robinson collection of improvised craft. | |
21 | “乔尼·希思来信说,他跟你做了一次极妙的游览,”鲁道夫说。 | "Johnny Heath wrote me that he had a wonderful trip with you, " Rudolph said. | |
22 | 《男性健康》副主编MattMarion称:“我们想了解下儿童成长比较安全及比较危险的地方。” | "We wanted to get a sense of where kids around the country are safest, or in some danger, " said Matt Marion, deputy editor at Men’s Heath . | |
23 | 1973年,他组织的矿工罢工导致爱德华•希思政府于1974年3月下台。 | In 1973, he was instrumental in organising the miners’ strike that brought down Edward Heath ’s Government in March 1974. | |
24 | 1973年希思首相把英国带入欧洲共同体。 | Prime Minister Ted Heath takes Britain into the European Community | |
25 | 2006年,丹尼尔和希斯莱杰在澳大利亚最富盛名的AFI颁奖会场中像是老朋友。 | Daniel Radcliffe goofs around with Heath Ledger at the AFI Awards, Australia’s most prestigious film-industry event, in 2006. | |
26 | 安徽省三市社区卫生服务人员培训基本情况调研报告 | Report on the investigation of community heath care personnel and their training in the three cities of Anhui | |
27 | 本研究探究了体育教育对聋人大学生心理健康的影响。 | This paper explores the effects on deaf undergraduates’ mental heath made by sports education. | |
28 | 彼得·曼德尔森或许唤醒了人们对于“荒芜时代”的回忆,当时他坚持称汽车工业并不是“跛鸭子”(无望的)。 | Peter Mandelson may have evoked memories of the Heath era when he insisted that the motor industry was "not a lame duck" . | |
29 | 不顾冗长的任务清单,我真的只想躺在草地上完成一个读本《转变》,棋谱和丹·汉斯(音译)新出的书。 | Despite my lengthy to-do list, I really just wanted to lay in the grass and finish reading "Switch, " the latest book by Chip and Dan Heath . | |
30 | 不管有多么不情愿,爱德华-希斯(EdwardHeath)在1972年还是决定让英镑自由浮动。 | Edward Heath ’s decision in 1972 to float sterling, however reluctantly he made it, should have changed all that. |