1 | 她没有什么财产,而我却已经很有钱了,因为我是我母亲的继承人,而且我的财产将来还会增加一倍的,因为圣·梅朗先生和圣·梅朗夫人的财富将来总有一天也会传给我的。 | and I much fear she envies me the fortune I enjoy in right of my mother, and which will be more than doubled at the death of M. and Mme. de Saint-Mran, whose sole heiress I am | |
2 | 每一个渴望拥有任何程度的高尚优雅的富有的年轻男土,加上 | Every wealthy young man, plus the occasional heiress , who aspired to any degree of refinement, embarked on the European Tour | |
3 | 那个继承了大笔财产的年轻女子是理想的伴侣 | The young heiress was a good match | |
4 | 那位独养女对她说:“我一辈子都没有这么快乐过。” | "I have never been so pleased with anything in my life," the heiress told her | |
5 | 年轻的女继承人过于大方以致不到几年的功夫就把钱都送掉了。 | The young heiress was so generous that she gave all her money away in a couple of years | |
6 | 强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。 | The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom. | |
7 | 他从格纳兰加到了宾格里,找了一份驯马的工作,眼睛却盯着庄园里那位与其鳏居的父亲住在一起的芳华已过、相貌平平的女继承人。 | From Gnarlunga he went to Bingelly and got a job breaking horses, his eye on the homestead where the aging and unattractive heiress lived with her widowed father | |
8 | 他的妻子却以厌烦的表情和轻浮的衣饰来显示她根本不把这笔遗产放在眼里。 | His wife’s bored attitude and frivolous gown proclaimed the heiress ’s disregard of the insignificant interests at stake | |
9 | 他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机抱有怀疑。 | He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family. | |
10 | 他娶了一位继承大笔财产的女子为妻。 | He took an heiress to wife. | |
11 | 我们刚刚听说他与一位女继承人结了婚。 | We have just heard of his marriage to an heiress . | |
12 | 希望同一位能继承财产的女士结婚. | hope to marry an heiress | |
13 | 一位生活奢华的女继承人 | An heiress living in the lap of luxury. | |
14 | 在“尼罗河惨案”中,林奈·里奇韦是一大笔财产的年轻美丽的继承人,但她有很多敌人。 | In “Death on the Nile”, Linet Ridgeway is the young and beautiful heiress to an immense fortune, but she has a lot of enemies. | |
15 | 在“尼罗河惨案”中,林奈·里厅韦是一大笔财产的年轻美丽的继承人,但她有很多敌人。 | In “Death on the Nile”, Linet Ridgeway is the young and beautiful heiress to an immense fortune, but she has a lot of enemies. | |
16 | 在当时的小说里,这一难题常常由最后一页的重大发现得以圆满地解决:原先一文不名的女主人摇身一变,成了巨额财富的继承人。 | In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress | |
17 | ||1:公职期满后,汤普森建立了泰国丝绸公司(如今公司以他的名字命名)并收集手工艺品来装饰曼谷的房屋,时至今日这些房屋仍是旅客必到之处。||2:在曼谷,他成了一个猛烈批判美国在该地区的政策的人。||3:这点十分重要,因为他是十九世纪六十年代“东南亚最有名的普通公民”。||4:肯尼迪家族、艾森豪威尔家族、杜鲁门?卡波特、萨默塞特?毛姆和“几乎每一位著名的欧洲王室成员及女性王位继承人”在大驾光临曼谷时,无一例外都前往吉姆的住所与他共进晚餐。 | ||1: After government service, Thompson built up the Thai silk business that bears his name and collected artefacts to adorn the Bangkok house which is still on the tourist itinerary. ||2: He became a fierce critic of America’s policy in the region. ||3: This mattered since he was, in the 1960s, “the best-known private citizen in South-East Asia”. ||4: The Kennedys, the Eisenhowers, Truman Capote, Somerset Maugham and “nearly every prominent royal or heiress in Europe”; they all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok. | |
18 | ||1:在中世纪,骑士们可以使用非常精细的纹章来炫耀自己家族历史,在战场上带着有家族纹章的盾牌或旗帜可以阐明他们的血统—和一位女继承人结婚,或者身为家中长子或幼子。||2:八百年后,汽车司机也开始这样做了,而他们使用的是个性化“家庭贴纸”:一副小小的全家简笔画描绘。||3:尽管这股潮流的起源已经不甚明了,但几年前在墨西哥兴起了一种默认观点,首先就是在车上贴通用类数字图,表明了家中孩子的数量。 | ||1:IN THE Middle Ages, heraldry allowed knights to show off family histories in amazing detail, lugging shields or banners into battle that explained their ancestry, whether they had married an heiress and their status as a first or younger son.||2:Eight centuries later American drivers are catching up, thanks to personalised “family stickers”: tiny stick-figure depictions of an entire household (most typically displayed in one corner of a minivan’s rear-windscreen).||3:Though the trend’s origins are obscure, there is a consensus that it began in Mexico several years ago and at first involved generic outline figures, revealing ony the number of children in a family. | |
19 | 但是,ICO很可能是1999-2000年网络泡沫以来最受欢迎的投资狂热;就连名媛帕里斯·希尔顿也上车了。 | But ICOs may well be the most popular investment craze since the dotcom boom of 1999-2000; even Paris Hilton, a celebrity heiress , has jumped on the bandwagon. | |
20 | 去年十月这种情况改变了,当最高法院规定支持德国的一名女继承人的婚前协议而反对她前夫的质疑。 | That changed in October last year, when a Supreme Court ruling upheld a German heiress ’s prenup against a challenge from her ex-husband, who claimed he hadn’t realised that it was unfairly one-sided when he signed it. | |
21 | 小圆面包一直是SPC的主要产品,而且其老板也不是富家千金。 | Buns have always been SPC’s bread and butter—and its boss is not an heiress . | |
22 | “外表已经不再重要了”,这位23岁的希尔顿酒店集团的女继承人、模特兼演员在9月22日播出的这次采访中说。 | "Looks don’t matter anymore, " the 23-year-old hotel heiress -model-actress said in the interview, set to air on September 22nd. | |
23 | 当服务员问这位女继承人要点什么时被小声告知:“矿泉水”。 | When a waiter asked the heiress for her order, he was quietly told: "Mineral water. " | |
24 | 结婚。第一个人为了金钱和富翁的女儿结婚得到金钱。另外一个为了安全和政治 | Three men got married. One married an heiress for money. He got money; One politician’s daughter for security. He got security; The third | |
25 | 邻近巴黎的Courbevoie法院的法官判决,这位女继承人应接受其家人的监护。 | The judge in the Courbevoie court near Paris placed the heiress under the protection of her family. | |
26 | 帕丽斯今年25岁,也就是说,如果她想实现这个愿望的话,每年至少得生一个孩子。 | If the heiress is 25, that means she would have to have at least one kid a year in order to make her deadline of four babies by 30. | |
27 | 我听说过一个纽约的女继承人谁是他的父亲抢去,并采取在中东某处的儿子一个故事。 | I heard one story about the son of a New York heiress who was snatched by his father and taken somewhere in the Middle East. | |
28 | 雅芳(Avon)一位女继承人30年前创立的EdnaMcConnellClarkFoundation就清楚说明了这种改变如何已成为主流。 | The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, started 30 years ago by an Avon heiress , illustrates how change has reached the mainstream. | |
29 | 杨慧妍,是去年位列财富榜首的地产大亨女继承人,如今是最大的输家。 | Yang Huiyuan, the property heiress who topped last year’s list, is the biggest loser. | |
30 | 这并不是说要找个富家小姐(公子)结婚(虽然这没什么坏处)。 | I don’t mean they find a rich heir or heiress to wed, though that might not hurt. |