属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 12941-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S76-051-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 12941-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 1835-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S76-034-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 1835-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S78-501-3-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 352-3-2002
1 | 班长通过头盔里的接收器听到了这样的信息,这个接收器通过头骨传播声音,所以除班长本人外,其他人是绝对听不到的,这样可以避免因通信联系而暴露自己。 | The squad leader hears the message through a receiver inside his helmet that conducts sounds through the bones of his head--no one but he can hear the voice, so communications won’t give away his position | |
2 | 长臀鮠繁殖生物学初步研究 | Preliminary Studies on Reproduction Biology of Helmet Catfish (Cranoglanis bouderius) | |
3 | 长臀鮠胚胎发育的研究 | Artificial Breeding and Embryonic Development of Helmet Catfish (Cranoglanis bouderius) | |
4 | 促性腺激素释放激素类似物/地欧酮对长臀鮠血清雌二醇和睾酮质量浓度的影响 | Effect of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs/Domperidone on Serum 17β-Estradiol and Testosterone Consistency in Helmet Catfish (Cranoglanis bouderius) | |
5 | 戴上安全帽再下去,不要冒险。 | Wear your safety helmet when you go down. Don’t take any risks | |
6 | 戴在头盔内的防护帽一种钢或皮革制成的帽子,以前戴在头盔或铠甲头巾下 | A heavy skullcap of steel or leather,formerly worn under a helmet or mail hood. | |
7 | 戴这个头盔我什么也看不见 | I can’t see a thing in this helmet | |
8 | 当一级方程式车手们在赛车道上高速行驶的时候,你很难辨认出他们,他们进出驾驶室时最容易辨认的装备却是他们的头盔。 | Formula One drivers may be hard t0 recognize at times aS they speed their way mum the track.But in and out 0f the cockpit, the most recognisable piece 0f their equipment is their helmet . | |
9 | 电源是一台可持续工作6天的液氢微型涡轮发电机和一组藏在头盔内衬里或装在武器箱中可供电3小时的可充电电池片。 | A power supply that uses a microturbine fueled by a six-day supply of liquid hydrogen, backed up by rechargeable 3-hour battery patches embedded in the helmet liner or attached to the weapons pod | |
10 | 钢盔一种小的,轻的圆钢盔,顶端有尖刺,通常前面带有护甲 | A small,light,rounded steel helmet ,terminating in a point and often closed in front with a visor. | |
11 | 光机电一体化多功能煤矿矿工安全帽 | Multifunction Miner Safety Helmet Based on Light Machine and Electric All-in-one | |
12 | 焊工除下护面罩,露出一张流着汗水的圆脸。 | The welder took off his helmet , disclosing a sweating round face. | |
13 | 呼吸保护器.头盔和帽子的鼓风过滤装置.要求,检验,标识 | Respiratory protective devices-Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood-Requirements, testing, marking; | |
14 | 呼吸保护装置.带头盔或面罩的轻型结构压缩空气的管路呼吸装置.要求、试验和作标记 | Respiratory protective devices-Light duty construction compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or a hood-Requirements, testing, marking. | |
15 | 呼吸保护装置.带有头盔或口罩的强力过滤装置.要求,试验和标记 | Respiratory protective devices-Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood-Requirements, testing, marking | |
16 | 呼吸保护装置.连接头盔和头罩的轻型结构压缩空气的线状呼吸装置.要求,试验,标记 | Respiratory protective devices-Light duty construction compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or a hood-Requirements, testing, marking | |
17 | 呼吸保护装置.与一头盔或头罩相连的强力过滤装置.要求,试验和标记 | Respiratory protective devices. Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood. Requirements, testing, marking. | |
18 | 呼吸防护设备.带有防护帽或罩的轻型压缩气体线性呼吸仪器.要求、试验、标记 | Respiratory protective devices-Light duty compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or a hood-Requirements, testing, marking; | |
19 | 护鼻头盔上用以保护鼻子的部分 | The nosepiece of a helmet . | |
20 | 护耳器.一般技术要求.第3部分:固定在工业防护帽上的耳套 | Hearing protectors-General requirements-Part 3 : ear-muffs attached to an industrial safety helmet . | |
21 | 护面甲:一块附在头盔或胸铠上的盔甲,用于保护嘴和下巴。 | Beaver: a piece of armor attached to a helmet or breastplate to protect the mouth and chin. | |
22 | 护听器.安全要求和试验.工业安全头盔的耳套 | Hearing protectors-Safety requirements and testing-Ear-muffs attached to an industrial safety helmet | |
23 | 即使是在青铜武器制作的鼎盛时期,铁制武器也开始出现。许多出土的铁制武器制作于战国时期,其中有铁剑、铁矛、铁戟、刀和铁制头盔。 | Even at the peak of bronze weapon making, iron and steel weapon appeared. a lot of them dating from the Warring.States period were found, they include swords, spears, ji, (halberds), daggers, and a helmet of iron armor plates. | |
24 | 驾驶员防护帽,配在驾驶服上 | divers’ helmet for fitting to diving suits | |
25 | 剑刺穿了武士的头盔。 | The sword bit the knight’s helmet . | |
26 | 将某人头盔加上顶饰. | crest sb`s helmet | |
27 | 杰端:我以前是从不留胡子,我头发是在头盔里。 | Jerry: I never had a beard. I kept my hair inside the helmet . | |
28 | 尽管雅典娜总是被描述成全副武装,头戴钢盔,身穿护胸甲等,但她只提倡为保卫祖国而战。 | Though often represented as fully armed, helmet and breastplate and all that, she favoured patriotic defense | |
29 | 尽管只有班长一人亲眼看到了他,但通过安装在头盔里的显示器,现在班里的所有战士都发现了这个危险的狙击手。 | Although the leader is the only one with a direct view, all the members of his squad can now see the would-be sniper on their helmet -mounted displays | |
30 | 矿灯固定在矿工的头盔上 | A miner’s lamp is fixed onto his helmet |