属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谷歌向欧盟低头 公民可以要求Google将你被遗忘
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疑欧派 狡猾的计划
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 清白先生 Mr Clean
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国互联网公司 迁徙之雀
1 | 全国军事指挥中心笼统地告诉他我们在莫斯科至特拉维夫之间的某处。 | The NMCC helpfully told him we were somewhere between Moscow and Tel Aviv | |
2 | 现在要提只能提积极意见,否则最好三缄其口。 | It is a time for people either to criticize helpfully or to hold their tongues | |
3 | 行李员把你的行李搬到房间,向你解释如何收看CNN,告诉你怎么开灯,怎么把空调调好。然后他指着电话说:“如果你还需要什么,请打电话。” | The porter brings your bags to your room and helpfully explains how to access CNN. He shows you how to turn on the lights and adjust the air-conditioner. Then he points to the phone and says: “If there’s anything else you need, just call.” | |
4 | 这位顾问为政客讲话安装了一个很有用的“实质消声器”, | The consultant has helpfully rigged up a "substance muffler" for the politician to speak through | |
5 | ||1:马科斯·莫斯利对性惯行十分陶醉,而这却会成为人们眼中的怪异举止和癖好。||2:但是这是他个人私事,因此在2008年,一个现已停止经营的英国小报错误授予其“病态纳粹狂欢者”的“荣誉”称号,对此他提出起诉,一纸将该报刊告上法庭,宣称其侵犯了自己的个人隐私,并最终获得胜诉。||3:然而,这一事件的指控,在互联网上依然得以保留。||4:如果你轻触鼠标,键入“马科斯·莫斯利”,谷歌会有效地弹出所有关于马科斯的相关搜索:最前的四个搜索结果就是“视频”、“案件”、“艳照”以及“绯闻”。||5:马科斯以及和他一样倍感自己生活被一些将其名字与名誉污点以及无关事宜相捆绑的搜索引擎给抹黑了—他们需要匡正。 | ||1:MAX MOSLEY enjoyed sexual practices which many might find odd.||2:But that was his business, so when in 2008 a now-defunct British tabloid wrongly dubbed him a participant in a “sick Nazi orgy”, he sued it for breaching his privacy and won.||3:The allegations, however, remain on the internet.||4:If you type in “Max Mosley”, Google helpfully tries to complete the search: the first four options are “video”, “case”, “pictures” and “scandal”.||5:He—and many others who feel their lives are tainted by the smears and irrelevancies which search engines link to their names—want redress. | |
6 | ||1:民意调查显示,尽管选民们反感欧洲移民以及欧盟规章,他们也在谨慎的考虑宣布放弃整个单一市场可能带来的损失。||2:卡梅隆先生也致力于重新谈判英国的欧盟成员资格,打算随后再经由全民公投决定。||3:虽然有部分疑欧派的后座议员私底下对卡梅隆的计划冷嘲热讽,但也只有最桀骜不羁的人才愿意公开反对了。||4:然而,考虑到改变现状既是件苛求的事也不太可能,脱欧派们也同时提名首相的计划,指出他们的不满并推动舆论风向倒向自己这边。||5:这也许会使保守党在下届党魁选举中占尽上风。||6:“特蕾莎·梅可能带领我们脱离欧盟吗?”一家小报抛出这样的问题,有力的回应了内政大臣关于移民问题的政见。 | ||1:Polls suggest that although voters are hostile to European immigration and rules, they are wary of renouncing the single market entirely.||2:Mr Cameron is committed to renegotiating Britain’s EU membership, then putting it to a referendum.||3:Though some Eurosceptic backbenchers scorn that plan in private, only the most rebellious are willing to do so publicly.||4:But by demanding impossible changes, those who want to leave can simultaneously name-check the prime minister’s plan, indicate their dissent and nudge ordinary Britons towards outism.||5:This may be particularly useful for Tories positioning themselves for the next leadership contest.||6:“Can Theresa May lead us out of the European Union?” asked one tabloid, helpfully , in response to the home secretary’s thoughts on immigration. | |
7 | ||1:要嘲笑一个军火商去鼓吹道德是很容易的,尤其是这个公司在实施它一尘不染的规定之前达成的那些交易还在挣钱的时候。||2:一个身经百战的业内老兵如金先生者也不是一个新官。||3:但他拥有进行真正转变的所有热情。||4:“你必须相信它,”他说,“它是一条你必须亲自踏上的旅途。”||5:有帮助的是,他说,把BAE塑造成业内负责任行为的“标杆”这一目标将与他自己酬劳的很大一部分相关联。||6:他表示,股东们很支持。||7:他们情愿接受在世界某地失去业务,也不愿BAE承受声誉风险。||8:至于沙特人,金先生说,他们现在也想改变行事方法。||9:那么如果一个竞争对手公司提出和他们用“传统”的方式做生意呢?||10: “那么沙特人就必须做出他们的选择,” 他说。 | ||1: It is easy to scoff at the idea of an arms firm preaching ethics, particularly one that is still making money from deals concluded before its squeaky-clean rules were put in place. ||2: Nor is an industry veteran, such as Mr King, an obvious new broom. ||3: But he has all the fervour of a true convert. ||4: “You have to believe in it,” he says. “It’s a journey you personally have to make.” ||5: Helpfully , a significant part of his own remuneration is, he says, linked to making BAE “a benchmark” for responsible behaviour in the industry. ||6: Shareholders, he claims, are supportive. ||7: They have accepted that it is better to lose business in some parts of the world than to expose BAE to reputational risk. ||8: As for the Saudis, Mr King says that they too now want to do things differently. ||9: And if a rival firm were to offer to do business with them in the “traditional” way? ||10: “Then the Saudis will have to make their choice,” he says. | |
8 | 当竞争对手—电脑制造商迈克尔戴尔被问到,他认为乔布斯应如何对待苹果的时候,戴尔好心建议他应该将苹果公司关闭。 | Asked at the time what he thought Mr Jobs should do with Apple, Michael Dell, a rival computer-maker, helpfully suggested that he should shut it down. | |
9 | 更有助益的是,许多热门的美国初创企业如Airbnb和Square不太可能很快上市, | Helpfully , various hot American startups, such as Airbnb and Square, are unlikely to list soon, | |
10 | “如果你把一个人冻在零下40度的地方,”海南魁北克加工厂王经理的解释很容易理解,“那他是永远不会变质的。” | That’s cold. "If you freeze a man at minus 40 degrees, " HQ plant manager Wang explains helpfully , "he will keep forever. " | |
11 | 帮倒忙的是,它也激发了日本的资产泡沫。 | Less helpfully , it also whipped up the Japanese asset bubble. | |
12 | 不过一些债权人允许欠款人延期数月还清。 | Some creditors, though, are helpfully letting people stretch this out over months. | |
13 | 第一选择是,在链接文件时,pseudo可以帮助具有相同名称的现有文件断开链接。 | The first was that, when linking a file, pseudo helpfully unlinked any existing file of the same name. | |
14 | 而且现在看来,盗版似乎不再构成太大威胁,这来的正是时候。 | Helpfully on cue, piracy now seems less of a threat. | |
15 | 该基金会也有不同层次风险的项目组合,这点在盖茨先生的信里做了很有帮助的阐释。 | The foundation also has a portfolio of projects with different levels of riskiness, which Mr Gates helpfully illustrates in his letter. | |
16 | 更有益的是,他们推进了扫盲进程,争取了妇女权益,反对“贱民的卑污性”和社会等级系统。 | More helpfully , they pushed literacy and women’s rights, and opposed "untouchability" and the caste system. | |
17 | 客户行为正在变得有利于更负责任的资金管理,有利于签账卡业务。 | Consumer behaviour is helpfully shifting in favour of more responsible money-management, and in favour of charge cards. | |
18 | 劳工统计局有用地提供了“平滑的”数据,调整了估计过程中的变化。 | The BLS helpfully provides "smoothed" data that adjusts for the change in the estimation procedure. | |
19 | 另一个的兄弟也有益相比利比亚的卡扎菲,说他将会之争40年。 | Another brother has helpfully compared Ollanta to Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, saying he would like to stay in power for 40 years. | |
20 | 美国中央情报局(CIA)还曾一度坚持说在库尔德人的哈拉巴市释放毒气的是伊朗而不是伊拉克,也帮了伊拉克一把。 | For a time, the CIA helpfully contended that it was Iran, not Iraq, that had dumped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja. | |
21 | 然而,治理这些害虫的希望可能在于一种亚洲的寄生蜂,这种寄生蜂把它们的卵寄生在椿象卵里。 | Hope, however, may lie with an Asian parasitic wasp, which helpfully lays its eggs inside stink bug eggs. | |
22 | 如果你对潜在的人选没有心仪的感觉,这条裙子也会保持严严实实的不透明感觉,以此来帮你表态说“不”。 | If you’re just not that into your potential suitor, the dress helpfully says "no way" on your behalf by staying firmly opaque. | |
23 | 所以老人们常常是根据别人的建议尝试去回答这些问题并使回答更有帮助。 | So usually the old person tries helpfully to answer the question by offering advice. | |
24 | 他还“很帮忙地”指出,欧洲拥有着四大唱片公司中的两个半。 | Two and a half of the four big record companies, he helpfully points out, are European-owned. | |
25 | 他还说,零售商和供应商之间关于谁的产品更为环保的争论也会有助于提高消费者的认知。 | And arguments between retailers and suppliers about whose products were greener would helpfully raise consumer awareness, he says. | |
26 | 他看有阿拉伯语翻译的迪斯尼卡通片,一看就是数小时。 | He spends hours watching Walt Disney cartoons, helpfully dubbed into Arabic. | |
27 | 他也承认,欧盟作为一个整体不会同意设定期限,但即使只确认一下入盟定会有结果也有助于增强信心。 | The whole EU would never agree to a deadline, he recognises, but even the idea of an end-point would helpfully boost morale. | |
28 | 我给通讯社打了一通电话,他们说帮不了我什么忙,还“好心建议”我应当在昨天就登记。 | I call the press office. They say there is nothing that they can do, and helpfully suggest that I could have registered the day before. | |
29 | 一名共和党议员信誓旦旦地说:解决方案就是州长辞职。 | The solution, one Republican state senator helpfully averred, was for the governor to resign. | |
30 | 由于英国国歌曾经也是澳大利亚国歌,他都不必去参照被周到地打印在纸上的歌词。 | Since our national anthem used to be Australia’s as well, he didn’t need to refer to the words, which had been helpfully printed on a sheet. |