1 | 他的国内政策也有效地支持了他对本半球所做的努力。 | His politics at home were validating his efforts in the hemisphere | |
2 | 他们生活在东半球。 | They live in this hemisphere . | |
3 | 它是由一种北半球朝逆时针方向旋转而南半球向顺时针方向旋转的大气体系形成的。 | It is formed by a system of air rotating anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern | |
4 | 滔天洪水使北半球陷入没顶之灾,其他地区也受到侵扰。这是中国的神话时代,其他地区亦诞生大量神话。 | This big flood hit the northern Hemisphere , if not the whole earth. It was an age of great myths in China as it was elsewhere. | |
5 | 天坛(星)座:南半球靠近矩尺座及望远镜座的一个星座。 | Ara: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the constellations Norma and Telescopium. | |
6 | 同侧大脑半球之急性多发性梗塞:病例报告 | Acute Simultaneous Multiple Infarctions in One Cerebral Hemisphere : A Case Report | |
7 | 土拨鼠任一种土拨鼠属的粗胖的、皮毛粗糙的穴居啮齿动物,生有短腿短耳,尾短而多毛,广泛分布于北半球 | Any of various stocky,coarse-furred,burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota,having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere . | |
8 | 维护西半球土著国家和人民原则宣言 | Declaration of Principles for the Defence of the Indigenous Nations and Peoples of the Western Hemisphere | |
9 | 我国东北及邻近地区年平均气温异常及其对北半球气候变暖和欧亚雪盖面积的响应 | Variation of Annual Mean Temperature in Northeast of China and Its Responding to the Northern Hemisphere Warming and Snow Cover Area Changing in Eurasia | |
10 | 五国橄榄球系列赛起源于1909年,来自英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰、爱尔兰和法国的5支球队角逐北半球最高殊荣的橄榄球大赛。 | Five Nations Rugby Union Series is a tournament that dates Back to 1909 Teams from England,Wales,Scotland,Ireland and France Battling it out for Northern Hemisphere Supremacy. | |
11 | 西半球是指南北美洲。 | The Western Hemisphere refers to North and South America | |
12 | 西半球自然保护和野生生物养护公约 | Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation on the Western Hemisphere | |
13 | 喜鹊遍布世界各地的属于鸦科的一种鸟,长有分层的长尾,羽毛呈黑色、蓝色或绿色并带有白色斑点,以其叽叽喳喳的独特叫声而著称。喜鹊,即黑喙喜鹊,广泛分布于北半球 | Any of various birds of the family Corvidae found worldwide,having a long graduated tail and black,blue,or green plumage with white markings and noted for their chattering call.The species Pica pica,the black-billed magpie,is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere . | |
14 | 夏季太阳回归北半球,直射中国大部地区。太平洋季风席卷半个中国,浇透亿万亩农田。季风气候对农耕至为理想。 | In summer, the sun tilts to the northern hemisphere , bathing most of China; monsoons from the ocean sweep half of her land, soaking millions of farms. This monsoon climate is ideal for farming. | |
15 | 小脑半球囊性畸胎瘤1例 | Cystic Teratoma in Cerebellar Hemisphere : Report of One Case | |
16 | 性别差异的脑半球功能特殊化及其认知模块观 | The Gender Differences in Special Function of Cerebra Hemisphere and A perspective of Cognitive Module | |
17 | 研究结果还包括,右脑对赢钱或赢钱的前景作出积极反应,而左脑则对作出输钱的反应较明显。 | The primary response to winning, or the prospect of winning, was seen in the right hemisphere of the brain, while the left hemisphere was more active in response to losing, the researchers reported. | |
18 | 亦称刺柏。柏科刺柏属植物,约60~70种芳香常绿乔木或灌木,广泛分布北半球。 | Any of about 60-70 species of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs that make up the genus Juniperus of the cypress family, found throughout the Northern Hemisphere . | |
19 | 亦译穗醋栗。茶藨子科(醋栗科)茶藨子属一百余种灌木。原产于北半球和南美西部的温带地区 | Any shrub of at least 100 species in the genus Ribes, in the gooseberry family, native to temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere and western South America. | |
20 | 有些反对总统政策的人土担心总统会利用韩国客机事件所引起的反苏情绪,以此证明:在西半球必须对共产党人进行无情的斗争。 | Some opponents of the president’s policies fear that he will try to capitalize on the anti-Soviet feeling stirred by the Korean plane incident, citing it as proof of the need to combat Communist ruthlessness in the Western Hemisphere | |
21 | 右脑伤后半侧忽视对日常生活功能之影响 | Functional Disability in Patients of Right Hemisphere Lesions with and without Hemineglect | |
22 | 右脑中风半侧忽略和吞咽功能的关联性 | The Relationship between Nasogastric Tube Feeding and Hemineglect in Patients after Right Hemisphere Stroke | |
23 | 御夫星座:北天球一星座,位于天猫星座和英仙星座附近,五车二是其中最明亮的一颗星,距离地球四十二光年。 | auriga:a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lynx and Perseus that contains the bright star Capella, which is 42 light-years from Earth. | |
24 | 圆规星:座位于南半球在苍蝇座和南三角座附近的一个星座. | Circinus:a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum australe. | |
25 | 约43种属于水面觅食族(tribe Anatini)的鸭类,其中有38种是鸭属(genus Anas)。分布全世界,主要在内陆水域,最常见于北半球温带地区。 | Any of about 43 species (tribe Anatini; including 38 species in genus Anas)of ducks found worldwide, chiefly on inland waters and most commonly in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere . | |
26 | 在北[南,东,西]半球 | In the Northern [Southern, Eastern, Western] hemisphere | |
27 | 在北半球,北回归线的纬度最高。 | The Tropic of Cancer is the most northerly latitude in the Northern Hemisphere | |
28 | 在北半球,本赛季的橄榄球赛已接近尾声,然而在香港一项新的大赛就要开始。 | In the northern hemisphere ,the rugby season is drawing towards a conclusion for this season,however in Hong Kong,a new dawn is fast approaching. | |
29 | 在北半球,春季是三月和四月 | In the northern hemisphere , spring is in March and April | |
30 | 在北半球,傅科摆总是顺时针旋转;而在南半球,傅科摆作逆时针转动(受科氏力影响所致)。摆的转动速率决定于纬度,越靠近赤道速率越小;在赤道上,也就是纬度为0处,傅科摆不转动。 | A Foucault pendulum always rotates clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere (a consequence of the Coriolis force). The rate of rotation depends on the latitude, becoming slower as the pendulum is placed closer to the equator; at the equator, a Foucault pendulum does not rotate. |