1 | 40年代自编自演的独舞《牧马》,成功地塑造了性格豪迈,马术高超的牧人形象。 | The solo dance "Herding Horses" choreographed and performed by Jia himself in the 1940s successfully presented to us a broad-minded herdsman good at riding. | |
2 | 阿索乡牧民阿珍一家15口人,有1800只羊,50头牦牛,已向国家出售羊毛750公斤、山羊绒50公斤、酥油25公斤,现有存款达1·5万多元。 | Azhen, a herdsman from Asuo village has a family of 15 people, has 1800 goats, 50 yaks, has already sold 750 kg of wool, 50 kg of cashmere, 25 kg of ghee to the nation, and currently has deposits of more than 15,000 yuan | |
3 | 肥沃的草地吸引了牧人。 | Lush grasslands beckoned the herdsman | |
4 | 共和国成立之后,不但在民歌改编方面出现了《牧歌》、《玛依拉》、《新疆好》等佳作 | Following the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, high-quality compositions such as The Herdsman ’s Song, Mayila and Wonderful Xinjiang were accompanied | |
5 | 黄昏来临时,牧人来喂他的牲口。 | At the approach of the evening the herdsman come to feed his cattle. | |
6 | 尽管牲畜的数目已开始超过牧场的承受能力,然而每个放牧人都意识到,继续扩大自己的牧群能赚取净利。 | Even as the numbers of cattle begin to exceed the carrying capacity of the land, each herdsman perceives that continuing to increase the size of his own herd is to his net benefit | |
7 | 瞿希贤的《牧歌》、杨嘉仁的《半个月亮爬上来》、王震亚的《阳关三叠》 | Qu Xixian’s Herdsman ’s Song, Yang Jiaren’s The Half-Moon Rises, Wang Zhen Ya’s Three Rises on the Wide Road | |
8 | 牧人把羊群赶到野外,用夜晚的新鲜露水催肥。 | The herdsman drove afield battening his flocks with the fresh dews of night. | |
9 | 牧人放牧着一群牲畜。 | The herdsman looks after a herd of animals | |
10 | 年轻的牧民轻快地跃上一匹惯于对生人使性子的马。 | The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider. | |
11 | 破解西藏“三农”问题的根本是提高农牧民素质 | To Improve Agriculture Herdsman Quality is the Foundation of Solving Tibetan "Three Dimensional Rural Issues" Problems | |
12 | 他尤其喜欢牧民们的舞蹈:"多么壮美,多么丰富,我简直惊呆了 | When he talked about the dances of herdsman , he said, "How magnificent! How plentiful! I was shocked. | |
13 | 晚上,牧马人将马匹安顿在附近的棚里过夜。 | In the evening the herdsman bedded the horses down in a near-by shed | |
14 | 我的住处被迁去离开我,好像牧人的帐棚一样。我将性命卷起,像织布的卷布一样。耶和华必将我从机头剪断,从早到晚,他要使我完结。 | My resting-place is pulled up and taken away from me like a herdsman ’s tent: my life is rolled up like a linen-worker’s thread; I am cut off from the cloth on the frame: from day even to night you give me up to pain. | |
15 | 我们看到一群羊,由一个骑马的牧民放牧着。 | We saw a flock of sheep,watched by a herdsman on horseback. | |
16 | 羊绒是我国高档毛纺织品的重要原料和出口创汇的重要商品,是主产区牧民的重要收入来源。 | Cashmere is a vital aspect of China’s high-grade wool textiles, and is a major foreign exchange-earning export item.It is also an important source of income for herdsman in the primary production areas of cashmere. | |
17 | 一个牧民至多看八百只羊,一年约挣六百五十元。 | One herdsman , who looks after 800 sheep at most, earns about 650 yuan a year. | |
18 | 本项研究从贺兰山地及腾格里沙漠牧区牧民家庭中采集到31份山羊乳及乳制品样品,进行乳酸球菌的分离和生物学特性的研究。 | 31 samples of milk and milk products were collected from the herdsman ’s home in Helan Mountains and north east area of Tenggeli desert. | |
19 | 对每个牧民来说,多放牧一头牲口带来的好处都归自己所有,而过度放牧的成本则有所有牧民一起承担。 | Each herdsman captures all the benefit from an extra animal but the cost of overgrazing is borne by all. | |
20 | 该国还是世界第二大的牧牛之国,人均拥有2.3头牛,仅仅落后于人均3.7头牛的乌拉圭。 | It is also the second biggest cattle herdsman , with the equivalent of 2. 3 cows per person, second only to Uruguay’s 3. 7. | |
21 | 河西走廊祁连山区牧户经济行为分析--以肃南县为例 | ANALYSIS ON THE ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR OF THE HERDSMAN IN THE HEXI CORRIDOR--A Case Study of Sunan County | |
22 | 内蒙古,一个汉族司机肇事逃逸引发持续数天的种族骚乱。 | In Inner Mongolia, a Han Chinese truck driver kills a local herdsman in a hit-and-run accident, and ethnic unrest flares for days. | |
23 | 四川省藏区牧民卫生服务利用的局限以及改进机会参与式研究 | Study on Limitations of Health Service Utilization and Participating Model Improving Chance of Tibetan Herdsman in Sichuan | |
24 | 我国少数民族农牧民收入增长的分析 | An Analysis on Ethnic Peasants and Herdsman Income Increase | |
25 | 西藏庆农奴解放纪念日 | rd Serfs Emancipation Day Tibet autonomous region herdsman | |
26 | 这个牧人想拥有的是一群马。 | A herd of horses is what the herdsman wants to have. |