属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-计算机间谍活动 我被间谍给黑了
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-9.11突发事件录音公布
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-没有飞行员的客机是否更安全?
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-9.11突发事件录音公布
1 | 阿巴斯去年在巴格达被抓,他是劫持“阿奇里·劳罗”号大型游艇事件的策划者。 | Abbas, who was captured in Baghdad last year, was the mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking . | |
2 | 病原菌调节宿主细胞丝裂原活化蛋白激酶免疫防御信号的机理 | Hijacking the Eukaryotic MAPK Pathway by Pathogens | |
3 | 第一百九十一条 以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法劫持航空器的,依照关于惩治劫持航空器犯罪分子的决定追究刑事责任。 | Article 191 Where a person seized an aircraft by violence, threats thereof or other means, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the Decision Regarding the Punishment of the Criminals Engaged in Aircraft Hijacking . | |
4 | 反劫持谈判的生命至上理念 | The Highest Idea of Life of the Anti-hijacking Negotiation | |
5 | 飞机劫持. | hijacking of an airplane | |
6 | 关于惩治劫持航空器犯罪分子的决定 | Decision on Punishing Criminal Elements Hijacking aviation Vehicles | |
7 | 关于劫持航空器罪的司法认定 | Discussion on the Juridical Cognizance of the Aircraft Hijacking Crime | |
8 | 角色互动理论在反劫持谈判中的运用 | The Application in the Anti-hijacking Negotiation of Role’s Interdynamic Theory | |
9 | 劫持(象拦路抢劫似的)偷窃 | To steal from as if by hijacking . | |
10 | 劫持商用飞机事件日益增加所造成的情势 | situation created by increasing incidents involving the hijacking of commercial aircraft | |
11 | 空中劫持;空中紧急情况 | A midair hijacking ;a midair emergency. | |
12 | 论反向域名侵夺―电子商务中域名争议解决程序的滥用 | Analysis on Reverse Domain Name Hijacking -Abuse of UDRP Proceedings in e-business | |
13 | 穆萨维去年八月被以违反移民规定的罪名逮捕,然后十二月被以共谋犯下国际恐怖行为、共谋劫持客机、共谋摧毁一架飞机和共谋使用大规模毁灭性武器的罪名遭到起诉。 | Moussaoui was arrested last August on charges of breaking the immigration rules and then was charged in December with conspiracy to commit international terrorism, of hijacking , attempting to destroy an aircraft and using weapons of mass destruction | |
14 | 那些人抱定决心要劫持飞机。 | The men were intent on hijacking the airplane. | |
15 | 企图空中劫持. | attempt an aerial hijacking | |
16 | 让我们携起手来共同改善航空安全,大规模地扩大国内航班中空中警卫的数量,采取新的措施以防止劫机。 | We will come together to improve air safety, to dramatically expand the number of air marshals on domestic flights, and take new measures to prevent hijacking . | |
17 | 试论结果价值在反劫持谈判中的应用及意义 | Application and Significance of the Result Value in the Anti-hijacking Negotiation | |
18 | 他们正采取措施防止劫机事件的发生。 | They are taking measures to guarantee against the occurrence of hijacking . | |
19 | 以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法劫持航空器的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;致人重伤、死亡或者使航空器遭受严重破坏的,处死刑。 | Whoever hijacks an airplane through violence, coercion, or other means is to be sentenced to not less than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment; or death if the hijacking causes serious injuries, death, or serious destruction of the airplane. | |
20 | 造成严重后果的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑。 | Not less than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment, of life imprisonment, if the hijacking causes serious consequences. | |
21 | 这所名为"航空服务飞行中心"的飞行学校,就是九一一事件劫机嫌犯 | The flight school, Aeroservice Aviation Center, is the same school where Jarrah, the suspect involved in the Sept. 11 hijacking , received his flight training | |
22 | ||1:要查出恶意程序的制造者可不是一件容易事儿。||2:电脑编码无国界。||3:有时,程序员会留下线索或使用暗示语,但这并不能证明什么。||4:受害目标能够提供线索,也可以与已知的恶意程序相比较。||5:比雷金早几周发现的“暗黑宾馆”是一款通过黑进旅馆Wi-Fi系统,攻击公司高管及其他权贵人物的恶意软件。||6:有迹象表明此软件来源于韩国,因为在软件代码中发现了韩文和韩文编码器。||7:此软件的目标包括台湾人、日本人、中国人和少数美国人,尽管美国是韩国的最重要盟友。 | ||1:Working out who has created a piece of malware is not easy.||2:Computer code has no nationality.||3:Programmers sometimes leave hints, or use suggestive phrases, but these are not proof.||4:The targets can provide clues, as can comparisons with known malware.||5:DarkHotel, which targets corporate executives and other bigwigs by hijacking hotel Wi-Fi systems and which was discovered only weeks before Regin, has been tentatively pinned on South Korea.||6:Korean characters, and a reference to a known South Korean coder, were found in its code.||7:The targets included people from Taiwan, Japan, China—and a few from America, South Korea’s most important ally. | |
23 | 担心无人送货机可能会遭遇另一种类型的盗窃——空中劫持。飞行中的无人机很容易受干扰。 | worry that drone deliveries are open to a different sort of piracy—hijacking . A drone in flight is easily upset. | |
24 | 空管已经就劫机通知军方。 | Air traffic controllers had already informed the military about the hijacking . | |
25 | 帕特里克·史密斯(Patrick Smith)曾经担任商业航空公司飞行员长达25年。他撰写了《驾驶舱那些事儿》(Cockpit Confidential)一书。他说,即使是最新的飞机也需要对它们的主系统进行昂贵的重新设计。此外,还存在恐怖分子控制通信链路劫持飞机的担忧。 | Patrick Smith was a commercial airline pilot for 25 years. He wrote a book called "Cockpit Confidential.’’ He says that even the newest airplanes would need costly re-engineering of their major systems. He says there are also concerns over terrorists taking control of the communications link and hijacking the plane. | |
26 | 随后无线电联络丢失。飞机上一位名为Betty Ong的空中乘务员给公司办公室打去电话报告飞机被劫持。 | Soon radio contact is lost. A flight attendant on the plane, Betty Ong, called a company office to report the hijacking . | |
27 | 2010年,由财团和超级富翁对美国民主的劫持几近完成。 | In 2010, the hijacking of American democracy by corporations and the super-rich became almost complete. | |
28 | 330米长油轮遭劫持是去年索马里海盗劫持海轮中最大的一次。 | The hijacking of the 330-metre long vessel was the culmination of a dramatic surge in piracy off Somalia this year. | |
29 | Facebook最多发布了数十亿(这不是夸大其辞)间谍软件广告,这些广告诱骗用户安装浏览器劫持软件。 | At best, Facebook is showing billions (literally) of spyware ads that trick users into installing browser-hijacking software. | |
30 | 参与、中产阶级化与历史的新自由主义劫机 | Engagement, Gentrification, and the Neoliberal Hijacking of History Michael Herzfeld |