属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
1 | "这次被收录的新词还包括""cheesy""二流的、低级的;""six-pack"",意思是腹部打褶的肌肉;""Bollywood"",指位于印度孟买的印度电影业中心。" | Other newcomers to the dictionary include cheesy, which means second-rate or inferior; six-pack, meaning rippling abdominal muscles, and bollywood, which refers to the Hindi film industry based in Bombay, India. | |
2 | "芝麻街"中那些软软的、毛绒绒的居民很快就会操着印度语,给印度的孩子们讲述当地的故事了。 | The soft and fluffy residents of Sesame Street will soon speak in Hindi to engage Indian children with local stories. | |
3 | 如果我们试图实行这些轻率而愚蠢的主张,以印度语和其他15种官方承认的各邦语言取代英语的话,印度就会因语言的纷杂而乱成一团。 | If we try to implement these harebrained ideas (that English should be replaced by Hindi and the 15 recognized state languages), India will become a Tower of Babel. | |
4 | 现在人民党已分裂成几个地区性的小组织,主要集中在印地语区的心脏地带--北方邦和比哈尔邦。 | Janata has split into several small regional groupings, mainly centred in the Hindi heartland of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar | |
5 | 《梦想家》缺乏官方数据引文,但这位讲印地语的作者以其能力刻画出《梦想家》所述人物的内心想法,以此弥补这种缺乏。 | But what "Dreamers" lacks in citations of official data it makes up for through its Hindi speaking author’s ability to draw out her subjects’inner thoughts. | |
6 | ||1:“右,右,右。||2:左,左,左,”印度讲印地语的中心城市勒克瑙郊区的一所公立小学里,一群五岁的孩子正在唱歌。||3:这所英语学校是去年萨罗吉尼纳加尔行政街区215所公立学校中开办的7所学校之一,北方邦是印度人口最多的州,为抗衡私立学校的的发展,北方邦政府建了这所学校。||4:私立学校在印度如雨后春笋般涌现——私立学校的入学率从2010-11年的四分之一上升到2016-17年的三分之一以上——在萨罗吉尼纳加尔有200所注册私立学校和更多的未注册学校。||5:其主要吸引力之一是,绝大多数使用(或声称使用)英语作为教学语言。 | ||1:“Roly poly right, right, right.||2:Roly poly left, left, left,” sings a class of five-year- olds at a government primary school on the outskirts of Lucknow, a city in India’s Hindi -speaking heartland.||3:This English- medium school, one of seven that opened last year among the 215 government schools in the Sarojini Nagar administrative block, is part of an effort by the government of Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, to counter the rise of private schools.||4:Private schools have been mushrooming in India—private-sector enrolment rose from around a quarter of pupils in 2010-11 to over a third in 2016-17— and in Sarojini Nagar there are 200 registered private schools and many more unregistered ones.||5:One of their main attractions is that the great majority of them use (or claim to use) English as the language of instruction. | |
7 | ||1:维基百科定于今年年底在印度开设办事处,这也是它在美国以外开设的第一家办事处。||2:向世界另一端发展(而不是在欧洲这些地方舒舒服服地开一个办事处)尽显维基集团向全球进军的雄心壮志。||3:对于一家资源有限的公司来说,印度确实是个明智之选:国家广大并且有大量使用英语的维基百科用户社群。||4:[color=Blue]。||5:印度人是维基百科第五大捐赠者,在最活跃编辑排行榜上名列第五。||6:维基百科有12个印度语版本。||7:但是即使是最大的版本,北印度语版本里也仅有100000篇文章(英语的则为380万文章)。||8:3亿北印度语使用者蕴藏巨大的增长空间。||9:仅印度一国就能让维基百科的在线用户数翻两倍,在2014年达到近3亿。||10:在印度的进展可以为即将在巴西和阿拉伯世界的扩展工作提供经验,这两个地区也的增长前景也一片光明。 | ||1:By the end of this year, Wikimedia will have opened an office in India, its first outside the United States.||2:Branching out to the far side of the world (rather than opening an office in somewhere comfortable like Europe) is meant to signal the foundation’s global ambitions.||3:India is a sensible choice for an outfit with limited resources: a large, English-speaking Wikipedia community already exists there.||4:Indians are the fifth-largest donors and rank sixth among most-active editors.||5:The encyclopedia has two dozen versions in Indian languages.||6:But even the largest of these, Hindi , has only 100,000 articles (against over 3.||7:8m for English).||8:300m Hindi speakers mean plenty of scope for growth.||9:India alone is expected to triple the number of its internet users to nearly 300m by 2014.||10:The push should provide useful know-how for expansion under way in two other big growth areas: Brazil and the Arab-speaking world. | |
8 | ||1:一只眼皮高贵的下垂;眼睛扫射全场5分钟;女主角的脸庞挂着泪滴;八字胡的男主角站在人群中分外耀眼夺目;伴着没完没了的曲子,幕布内外的演员们围成圈子慢慢地跳着舞......||2: 在Shammi Kapoor到来之前,这些都是宝莱坞的老一套。 ||3:他也能循规蹈矩,保持清高,发表悼词,语出惊人等诸如此类因为贵族的血液在他身体里流淌。||4:到1957年,已拍过19部电影的他依然是个跑龙套的,再也忍不住内心煎熬的他爆发了,不过形式标新立异:剃掉八字须,学猫王把长发修剪成鸭尾式;甩甩头发,急转身体,扭动屁股,他横空出现在印地电影屏幕上。 | ||1: THE stately descent of an eyelid; the five-minute burning glance; tears frozen on a heroine’s cheek; the moustachioed hero standing to pained attention; the slowly circling dance of attendants in and out of curtains to some interminable tune. ||2: That was old Bollywood, before Shammi Kapoor came along. ||3: He could do old-style too, keeping chastely still and delivering his laments and what not, because it ran in the family’s famous blood. ||4: But in 1957, frustration boiling up inside him after 19 films which had made him precisely a nobody, he took a different tack; shaved off the pencil moustache; cropped his long hair into a Presley duck-tail, tossed his head sideways, spun round, shook his hips, and exploded on to the Hindi film scene. | |
9 | 普那姆女士走访小城镇,主要是在印度北部及中心的印地语区地带,屡次发现如出一辙的雄心和怒气。 | Ms Poonam travels to small towns, largely in Hindi -speaking parts of north and central India, and repeatedly finds the same mix of aspiration and anger. | |
10 | “来这张图片中的旅店入住吧,”一个年轻的男子打着手势用印地语对着一个摄影师说到。 | "Get the hotel in the picture, " one young man said in Hindi as he posed, straight-faced, for a photographer. | |
11 | 1947后,英语和北印度语共享官方地位,计划在1965年退出。 | After 1947, English had to share its official status, with north India’s Hindi , and was due to lose it in 1965. | |
12 | 2008年,公司创立了Colors,这是一个北印度语的娱乐频道,在成立后的短短9个月时间内成为一流的节目。 | In 2008 his firm launched Colors, a Hindi entertainment channel that became top-rated within nine months of its launch. | |
13 | customer表单支持您在字段标题中使用北印度语字符(UTF字符),如清单2所示。 | The customer form enables you to use the Hindi characters (UTF characters) in field titles, as shown in Listing 2. | |
14 | LOOT这个单词本身是英印语,其中包含了北印度语的词根“lut”。 | The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word "lut" . | |
15 | 阿葛叶和巴苏为印地语、孟加拉语现代主义小说的发展奠定了基础; | the next two writers laid a foundation for the novels in Hindi and Bengali languages; | |
16 | 北印度语报纸的发行量从90年代早期的不足800万上升到去年的2500万以上。 | The circulation of Hindi papers rose from less than 8m in the early 1990s to more than 25m last year. | |
17 | 此下载的第2版新增了对印地语区域设置的支持。 | Version 2 of this download adds support for the Hindi locale. | |
18 | 从印度回美国的航班上没有任何印度电影,也许是我没发现。 | There was no Hindi movie on the flight back to the U. S. Or maybe I didn’t check. | |
19 | 单击该国旗,您的应用程序将用印地语显示出来,如图2所示。 | Click on the flag, and your application will be displayed in Hindi , as shown in Figure 2. | |
20 | 但是即使是最大的版本,北印度语版本里也仅有100000篇文章(英语的则为380万文章)。 | But even the largest of these, Hindi , has only 100, 000 articles (against over 3. 8m for English). | |
21 | 对一些说印地语的人力车司机来说,CP就比康诺特广场更容易念。 | CP is much easier for a Hindi -speaking rickshaw driver to say than Connaught Place. | |
22 | 对于亚洲语言,包括北印度语、日语和汉语,每个字符需要3个字节。 | Asian languages, including Hindi , Japanese, and Chinese, require three bytes per character. | |
23 | 华为表示,在印度工作的中方人员正在学习印度语。 | Huawei said Chinese expatriates working in India were learning Hindi . | |
24 | 获奖无数的她,还在北印度的电视和电影中频频亮相。 | She has been honored with numerous awards and has performed all over the world. She appears often on Hindi television and in films. | |
25 | 她返回到德克萨斯州工作,开始BaalDan慈善业。在被印度语中,名字意思是“为孩子捐款”。 | She returned to her job in Texas and began Baal Dan Charities. In Hindi , the name means " child donation" . | |
26 | 就在印度主动学习中文的时候,中国人也在加紧提高英语水平并学习印地语。 | But while India takes the initiative to speak their language, the Chinese are quickly polishing their English and also picking up Hindi . | |
27 | 来看一下当时的情况(印地语)繁忙的街道不通车了,有交警和市里的官员帮助我们。 | Video: (Hindi ) So, the busiest streets closed down. We have the traffic police and municipal corporation helping us. | |
28 | 其中三个问候词来自她的祖国印度的语言:印地文,泰米尔语,马来亚语。 | Three of the greetings were in languages from her native India: Hindi , Tamil and Malayalam. | |
29 | 如果不能实现直接翻译(比方说从北印度语到西班牙的加泰罗尼亚语的直译),那么英语将被用作一个桥梁语言。 | If direct translations are not available (say, Hindi to Catalan), then English is used as a bridge. | |
30 | 他们用印地语和英语笑着开玩笑,在互相交谈的同时还大声讲着电话。 | They laugh and joke in a mixture of Hindi and English, shouting at the same time into their mobile phones as they talk among themselves. |