属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 埃博拉恐慌者
1 | (只能碎步行走的)窄统裙. | a hobble shirt | |
2 | hobble和limp均指腿受伤时不平稳的步子. | Hobble and limp describe the uneven movement of someone whose legs are injured. | |
3 | 处于困境;进退两难. | be in (get into) a hobble | |
4 | 那老人借助手杖蹒跚而行。 | The old man hobble along with the aid of his stick. | |
5 | 那男孩的脚受了伤,他只好一瘸一拐地走。 | The boy hurt his foot, so he had to hobble dong. | |
6 | 那匹马的两腿已经给拴起来了,因此跑不了. | The horse has been hobble d so that he can`t run away. | |
7 | 那人听后振作了精神。果然,除夕时他可以一瘸一拐地去参加晚会了。 | The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Year’s Eve he was able to hobble along to a party. | |
8 | 绳或皮带等用于缚住动物的装置 | A device,such as a rope or strap,used to hobble an animal. | |
9 | 我的脚受了伤,只好一拐一拐地走回家。 | I hurt my foot,and had to hobble home. | |
10 | 我在下公共汽车时脚受了伤,只好一拐一拐地走回家。 | I hurt my foot while getting off the bus,and had to hobble home. | |
11 | 陷于窘境, 进退维谷 | be in [get into] a (nice)hobble | |
12 | 一瘸一拐地走;跛行 | To limp or hobble . | |
13 | 用绳系住牲口的腿任其溜达吃草 | Hobble the animals out to graze | |
14 | ||1:在阴霾之中还有一丝希望。||2:面临这样的状况,大部分专家希望巴基斯坦人能或多或少在蹒跚中摸索前行。||3:一些人的生活会得到改善。||4:教育普及率迅速增加(据世界银行说24岁以下的人中79%的人能阅读 ),家庭人员减少(在农村普遍是四个孩子,比两代前的很多孩子相比下降)。||5:Aqil Shah认为巴基斯坦不会步瑞士和索马里后尘,军队紧握政权使其免于风崩离新的可能,但也阻遏了平民机构的强劲增长。||6:甚至乐观主义者也不会将巴基斯坦描绘为半满的玻璃杯——而保持这个玻璃杯的完整可能是人们最希望的。 | ||1:Within the gloom there are glimmers of hope.||2:Most of the authors expect Pakistan to hobble forward more or less in its current state.||3:The lives of some will improve.||4:Literacy rates are rising fast (79% of men under 24 can now read, says the World Bank), families are shrinking (even in rural areas the norm is now to have four children, down from as many as ten two generations ago) and the press, generally, is more open than before.||5:One sharp contributor, Aqil Shah, reckons that Pakistan will become “neither Sweden nor Somalia”, as the army’s strong grip will prevent disintegration but also block growth of strong civilian institutions.||6:Even an optimist would not describe Pakistan’s glass as half full—keeping it unbroken may be the best one could hope for. | |
15 | ||1:政府部门的医生正在安抚群众,特别是疾控中心的领导汤姆·弗里登(Tom Frieden),和美国国立卫生研究院下属传染病机构的领导安东尼·福西(Anthony Fauci)。||2:他们在电视上花了好几个小时的时间忍受主持人对“敏感地区”以及埃博拉是否会被恐怖分子利用等的询问。||3:(福西医生淡淡的回答说,埃博拉是“低效”的生物武器,并补充道,病毒在自然界中的进化远比这个可怕。||4:)他俩反复的解释为什么隔离西非是不明智的。||5:因为这会削弱政府的控制、阻碍援助的进行、诱骗美国民众并刺激出行者用迂回的方式出行从而使得追踪更加的困难。 | ||1:Government doctors are working to calm the public, notably Tom Frieden, head of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and Anthony Fauci, boss of the infectious diseases arm of the National Institutes of Health.||2:The pair have spent hours on TV, enduring hosts shouting about “hot zones”, or enquiring whether terrorists might use Ebola.||3:(It would be an “inefficient” bio-weapon, Dr Fauci mildly replied, adding that the virus’s evolution in nature is far scarier.||4:) Repeatedly the pair have explained why quarantiningWest Africawould be unwise.||5:It would weaken governments, hobble aid, trap Americans and spur travellers to move in roundabout ways that make them harder to track. | |
16 | 暴乱与电力不足阻碍生产 | Violence and a shortage of electricity hobble manufacturing | |
17 | 北约内部的混乱和相互攻讦,让西方海外军事干预仰仗的唯一一个最有效的潜在工具失去了作用。 | Disarray and recriminations within Nato hobble the single most effective potential tool for western military intervention overseas. | |
18 | 变成少数派的国会现在正在寻找其他盟友以帮助自己度过今年即将到来的民意调查。 | Reduced to a minority, Congress is now looking for other allies to help it to hobble through to the polls later this year. | |
19 | 但是,据他说,受伤之后,土尔其政府既没有给他提供医药费也没有任何赔偿,以至于他不得不自己做一只木脚,靠它才能蹒跚前行。 | The Turkish state, he says, offered neither medical care nor compensation, leaving him to hobble on a wooden foot that he made for himself. | |
20 | 当我们看到他一瘸一拐的时候就立即送他去进行扫描—幸运的是我们得到了好消息。 | We are relieved. When we saw him hobble off, you are hoping when you send him for a scan, you get some good news. | |
21 | 妇女倚着行走架跛行。 | Women hobble about on walking frames. | |
22 | 韩国财政部辩称,任何旨在抑制财阀的努力都可能影响增速已经放缓的韩国经济。 | The finance ministry argues that any efforts to tame the chaebol would potentially hobble an already slowing economy. | |
23 | 几年后才来临的的危机过后的余震有可能会伤害到主要发达国家的需求增长。 | Post-crisis aftershocks are likely to hobble demand growth in the major developed economies for years to come. | |
24 | 哦——我也害怕生活,经常怕。生活在这种境遇里真是不容易,你是不是这样认为? | ’Ah - so have I, very often. This hobble of being alive is rather serious, don’t you think so? ’ | |
25 | 委员会、理事会和各国政府会为获得职位和权力斗得不可开交,他们的地盘之争会给外交事务造成诸多掣肘。 | And turf wars could yet hobble the diplomatic service, with the commission, council and national governments fighting for jobs and power. | |
26 | 新的资本体制似乎是谨慎的,其规定并不过于苛刻,因此不会束缚银行业的主流方向或损害经济的发展。 | The new capital regime seems prudent without being so onerous as to hobble the mainstream of banking or to harm economic growth. | |
27 | 由于太子港的救助人员快速的救援行动使瓦砾堆遍地都是,老人们被迫每天在混乱的现场穿行。 | The elderly have had to hobble through the daily chaos of Port-au-Prince, forced into rubble piles by speeding convoys of aid workers. | |
28 | 这将使这头牛步履蹒跚。但是它首先需要恢复它的活力。 | This may hobble the bull in the future. But first it needs to regain its virility |