属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 22
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政策转向 法国能否通过欧盟财政契约?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普"幸免"弹劾 桑德斯崭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲多国陷马肉风波 食品安全谁来保障?
1 | 我女儿Jane从来没有想到她会收到一封从荷兰来的信,这是一个和她同龄的女孩寄给她的。 | My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland . | |
2 | 夏加尔一家人的尔后几年大部分时间是在四处周游中度过的,他们先后游历了荷兰、西班牙、波兰和意大利。 | The Chagalls spent much of the next few years on the move, traveling to Holland , Spain, Poland and Italy. | |
3 | 协会以比利时布鲁塞尔和荷兰的阿姆斯特丹两地的计算机中心为基础,而最近又在美国的克尔配伯尔增设了第三个计算机中心。 | S.W.I.F.T. is based on computer centers at Brussels in Belgium and at amsterdam in Holland , and recently a third has been added at Culpeper in the U. S.a. | |
4 | 一些国家,象联邦德国和荷兰,曾将货币升值。 | Countries such as West Germany and Holland revalued their currencies | |
5 | 因此,法院在“密苏里州诉荷兰”[1920年《美国最高法院判例汇编》第252卷第416页]一案中支持了一个禁止射杀候鸟的条约。 | Thus, the Court in Missouri v. Holland , 252 U.S. 416 (1920), upheld a treaty restricting the hunting of migratory birds | |
6 | 英国、美国、日本、法国、德国、意大利、沙俄、荷兰,都很喜欢我们这块地方。 | Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, tsarist Russia and Holland were all very interested in this land of ours | |
7 | 英国至荷兰铺设了新的海底电缆。 | A new submarine cable was laid between England and Holland | |
8 | 有些桥和隧道很出名,比如乔治·华盛顿大桥、以及林肯隧道和荷兰隧道。但是,所有这些纽约的桥和隧道中,最出名的是建于100年前的布鲁克林桥。 | Some of the bridges, like the George Washington Bridge, and some of the tunnels, such as the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, are famous. But the most famous of all is the Brooklyn Bridge, which was build over 100 years ago. | |
9 | 约翰在荷兰呆了三年回国了。 | John went home after three years in Holland . | |
10 | 在哈瓦那,有16000名观众观看主队古巴队迎战荷兰队的比赛,胜者将获得世界排球联赛塞入场券。 | In Havana, a 16000 strong crowd turned up to watch home side Cuba face Holland , counting on victory to book their World Volleyball League finals ticket. | |
11 | 在荷兰,成千上万公顷的海面被改造成可耕地和牧场。 | In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture. | |
12 | 在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。 | In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture. | |
13 | 在荷兰出版界造成轰动 | became a publishing sensation in Holland | |
14 | 在荷兰莱顿大学研学国际法 | Studying International Law in Leiden University, Holland | |
15 | 在荷兰去你想去的地方,会看到风车。 | Go where you will in holland ,you will see windmill. | |
16 | 在欧洲逗留期间,我们应该去荷兰游览。 | While we’re in Europe we ought to visit Holland . | |
17 | 这张照片是我俩去荷兰的旅途中骑在一辆双人协力自行车上拍摄的。 | The photo that Neil’s head had come from had been one of the two of us on a tandem during a break to Holland | |
18 | 这种画法是由17世纪的荷兰画家西根所发明,但之后主要盛行于英国。这种方法适合彩色印刷,因此成为复制画作的理想技法。发明摄影术后,这种方法便很少使用了。但是近几年来这种技巧又开始盛行,尤其是在美国和日本版画家中最为流行 | Mezzotint was invented in Holland by German-born Ludwig von Siegen in the 17th century but thereafter was practiced primarily in England. Its adaptability to making colour prints made it ideal for the reproduction of paintings. After the invention of photography, it was rarely used. In recent years the technique has been revived, especially by U.S. and Japanese printmakers. | |
19 | 只有希特勒才处心积虑地要破坏比利时和荷兰的中立。 | Only Hitler was prepared to violate the neutrality of Belgium and Holland | |
20 | 中国古典建筑与荷兰“风格派”建筑的立面之比较 | Comparison between the Facade Feagures of Chinese Classical Architecture and Those of Architecture "de Stijl" of Holland | |
21 | 自行车竞赛将于明年在荷兰举行。 | The bicycle race will be run in Holland next year. | |
22 | 自行车赛明年在荷兰举行. | The bicycle race will be run in Holland next year. | |
23 | ||1:弗朗索瓦·奥朗德在竞选时曾承诺,将“重新磋商”前任总统尼古拉·萨科奇与德国总理安吉拉·默克尔共同签署的欧洲财政契约。||2:而现在,这位法国总统正尝试说服其社会党内议员投票支持该契约。||3:在10月2日的一场议会辩论中,法国总理让-马克·艾罗称,该条约是对财政纪律的维护,投票将在10月9日进行,而否决该条约将会挑起“一场政治危机,导致货币联盟崩溃”。||4:这一立场转变的讽刺之处尚不尽于此。 | ||1:Francois Holland campaigned on a promise to “renegotiate” the European fiscal pact signed by his predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel.||2:Now the French president is trying to persuade his Socialist deputies to vote in favour of the very same pact, in treaty form.||3:In a parliamentary debate on October 2nd his prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, argued that a rejection of the treaty, which enshrines budgetary discipline and goes to a vote on October 9th, would provoke “a political crisis and the collapse of monetary union”.||4:But the irony of this turnaround has not been lost. | |
24 | ||1:南非米勒将会是一个更加困难的任务。||2:Holland先生指出,首先,比起过去臃肿懒惰的安海斯- 布希公司,南非米勒管理更为严格,因此压低收购价格的范围更小。||3:比起英博收购的其他公司,南非米勒要更大更复杂。||4:压低收购价格的技巧对于快速增长型市场也许并不适用。||5:另一个问题在于在有些国家,这两家巨头合并后的企业将过于庞大。||6:在美国,安海斯- 布希公司以及南非米勒与 另一个竞争对手—莫尔森库尔斯的合资企业共同占据着3/4的啤酒市场。||7:在中国,这两者的市场占有率超过1/3。||8:但这些并不是无法克服的难题。||9:例如在美国,南非米勒所持有的合资公司的股份可能会被出售给莫尔森库尔斯公司。 | ||1:SAB would be a more difficult undertaking.||2:For one thing, notes Mr Holland , it is more tightly managed than “fat and lazy” Anheuser-Busch was, so there is less scope for cutting costs.||3:SAB is bigger and more complex than anything else ABI has taken on.||4:A knack for cost-cutting may not serve it as well in fast-growing markets.||5:Another problem is that in some countries the two giants’ combined businesses would be too big.||6:In America Anheuser-Busch and SAB’s joint venture with Molson Coors, another rival, would together have three-quarters of the beer market.||7:InChinathe two would have more than a third.||8:These are not insurmountable problems.||9:InAmerica, for example, the stake in the joint venture could be sold to Molson Coors. | |
25 | ||1:啤酒业巨头已无其他发展之路。||2:在富裕国家,啤酒的消费量已止步不前。||3:在美国,英博的Anheuser-Busch部门正面临着来着生产“精酿啤酒”的小型制造商日益激烈的竞争。||4:美国啤酒厂的数量已从1983年的不到100家跳跃式增长到如今的3000多家。||5:英博起源于巴西,但那里的啤酒消费者正遭受着经济疲软与世界杯后的萧条。||6:Societe Generale的分析师Andrew Holland说:这使得英博有两个选择,要么把现金还给股东,要么买些什么。 | ||1:The beer behemoth has few other ways to grow.||2:In rich countries, consumption of beer has stopped rising.||3:In America, ABI’s Anheuser-Busch division is suffering growing competition from small makers of “craft beer”.||4:The number of American breweries has jumped from fewer than 100 in 1983 to more than 3,000 today.||5:ABI has its roots in Brazil, but there drinkers are suffering from a sluggish economy and post-World Cup blues.||6:This leaves ABI with two options, says Andrew Holland , an analyst at Societe Generale: give its cash back to shareholders or buy something. | |
26 | ||1:英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊最终批准继续修建连接伦敦和北部城市的HS2高铁项目。||2:在成本超过1000亿英镑(1300亿美元)后,该项目被搁置。||3:约翰逊还宣布了伦敦以外的其它宏大的交通计划,如道路改善、4000辆零排放公交车,以及在市中心推广自行车道的“迷你荷兰”计划。 | ||1:Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, gave the final approval to continue HS2, a high-speed rail link between London and northern cities.||2:The project was on hold after the costs rose above £100bn ($130bn).||3:Mr Johnson also announced other ambitious transport plans outside London, such as road improvements, 4,000 zero-emission buses and “Mini Holland ” schemes to promote bike lanes in town centres. | |
27 | ||1:由一家市场调查机构ComRes进行的民意调查显示,由于马肉风波,有7%的调查对象表示他们已经连肉都不吃了。||2:由另一家调查公司Customer Intelligence进行的一项调查发现,面对马肉风波的报道,有6%的调查对象表示他们了解到有人因此而变成了素食主义者。||3:一家健康食品连锁店Holland Barrett报道称,自本月初始,豆类制品的销量有大幅提升。||4:一种无肉的周末烧烤最近特别流行,其消费量增长了50%,同时素肉丸的销量也上升了30%。 | ||1:A poll by ComRes, a market-research agency, showed that 7% of respondents had stopped eating meat altogether as a result of the equine scandal.||2:Another survey by Consumer Intelligence, a research firm, found that 6% knew someone who had become vegetarian in reaction to the reports.||3:Holland and Barrett, a health-food chain, reported increased sales in its soya and tofu lines in early February.||4:A meat-free Sunday roast was particularly popular, with sales up by 50%, while vegetarian meatballs had jumped by 30%. | |
28 | “人们真的不想把自己的钱投在一个神秘的、专注于中国的策略上达一年之久,”Holland说。 | "People really don’t want to tie their money up for one year with a relatively esoteric, China-specific strategy, " Holland said. | |
29 | “在公众看来,布什的两次总统就职仪式都只是他的支持者们的庆典,”Holland说。 | "The public saw both of Bush’s inaugurations as celebrations just for his supporters, " Holland said. | |
30 | “整个硅谷都很高兴看到乔布斯归来。”一位经验丰富的硅谷风投家PaulHolland说道。 | "The entire Valley is happy to see that he is back, " said Paul Holland , a veteran Silicon Valley venture capitalist. |