属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 星巴克推出季节限定杯
1 | ||1:可惜的是,这种趋势不是因为州政府突然放弃严格管制,而是因为经济衰退后各州财政赤字严重。||2:“各州正在寻找财政来源,而不是直接对居民征税”,代表赌场利益的美国博彩协会的霍利?策尔说。||3:全美州议会联合会的曼迪?拉夫说的更直截了当:“各州过去几年财政吃紧所以想尽一切办法。” | ||1: This trend is not, sadly, the result of a sudden renunciation of paternalism by state governments. Rather, it stems from the states’ dire fiscal straits in the aftermath of the recession. ||2: “States are looking for a source of revenue beyond [directly] taxing their residents,” says Holly Wetzel of the American Gaming Association, which represents gambling interests. ||3: Mandy Rafool of the National Conference of State Legislatures puts it more bluntly: “States have been so desperate over the last few years that they’re looking at everything.” | |
2 | ||1:他现在是自己的主人,也是他这个年龄的主人。||2:从长臂猿缤纷的叶形装饰中解放出来,他还大胆地加入了其他的影响:荷兰古代大师的牡丹、玫瑰和百合,阿西姆博尔多的蔬菜头,以及被昆虫摧残的树叶上的一丝现代犬儒主义。||3:字母架错视画成了17世纪画家们最喜欢的主题,但他的架子上放着相机、汽车钥匙、胶卷卷轴和苹果手机,还有精致的木槿、冬青或橡木喷雾。 | ||1:He was now a master in his own right and one for his own age.||2:Freed from Gibbons’s riotous acanthus, he let other influence scrowd boldly in: the peonies, roses and lilies of Dutch Old Masters, the vegetable heads of Arcimboldo and a touch of modern cynicism in insect-blighted leaves.||3:Letter-rack trompe-l’oeils became a favourite theme, as they were for 17th-century painters, but his racks contained cameras, car keys, film spools and iPhones, as well as delicate hibiscus, holly or sprays of oak. | |
3 | 包括红色条纹杯、冬青树叶杯、红色犬牙花纹杯以及绿色星星杯。 | including red stripes, holly leaves, red houndstooth and green stars. | |
4 | 16.如果你在乔治亚州的冬青泉超速,罚款会多12美元。 | 16. If you get caught speeding in Holly Springs, Ga. , the ticket will cost you $12 more. | |
5 | 1993年电影《钢琴》中的场景。霍利·亨特(左)和安·帕基出现在场景中。 | Holly Hunter (l. ) and Ann Paquin appear in a scene from the movie ’The Piano’ in 1993. | |
6 | HollyVanni博士和他在纽约康乃尔大学魏尔医学院的同事把这个发现刊登在chest杂志上。 | Dr. Holly Vanni and colleagues at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York report the findings in the journal Chest. | |
7 | HPLC法测定复方毛冬青氯贝酸铝片中芦丁的含量 | Determination the Content of Rutin in Compound Hairy Holly and Aluminium Clofibrate Tablets by HPLC | |
8 | 除了圣诞树外,人们还会用圣诞老人、圣诞花环等饰品装饰屋子的窗户。 | The home is usually decorated with statues of Father Christmas, holly wreaths . . . etc. at the windows. | |
9 | 川产苦丁茶的减肥作用的实验研究 | Empirical Study on Antiobesity Action of broadleaf holly leaf Produced from Sichuan Province | |
10 | 大厅装饰着冬青树枝迎接圣诞节。 | The hall was decked with holly for the Christmas. | |
11 | 导致法国发布禁令的争论是塔卡这部杰作的核心内容。 | The controversy that led to the French ban is central to Holly Tucker’s excellent book. | |
12 | 费特下定决心不让特雷佛阻挠他的行动,但是头三个月,他和他的妻子霍丽几乎根本没能把儿子带出门。 | Feit vowed not to let Trevor hinder his movements, but the first three months, he and his wife, Holly , hardly took their son anywhere. | |
13 | 霍莉!认识你真好,霍莉!真好! | Holly ! Good to meet you, Holly! Very good indeed! | |
14 | 霍莉比玛利亚滑稽,她喜欢讲笑话。 | Holly is very than Maria. She jokes. | |
15 | 讲演过后,一些访客带着关于约塞米蒂的小径和野生生物的一般性问题走近Holly。 | After the presentation, a few visitors approached Holly with general questions about Yosemite’s trails and wildlife. | |
16 | 苦丁茶降血脂的实验及临床研究 | Experiment and clinical study on broadleaf holly leaf to lower down blood lipids level | |
17 | 毛冬青保留灌肠 | retention-enema with hairy holly root | |
18 | 如果你在乔治亚州的冬青泉超速,罚款会多12美元。 | If you get caught speeding in Holly Springs, Ga. , the ticket will cost you $12 more. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) | |
19 | 山绿茶不同炮制品的质量研究 | Quality study of different processing products of Hainan holly | |
20 | 施瓦辛格曾经是健美冠军,后来成了好莱坞明星,他的名言是“我会回来的”。 | He used to be a champion of bodybuilder, and then become a film star in Holly wood, his catch phrases is I be back. | |
21 | 四季青贴敷、外洗的临床应用 | Clinical application of Chinese holly leaf by mounting and washing | |
22 | 温暖的春天促进了檞寄生和冬青树的生长,这两种在圣诞期间很抢手的植物。 | A warm spring ensured a good harvest of mistletoe and holly - seasonal favourites over the Christmas period. | |
23 | 新版的《Frommer:500个消失之前要去的地方》的作者,霍利·休斯,与《今日美国》的蒂姆·史玛特分享了部分内容。 | Holly Hughes , author of the new Frommer’s 500 Places to See Before They Disappear, shares some with Tim Smight for USA TODAY. | |
24 | 星期二一条蛇正游在阿肯色州的霍利格罗伟的密西西比河洪水中。 | A snake swims in Mississippi River floodwaters in Holly Grove, Arkansas, on Tuesday. | |
25 | 野蔷薇花盛开之时冬青是黑色的 | The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms | |
26 | 一个允诺可以用口头言词或书面文字作出,也可以完全或部分地从行为中推断而得。 | A promise may be stated in words either oral or written, or may be inferred w holly or partly from conduct. | |
27 | 有关血液的著作:科学革命中医学与谋杀的故事。 | Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution. By Holly Tucker. | |
28 | 杂货店又被装饰满了冬青树和闪闪的金片。 | And the tinsel and the holly were decorating the drug store. | |
29 | 在哈密瓜卷入李氏杆菌疾病后,科罗拉多州霍里市的延森(Jensen)农场于本月初召回了受感染的哈密瓜。 | Jensen Farms in Holly , Colo. , recalled the tainted cantaloupes earlier this month after they were linked to listeria illnesses. | |
30 | 这是SmashBox的化妆全球艺术总监,霍莉·莫蒂妮的建议。 | That’s the advice of Smashbox Cosmetic’s director of global artistry, Holly Mordini. |