属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦之味 Scent of dreams
1 | 从《回家》看美国女性意识的变迁 | Research on the Transformation of Women Consciousness in the United States Looked from Homecoming | |
2 | 第一,希望香港各界人士更好地适应香港回归后的发展形势,当好香港和我们伟大祖国的主人。 | First, I hope personages from all walks of life in Hong Kong can better adapt themselves to the development situation after Hong Kong’s homecoming and serve as masters of Hong Kong and our great motherland | |
3 | 黄昏是归家的时候,是饥肠辘辘想吃晚餐的时候。 | Dusk is for homecoming , a wonderfully hollow-and-hungry-for-dinner hour | |
4 | 回归接近5年之际,又有人发出“谁还要香港”的无奈疑问。 | On the eve of the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong’s homecoming , some people, doubting the future of Hong Kong, posed the question "Who needs Hong Kong?" | |
5 | 回家来过圣庭节这件事原来对她的一点点罗曼蒂克的魅力,即刻就烟消云散了。 | Immediately what little romantic glamour this Christmas homecoming had held for her was dissipated | |
6 | 他们打开酒为我们的归来干杯。 | they uncorked wine and toasted our homecoming | |
7 | 香港回归后不久,就遇到了亚洲金融危机的严重冲击和国际经济环境变化的不利影响。 | Soon after its homecoming , Hong Kong was hit hard by the asian financial crisis and adversely affected by the changes in the international economic environment | |
8 | 一年又一年过去,我回到了美国,一个排斥我的国家。这反而坚定了我自己的想法,我学会了排斥自己。 | As the years passed, my homecoming to a despising nation only reinforced my beliefs about myself, for I despised me too. | |
9 | ||1:这本书的大部分内容集中在巴尔古提努力把出生在埃及的儿子带到他出生的村庄哈暂纳村。||2:当他站在自己出生的房间里,可以说着“我出生在这里”,而不是那里的那一刻,这次返乡达到了高潮。||3:他和儿子在耶路撒冷的老城漫步,每到一个地方都抓拍照片。||4:他们的行为让巴尔古提感到不安。||5:谁会拍下这么多自己家园的照片呢?||6:长大后,“苦路恰是我们惯走的那条街”。||7:相机通常属于游客,因为游客渴望留住那些再也不会光顾的地方。||8:害怕把所看到的记录下来这种非常的行为会坐实这些东西将要失去,他和儿子把相机扔在一旁,绝望地重新建立自己的归属权,把这个城市称为家园。 | ||1: Much of the book concentrates on Mr Barghouti’s efforts to take his Egyptian-born son to Deir Ghassanah, the village of his birth. ||2: That homecoming culminates in the moment he stands in the room where he was born; when he can say, “I was born here,” not there. ||3: He and his son wander through the Old City of Jerusalem, snapping photos as they go. ||4: Their actions unsettle Mr Barghouti. ||5: Who takes photographs of their own home? ||6: Growing up, “the Via Dolorosa was just a street we used.” ||7: Cameras normally belong to tourists, who are anxious to hold onto places they may never see again. ||8: Fearful that the very act of recording what they see will ensure its loss, he and his son toss their cameras aside, desperate to re-establish their right to belong and to call this city home. | |
10 | 归途漫漫 | A hard homecoming | |
11 | 最后,为驱逐美洲原住民,当时的政府出台政策,鼓励人们杀掉这些动作缓慢的大型动物,阻断原住民的主要食物来源,从而迫使他们搬到到保留区去。上周,美国怀俄明州格若斯维崔和蒙大拿萨利希库特奈部落见证了美洲野牛的“回乡之旅”,对于他们来说,心情百感交集。 | At the end there was also a deliberate policy of wiping out the lumbering giants in order to remove the staple food source of Native Americans and to force them on to reservations. Last week’s buffalo “homecoming ” was an emotional event for the Gros Ventre and Salish-Kootenai tribes who witnessed it. | |
12 | 被释人质重返家园与家人团聚真是令人感动的场景。 | The homecoming of the released hostages and their reunion with their families was an affecting scene. | |
13 | 被选为返校节皇后还关系着为你的学校服务 | Being selected homecoming queen is about serving your school | |
14 | 超过新对撞机的科学潜力,它的开张运行也代表了各种类型物理的欧洲回归。 | Beyond the new collider’s scientific potential, its inaugural run also represents a homecoming of sorts for physics in Europe. | |
15 | 但是他们却碰上了100来人正在为两名越战老兵举行的归国派对。 | Instead, they found almost 100 people holding a homecoming party for two Vietnam veterans. | |
16 | 结婚前,她是父母眼中的宝贝女儿。 | Before she was married, she was the homecoming queen at the family. | |
17 | 每次阿肯色州野猪队在返校节举行比赛之后,鲍勃和他的妻子海伦都会在家里举办一次聚会。 | After every Razorback football homecoming game, Bob and his wife, Helen, hosted a party in their home. | |
18 | 每当校友日返校游行来临,我就租借车子给游行队伍,他们把卡车装扮成花车。 | Whenever there’s a homecoming parade, I lend cars for the parade, the trucks they decorate for the float. | |
19 | 那时我重读了《奥德赛》,这本书我还是在中学时代头一次读的,记得是个回归故里的故事。 | I reread the Odyssey at the time, which I had first read in school and remembered as the story of a homecoming . | |
20 | 你也是穿着同学会服装虽然有些改良,但是还是传统的颜色和设计,对吧? | You also use Homecoming Dresses some innovative thought and beyond the traditional wedding color or design, right? | |
21 | 佩因于1802年回到美国,但这并不是一次愉快的返乡。 | In 1802 Paine returned to America, but itwas not to be a happy homecoming . | |
22 | 说起来算是一种回归,因为1952年第一届环球小姐大赛在25英里远的加利福尼亚长滩举行的。 | It was a homecoming (15) of sorts. The first Miss Universe pageant was held about 25 miles away in Long Beach, California, in 1952. | |
23 | 我好期待返校派对喔! | A: I can’t wait for the homecoming party! | |
24 | 我想告诉大家的是,来这儿对我的意义绝对不仅仅是重回旧地。 | What I’m trying to tell you, this is WAY more than a homecoming for me. | |
25 | 我也同样相信惊喜的可能性,痛苦后的平静和流放后的回归。 | I believe in the possibility of surprising joy, of serenity through pain, of homecoming through exile. | |
26 | 与此同时,穆雷查克将精力转向争取国会通过他发起并撰写的《美亚混血儿返乡法》。 | Mrazek, meanwhile, turned his attention to gaining passage of the Amerasian Homecoming Act, which he had authored and sponsored. | |
27 | 在他返回故土两年后,由迦玛尔•阿卜杜尔•纳赛尔领导的民族主义武装军官推翻了英国支持的君主制,夺取政权。 | Two years after his homecoming , nationalist army officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser seized power, overthrowing the British-backed monarchy. | |
28 | 这次返乡之旅在他站在自己出生的房间里的那一刻达到高潮;在这一时刻,他可以说“我出生在这里”,而不是那里。 | That homecoming culminates in the moment he stands in the room where he was born; when he can say, "I was born here, " not there. |