1 | 无论如何,家总是家;金窝银窝,不如自家狗窝 | Home is home, though it be ever so homely | |
2 | 相貌难看的小丑. | a buffoon with homely features | |
3 | 像家里一样亲切的气氛. | a homely atmosphere | |
4 | 笑容常可使相貌一般的人增色三分. | A smile often illumine s a homely face. | |
5 | 笑容常使其貌不扬的人显得神采奕奕。 | A smile often illumines a homely face. | |
6 | 夜晚小家庭的乐趣有一种新奇、隐秘的魅力。 | The little homely evenings had all the charm of newness and secrecy. | |
7 | 一个相貌平庸的小孩常会长成一个漂亮的姑娘。 | A homely child often develops into an attractive girl. | |
8 | 有一些很平常的产品,象客货两用吉普车。 | There are some homely products like a jeep station wagon | |
9 | 在那些朴实的谚语中蕴含着几代人集体智慧的结晶(马雅·安琪罗) | In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations(Maya Angelou) | |
10 | 这家旅馆亲切而舒适。 | This hotel is a homely and comfortable establishment. | |
11 | 这种家用偏方往往最灵不过:草莓对牙齿好,荨麻加雨水;据说还有在脱脂乳里浸泡过的燕麦片。皮肤的滋润剂 | Those homely recipes are often the best: strawberries for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk | |
12 | 中国人的谦虚还表现在其他方面:他请你吃饭,可能会用一天的时间来安排,吃饭的时候,各种各样的菜肴摆满了桌子,可他却说这是“家常便饭”。 | The Chinese modesty is also shown in other respects: When someone invites you to a dinner, he might spend a whole day in arrangement, laying various dishes on the table, while telling you that it is only “homely food”. | |
13 | ||1:航空母舰,就像它们上面的战机一样,属于一种被军方称为“精致”的巨大而昂贵的武器。||2:有必要对军事技术采取一种更平常的方式。||3:更小、成本更低,而且在可能的情况下,无人驾驶系统可以被大量采购、更广泛地分散和更大胆地使用。||4:这些部队可能缺乏大型战舰的威望。||5:但它们更能适应一个军事力量投射越来越困难的世界。 | ||1:Aircraft-carriers, like the warplanes on them, belong to a class of large, vastly expensive weapons that military types call “exquisite”.||2:A more homely approach to military technology is warranted.||3:Smaller, cheaper and, where possible, unmanned systems could be procured in larger numbers, dispersed more widely and used more daringly.||4:Such forces may lack the prestige of massive warships.||5:But they are better adapted to a world in which the projection of military power is growing ever harder. | |
14 | ||1:尽管,“自然之友”是以梁先生在电视上看到的西方组织为蓝本,但它更像个俱乐部而不太像一个游说机构。成员们去植树、野营,举行大合唱,意在把绿色理念传到到全国各地。||2:“自然之友”的总部设在北京,是在一座普通的红漆房子里,这座房子又是在一个自行车杂陈的院子里。总部的来访者会得到回收纸印制的名片、可重复使用的金属筷子,同时还听到一场讲解——每一年,中国的许多原始森林是如何因为木筷子而不复存在。||3:在总部那数不清的文山键海中,梁先生身着衬衣便裤工作着,他那温和的说话声从不抬高,总是谦逊有加。||4:他的自行车也和别人的一样,放在户外。 | ||1: Though based on Western organisations he had seen on television, Friends of Nature was less a lobbying outfit than a club, whose members would go tree-planting, camping and chorus-singing to spread the green message through the land. ||2: In the main Beijing office, a homely red-painted house in a courtyard littered with bicycles, visitors would be handed staff cards printed on recycled paper and given metal reusable chopsticks, together with a lecture on how much of China’s virgin forest was disappearing for wooden chopsticks every year. ||3: Here, among countless papers and the relentless tap of computers, Mr Liang would be working away in shirt and casual slacks, never raising his soft voice, modest as ever. ||4: His bike was among the others outside. | |
15 | Kindle在同一块朦胧色调的普通屏幕上,展现全部诗歌和散文,其中体验不到书籍的外在,而只有那印入眼帘的文字。 | The device, which consigns all poetry and prose to the same homely fog-toned screen, leaves nothing to the experience of books but reading. | |
16 | 但是在令人眼花缭乱的国际品牌中,出人意料的插入了一家出售中国年轻设计师作品的商店。 | But amid the glossy global branding, an unexpectedly homely tone is struck by a store selling the work of young Chinese designers. | |
17 | 阁楼的一头用帘子隔出了一部分,里面就是他的床铺,外面的部分则被布置成一个朴素的起居室。 | A portion was divided off at one end by a curtain, behind which was his bed, the outer part being furnished as a homely sitting-room. | |
18 | 跟好友顶顶嘴,争论些鸡毛蒜皮的家常事; | Dingding mouth with friends, some trivial dispute homely things; | |
19 | 和Katz一起毕业的RickMayer说,“他说话鼻音有些重。他个子矮小,而且,我不想说他不好看,所以为只能说他看上去很一般吧。” | "He spoke in a somewhat nasal tone. He was short, and, well I don’t want to say homely , so I’ll say he was plain looking. " | |
20 | 两项排名中的前十城市,除了悉尼和卡尔加里,可能都被认为很平常普通,甚至缺乏活力。 | All ten in each list, with the exception of Sydney and Calgary, might be considered rather homely , even dull. | |
21 | 旅馆虽小但非常舒适,且距离海边很近,客房宽敞,早餐可以吃到芝士、面包及果酱等。 | The small homely hotel, not from the seafront, boasts large rooms and breakfasts of cheese, bread and jams. | |
22 | 你会不会对令人憎厌的礼物,或相貌平平的孩子称赞有加? | Will you praise hideous presents and homely kids? | |
23 | 如果你把一个房间或者一幢房子描述为“homely”,也就是说你在那里感觉非常舒适和放松。 | If you describe a room or house as homely , you like it because you feel comfortable and relaxed there. | |
24 | 身心健康的,真诚的,爱家庭的,爱生活的男人。无诚意者,请勿打扰。 | The mind and body is healthy, sincere, love homely , love life of man. Have no the sincerity, please not to bother. | |
25 | 舒适的家庭气氛大气层;气氛;空气生气勃勃的新气象 | a comfortable homely atmosphere a new and dynamic atmosphere | |
26 | 他以平等的身份与英国和法国的政治家交谈;他就像一只穿旧了的鞋子,让人感到普通而又舒适。 | He talked with English and French statesmen as an equal; he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe. | |
27 | 现代家庭的装饰艺术 | The Art of Modern and Homely Adornment | |
28 | 这里温暖友好的气氛营造出一种轻松温馨的感觉。 | The warm friendly atmosphere creates a relaxed and homely feel. | |
29 | 住的,吃的,愈看愈不象话。 | The place and the meal would have a more homely cook than ever. | |
30 | 总的说来,诸如红色、橙色、黄色和绿色这样的颜色确实能够激发食欲,同时又提供一种温馨如家的感觉。 | Generally speaking, colours such as red, orange, yellow and green actually trigger hunger, as well as provide a warm, homely feeling. |