属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM E 864-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM E 865-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM E 1091-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM E 874-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 874-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM E1091-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 865-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM E865-2003
1 | FRP正弦波形夹心桥面板的等效有限元模型 | Equivalent Finite Element Model of FRP honeycomb -type Sinusoidal Core Panels | |
2 | NOMEX蜂窝芯高速铣削加工工艺的优化 | Optimization of High-speed Milling Prosess for NOMEX Honeycomb | |
3 | 别碰树上的蜂窝。 | Don`t touch the honeycomb on the tree. | |
4 | 不锈钢-铝蜂窝夹芯板的液相扩散连接 | Interlayer Design and Its Effect on the Liquid Diffusion of steel-Al Honeycomb Sandwich Panels | |
5 | 采蜜归来的蜜蜂在巢上跳8字形舞以向蜂群的其他蜜蜂传送花粉源的信息。 | Returning honey bees dance a figure of eight on the honeycomb to communicate a source of pollen to other members of the hive. | |
6 | 侧安全气囊与车顶框架安装在一起,因为蜂窝结构可以瞬间充气膨胀。 | The sides of these airbags are integrated with the frame of the roof and inflate instantly thanks to their honeycomb structure. | |
7 | 多孔防护板粘结铝合金表面制备规程 | Practice for Surface Preparation of Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter Panels (04.11 | |
8 | 多孔夹板用结构膜粘结剂规范 | Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels (04.11 | |
9 | 防护板用非金属蜂窝芯子规范 | Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels (04.11 | |
10 | 防护板用非金属蜂窝芯子铝饰面粘接的实施规程 | Practice for Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facings to Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Shelter Panels (04.11 | |
11 | 防护板用非金属蜂窝状芯体铝盖面的粘合剂粘结 | Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facings to Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Shelter Panels | |
12 | 防护板用非金属夹心板规范 | Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels | |
13 | 封闭的小洞或小空间,比如蜂房内的巢室或植物子房内的小室或昆虫翅膀内以血管分界的区域。 | a small enclosed cavity or space, such as a compartment in a honeycomb or within a plant ovary or an area bordered by veins in an insect’s wing. | |
14 | 蜂蜜贮存在蜂箱里,或工蜂用蜂蜡和蜂胶营造的等边六角形的双层蜂巢里。幼虫和蜂巢中其它成员以蜂蜜和蜂巢为食过冬。 | Honey is stored in the beehive or nest in a honeycomb , a double layer of uniform hexagonal cells constructed of beeswax and propolis (a plant resin). The honey is used in winter as food for the bee larvae and other members of the colony. | |
15 | 蜂窝夹层板用结构薄膜粘结剂的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels | |
16 | 蜂窝夹层结构板用结构膜粘结剂规范 | Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels (04.11) | |
17 | 蜂窝夹芯板超高速碰撞仿真 | Simulation of Hypervelocity Impact to Honeycomb Sandwich | |
18 | 蜂窝式汽封在110MW汽轮机通流部分改造中的应用 | Application of Honeycomb Type Steam Seal Gland in Retrofit of the Flow Passage for 110 MW Steam Turbine | |
19 | 蜂窝塑料薄膜育苗容器规模化生产技术的研究 | Study on Technology of Industrialization Production of Honeycomb Plastic Film Seedling Container | |
20 | 蜂窝陶瓷负载TiO2光催化降解邻-氯苯酚水溶液 | Photocatalytic Degradation of o-chlorophenol in Aqueous Solution by TiO2 Supported Honeycomb Ceramics | |
21 | 蜂窝陶瓷蓄热式热交换器热工特性分析 | Study on the Thermal Performance of Honeycomb Regenerative Heat Exchangor | |
22 | 蜂窝网络上的虫孔容错路由算法 | Fault-tolerant Wormhole Routing Algorithm for Honeycomb Networks | |
23 | 蜂窝芯零件五坐标加工无干涉建模 | Non-Interference Modeling of Honeycomb Part for Five-Axis Machining | |
24 | 蜂窝蓄热体换热特性的实验研究现状与结果分析 | Present Situation of Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Honeycomb Regenerator and Analysis of Results | |
25 | 蜂窝纸板的隔振缓冲性能测试 | Test of Vibration Isolation and Buffering Capability of Honeycomb Cardboard | |
26 | 蜂窝纸板动态缓冲特性及振动传递特性的试验研究 | Experimental Study of Dynamic Cushioning Property and Vibration Transmissibility of Honeycomb Paperboard | |
27 | 蜂窝纸板力学性能及应用情况的研究 | Research on the Mechanical Properties and Applications of Honeycomb Paperboard | |
28 | 蜂窝纸板生产线中冷却机升降架的有限元分析 | Finite Element Analysis on the Lift Framework in Cooler Machine of Manufacturing Line of Honeycomb Paperboard | |
29 | 蜂窝纸板受压时的有限元分析 | FEM Analysis of the Compression Properties of Honeycomb Paperboard | |
30 | 蜂窝纸板箱模压成箱工艺研究 | Research of the Mould Pressing Craft to Produce Honeycomb Carton |