属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-科比退役之夜拿下60分击败犹他爵士队 库里率勇士队创下单赛季73胜记录
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:Messenger 隐藏篮球游戏
1 | 库里在周三晚上的这场比赛中拿下了46分。他投进了10个三分球,本赛季三分球总数达到了402个。在篮球比赛中,大多数投篮都是两分。但是如果在距离篮球架6.7米以外投篮,就能得到额外的一分。 | Steph Curry scored 46 points in the game Wednesday night. He made 10 three-point shots to reach 402 for the season. In basketball, most shots are worth two points. But you get an extra point if you shoot it from 6.7 or more meters away from the basketball hoop . | |
2 | 轻击篮球入网,创造最高纪录。 | Just flick the ball toward the hoop to get a point, and try to beat your high score. | |
3 | “箍水桶”原理与企业文化变革 | "Hoop Bucket" Fundamental and Cultural Transformation of Enterprise | |
4 | HLM环辊磨在超细重钙粉碎中的应用 | Application of the HLM Hoop -roller Mill in Superfine GCC Grinding | |
5 | 艾琳娜把她的圈扔出后在场地外面才接到,最后以39.466分取得了铜牌。 | Alina dropped her hoop and ran to retrieve it outside the competition area. She took home the bronze with the final score of 39. 466. | |
6 | 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯上星期访问喀布尔期间不失时机地敦促两国进行合作。 | During a visit to Kabul last week, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer took time to urge both countries to cooperate. | |
7 | 本发明所述的采用复合式弯辊液压缸的带钢轧机,属于冶金行业中的热轧带钢设备。 | The invention relates to a hoop rolling mill that adopts compound bowed roller hydro-cylinder. | |
8 | 本实用新型的连接接头由一个接头主体和可套装于其上的套箍构成。 | The connector of the utility model is composed of a connector main body and a sheathed hoop sheathed on the connector main body. | |
9 | 本实用新型属于篮球运动设施,具体涉及一种等强度篮圈。 | The utility model belongs to a basketball sport facility, which in detail relates to an equal strength basketball hoop . | |
10 | 布萨阿索的主要监狱可能就是这些举措的证据,前几天,几名海盗被绞死在监狱院子中的篮球架下。 | And Boosaaso’s main jail may be proof of that. The other day, a dozen pirates were hanging out in the yard under a basketball hoop . | |
11 | 采用这种双钢丝夹箍,不仅可降低维修成本,而且适用范围不受限制。 | Adopting the dual steel wires hoop can not only reduce the maintenance cost, but also does not limit the application range; | |
12 | 长期以来,农民和园艺工作者已经在冬季使用温室来延长生长季。 | Farmers and gardeners have long used greenhouses to extend the growing season in cold weather. Now, hoop houses are gaining popularity. | |
13 | 沉桩完毕,将抱箍与桩身分开,打桩机移至下一桩位。 | and after the pile sinking is finished, separating the hoop from the pile body and moving the pile driver to a next pile. | |
14 | 除此之外,我们还有另一款A型“鸡尾酒裙”婚礼服,配有圈环裙。 | Apart from this, the A-line wedding dress Cocktail Dresses includes a hoop skirt. | |
15 | 除了光秃秃的头发和一副铁环状的耳环,弥勒佛和我看上去简直是双胞胎哥俩。 | Except for a shaved head and a hoop earring, the Happy Buddha and I could have been brothers. | |
16 | 此外,研究人员还建议,种植者在拱形温室的土壤中加施堆肥,增加养分。 | The researchers also advise growers to add compost material to the soil in hoop houses to build nutrients. | |
17 | 大棚饲养肉猪在工厂化农场围栏里疾病可疯狂传播。 | Hoop -raised pork Disease can run rampant in factory-farm enclosures. | |
18 | 但是目前最明智的选择,是前荷兰外交大臣,现任北约秘书长夏侯·雅伯。 | But the smart money right now is on Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, the former Dutch foreign minister and Nato secretary general. | |
19 | 当然,并不是说乔丹没有专业顾问,而是从根本上来说,它的顾问其实就是帮他完成绝杀一投的手腕而已。 | Not that he didn’t have mentors, but essentially it was his wrists that snapped the ball into the hoop . | |
20 | 刀首与柄箍有个性!! | Characteristic Dao head and handle hoop ! ! | |
21 | 第二箍圈的直经小于袋笼的直径。 | and the diameter of the second hoop ring is less than that of the bag cage. | |
22 | 多边形箍筋设备的整机结构设计 | The design of polygon forming hoop -iron machine | |
23 | 该器具可以使糖果被开口以及箍儿分别从内、外同时予以固定,具有糖果固定更稳定的特点。 | The apparatus can make the sugar be fixed inside and outside by the opening and the hoop , having characteristic of more stable sugar fixing. | |
24 | 高强约束混凝土框架柱抗震性能的研究 | Research on Anti-seismic Ability of Hoop Reinforced High Strength Concrete Frame Column | |
25 | 更多的勾选和跳圈只会让它更困难。 | More box-ticking and hoop -jumping will only make that harder. | |
26 | 公路桥现浇盖梁的包箍托架法施工技术 | The Construction Technology of Concrete Girders of Highway Bridges by Steel Hoop Brackets | |
27 | 拱形温室基本结构为金属框架,上面覆盖着塑料或全天候材料。 | A hoop house isbasciallybasically a metal frame covered with plastic orortherother all-weather material. | |
28 | 箍筋下料长度的确定 | Calculation of cutting length of hoop steel | |
29 | 箍索及焊接连接点与鼓身的凹槽保持一个平面。 | The hoop cable, the welding joint and the groove of the drum body keep on a plane. | |
30 | 滚动圆环的力学问题 | On mechanics in a rolling hoop |