属类:文学表达-外国名著-JANE EYRE
属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
1 | “他在牢里死了,死时比那些在土伦监狱里作苦工的重犯更悲惨,更无望,更心碎。” | He died a more wretched, hopeless , heart-broken prisoner than the felons who pay the penalty of their crimes at the galleys of Toulon. | |
2 | 哎,我对物理一窍不通。 | Well, I’m hopeless at physics. | |
3 | 不过,虽然到了这步田地,他仍不悲观绝望。 | Yet, even in his condition, he did not let himself indulge in hopeless thoughts | |
4 | 曹操见了,丢魂丧胆,只得央求关羽说:"我今天无路可走了,望将军看在我们往日的情份上,给我留一条活路!" | At the sight of Guan Yu’s mighty force, the hopeless and disappointed Cao Cao had to beg Guan Yu for a way out. "Now I am pressed in the corner. Please take mercy on me for our past friendship and let me go." | |
5 | 大多数学生进步都很快,但杰里米却似乎无可救药. | Most of the students are making good progress but Jeremy seems a hopeless case,ie he cannot or will not learn anything. | |
6 | 但花园的主人似乎已经看到:在大西洋的此岸,在坚硬的土地上和剧烈的生存竞争中,要把故乡英格兰的装点园艺的情趣移植过来,实在是枉费心机,从而决定放弃了这一努力。 | But the proprietor appeared already to have relinquished, as hopeless , the effort to perpetuate on this side of the Atlantic, in a hard soil and amid the close struggle for subsistence, the native English taste for ornamental gardening. | |
7 | 但是比他伙伴的痛苦更令人难受的,却是这位妇女脸上那种默默的悲伤,同她那交织着希望与绝望的问询的眼光。 | But worse than his comrade’s pain was the dumb anguish in the woman’s face, the blended look of hopeful, hopeless query | |
8 | 当有人陷入绝望时,我们大家都会因此变得渺小。 | And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless | |
9 | 对(下)国际象棋不堪造就 | Hopeless at(playing)chess | |
10 | 对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,结婚是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。 | Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to live upon | |
11 | 而正当他现在被时髦社会所遗弃不时,居然被请到勒格贝来,他无疑地是要感激的。既然他心中感激,那么他无疑地便要帮助克利福在美国成名起来,不露马脚的吹嘘,是可以使人赫然出名的,不管出的是什么名 | And, being a hopeless outsider, he would no doubt be grateful to be asked down to Wragby at this juncture, when the rest of the smart world was cutting him. | |
12 | 房客们处于绝望的境地,因为无耻的房东以不够标准的膳宿来骗他们的钱财。 | The tenants were in a hopeless position,being milked by an unscrupulous landlord for substandard accommodation. | |
13 | 干嘛在这种毫无希望的事情上浪费时间和精力? | Why waste time and energy on something so hopeless ? | |
14 | 国民党的顽固分子觉得边区的建设是无希望的,边区的困难是不可克服的困难,他们每天都在等待着边区“塌台”。 | The Kuomintang die-hards regard construction in the Border Region as a hopeless undertaking and the difficulties here as insurmountable; they are expecting the Border Region to collapse any day | |
15 | 海伦觉得试图洗净她手上的油漆是毫无希望的。 | Helen felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hands of the paint. | |
16 | 假如有关钻石的那个故事的,确是卡德鲁斯自己瞎编的,而世界上根本就没有布沙尼神甫这么个人,那么,我就没救了,除非能把卡德鲁斯本人捉到,而且能使他自己招供一切。 | Two months passed away in hopeless expectation on my part, while I must do the magistrate the justice to say that he used every means to obtain information of the person I declared could exculpate me if he would | |
17 | 将事实汇总在一起就会给公司的未来呈现出一幅令人绝望的图景。 | The facts add together to give a hopeless picture of the firm’s future | |
18 | 她的身体日见失掉意义,成为沉闷而晦暗,现在只是一个无意义的物质了。这使她觉得无限的颓丧的失望。还人什么希望呢? | Her body was going meaningless, going dull and opaque, so much insignificant substance. It made her feel immensely depressed and hopeless . What hope was there? | |
19 | 她改名为简·艾略特,找到一份工作,担任乡村小学女教师,竭力想忘掉她对罗切斯特的看来毫无希望的爱情。 | Under the new name of Jane Elliott, she finds a job as village schoolmistress and tries to forget her seemingly hopeless love for Rochester. | |
20 | 她形只影单地立足于世上--孤独得对社会无所依靠,只有小珠儿需要她指点和保护,--孤独得对恢复她的地位已不抱希望,即使她还没有鄙夷这种愿望,但是她已把断裂的锁链的碎片全然抛弃了。 | Standing alone in the world-alone, as to any dependence on society, and with little Pearl to be guided and protected-alone, and hopeless of retrieving her position, even had she not scorned to consider it desirable-she cast away the fragments of a broken chain. | |
21 | 她走了以后,外科医生就结束了他那没有希望的检查,拿那条打满了补钉的被单把尸体盖上。 | While she is gone, the surgeon abandons his hopeless investigation and covers its subject with the patchwork counterpane | |
22 | 她最近的一首新歌是关于无望的爱情。 | Her latest release is a song about hopeless love. | |
23 | 今年破产关闭的重点是煤炭、有色、冶金、军工行业中扭亏无望的企业和资源枯竭的矿山。 | The main targets for this year’s closedown and bankruptcy are enterprises hopeless in turning from loss-making in coal, non-ferrous metal, metallurgical and ordnance industries, as well as mines whose resources are exhausted | |
24 | 开始时,情况仿佛毫无希望,可是不久,一切都变得对被告有利了。 | At first the situation seemed to be hopeless , but then everything turned in the defendant’s favor. | |
25 | 康妮实在并不了解他;但是她自己觉得爱他。她的心里时时都感觉到他的失望。她是不能深深地、深深地爱而不存在希望的。而他呢,因为没有希望在心里,所以决不能深爱。 | Connie never really understood him, but, in her way, she loved him. And all the time she felt the reflection of his hopelessness in her. She couldn’t quite, quite love in hopelessness. And he, being hopeless , couldn’t ever quite love at all. | |
26 | 可怜的绝望的苔丝,因为她的神经受过分劳累的折磨已近于麻木,一心鄙视这个男人,没有完全意识到自己处境的危险。 | And poor, hopeless Tess,grinding on under a benumbing strain, was in more danger than her scorn of the man could realize. | |
27 | 理查兹两眼无神地扫了一眼信封上的字和邮戳--没有一样面熟--他把信丢在桌子上,重新接上刚刚被打断的思路,忍受着无望而沉闷的苦恼,继续猜度那句金口玉言。 | Richards glanced listlessly at the superscription and the post-mark--unfamiliar, both--and tossed the letter on the table and resumed his might-have-beens and his hopeless dull miseries where he had left them off | |
28 | 没希望了。 | It’s hopeless . | |
29 | 没有希望了,我们现在赢不了啦。 | It’s hopeless ; we can’t win now. | |
30 | ’没指望了,’他淡淡地说。 | ’It’s hopeless ,’ he said flatly. |