属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-致亲爱的爱德华 Dear Edward
1 | 我抓住了这么一个可怕的现实,把它放在我认为合适的地方,即使海特.奈特尔顿和他的朋友总想让我难堪。 | I do, so that I might grab off this piece of horrid reality and install it where I see fit, even if Hat Nettleton and his friends were still around to make me sorry | |
2 | 小孩的房间乱七八糟。 | The children’s room is in a horrid mess. | |
3 | 因此,我决定把我生活的情况从头至尾,按时间顺序一一记录下来。我估计,我是九月三十日踏上这可怕的海岛的 | I shall take it from its beginning, and continue it in its order. It was, by my account, the 30th. Of Sept. When, in the manner as above said, I first set foot upon this horrid island | |
4 | 音乐会里已经没有那些叫人头痛谁都听不懂的现代派不谐和音,所以更好听了。 | The concerts were more enjoyable without all the horrid modern dissonance which nobody really understood | |
5 | 在一般幼小的心灵里,这样一个浑身血红的人物,就是他们从有想像力那一天起所做的一切恶梦中提炼出来的精华。 | That blood-coloured figure was a sublimation of all the horrid dreams which had afflicted the juvenile spirit since imagination began | |
6 | 在幽暗里,他们的瘪嘴大张着,预告着灾祸;我一觉醒来,看见自己躺在这冰冷的山坡。 | I saw their starved lips in the gloam With horrid warning gaped wide, And I awoke, and found me here On the cold hill side. | |
7 | 这个讨厌透顶的老上校正向一个姑娘送秋波呢。 | The horrid old Colonel was making sheep’s eyes at a girl. | |
8 | 这药这么难吃,我不下去 | The medicine was so horrid I couldn’t keep it down, ie I was sick | |
9 | 真讨厌! | What a horrid nuisance! | |
10 | ||1:尽管阿西尔一直声辩自己比较穷困,她的生活其实非常优越。||2:在豪华的郊区住宅长大的她,之后在伦敦环境宜人的樱草花山也住了有几十年。房子是她一个表兄妹的(经济学人的记者,很巧),周末则到她表兄妹的诺福克别墅去小住,没事就去像威尼斯、加勒比海这样的地方旅行。||3:手头紧的时候,钞票总是又会在哪冒出来。||4:字里行间透露的是那种中上层阶级英国女性的调调:好的事情则叫“宝贝”呀,“亲爱的”呀,糟糕的事情则说“讨人嫌”呀,“讨厌”呀,或者是“糟透了”。||5:但是她也会像巡警一样破口大骂,完全不在乎别人怎么想。 | ||1: For all Miss Athill’s pleas of relative poverty, hers has been a privileged life. ||2: Raised in a grand country house, she lived for decades in Primrose Hill, a salubrious bit of London, in a house belonging to a cousin (a journalist at The Economist, it so happens), with weekends in the cousin’s Norfolk cottage and lots of trips to places like Venice and the Caribbean. ||3: When money seemed tight, cash always turned up from somewhere. ||4: Her voice on the page is that of an upper-middle-class Englishwoman—good things are “dear” or “darling”, bad things are “tiresome”, “horrid ” or “vile”. ||5: But she also swears like a trooper and does not care what people think. | |
11 | ||1:小说的反英雄奥古斯都·梅尔莫特是对商人食人魔的最好描述之一——“可怕的、高大的、富有的恶棍”、“膨胀的骗子”和“卑鄙的城市恶棍”,他与已故的罗伯特·麦克斯韦尔有着惊人的相似之处(由于法律原因,最好不要点名活着的人)。||2:尽管他出生在外国,有着神秘的过去,但梅尔莫特利用那些鄙视他的权贵们的贪婪,强行进入英国社会,这些权贵们为了得到他的青睐而相互竞争。||3:他花钱进入下议院;他让一家铁路公司上市,该公司表面上是为了在墨西哥和美国之间修建一条铁路,但实际上是一个出售股票的纸面计划。||4:庞氏骗局最终瓦解,暴露出英国庞大的商业帝国是一个贪婪滋生的骗局,其上流社会是一个虚伪的骗局。 | ||1:The novel’s anti-hero, Augustus Melmotte, is one of the great portraits of the businessman as ogre—a “horrid , big, rich scoundrel”, “a bloated swindler” and “vile city ruffian” who bears an uncanny resemblance to the late Robert Maxwell (and to living figures who had best not be named for legal reasons).||2:Despite his foreign birth and mysterious past, Melmotte forces his way into British society by playing on the greed of bigwigs who despise him yet compete for his favours.||3:He buys his way into the House of Commons; he floats a railway company that is ostensibly designed to build a line between Mexico and America but is really a paper scheme for selling shares.||4:The Ponzi scam eventually collapses, exposing Britain’s great commercial empire for a greed-fuelled racket and its high society as a hypocritical sham. | |
12 | 她将共产主义比作喜马拉雅雪人,一样的可怕而不真实。虽然她直到1966年还仍然留在党内,希望“从党内修正”,但她后来说过,这又是一个不切实际的幻想。 | Communism she likened to the abominable snowman—horrid and unreal—though she stayed in the party until 1966, hoping “to try to fix it all from the inside”. That, she said later, had been another delusion. | |
13 | 离婚是可怕的,保险可能缓和痛苦 | Ending a marriage is horrid . Insurance might ease the pain | |
14 | 此外,我不认为在金融城表现出色的人尤为可怕。 | Beyond that, I don’t accept that everyone who does well in the City is particularly horrid . | |
15 | 简单地说,他们出生于50年来就业形势最糟糕的时期,进入了一个可怕的就业市场: | Simply put, they were born at the worst time in 50 years as far as careers go, having entered a horrid job market: | |
16 | 她的继母和继姐妹对灰姑娘非常憎恶。 | Her stepmother and stepsisters were very horrid to Cinderella. | |
17 | 她一针见血地指出,欧盟的政策倾向于妥协和倾听,并且不喜欢解决麻烦的事情。 | She points to the EU’s fondness for compromise and listening, and its rejection of horrid things like conflict. | |
18 | 尽管它们的行为很糟糕,并散发着令人讨厌的恶臭,但他们仍是忠诚的伴侣和父母。 | Despite their dreadful demeanour and often horrid stench, Black Marrows are devoted mates and parents. | |
19 | 恐怕并非如此:埃里森这个人做事向来想怎么干就怎么干,况且不管怎么说,他与SAP还有一段由来已久的纠葛。 | I fear it doesn’t: Ellison has always done as he chooses, and in any case has a long and horrid history with SAP. | |
20 | 路拐弯处,是马里亚诺的家,依旧笼罩着一片恐怖的痰黄色,一只塑料鹿守卫着屋前的走道。 | The Marianos’ house, still that horrid shade of phlegm yellow with a plastic deer guarding the front walk, was on the bend. | |
21 | 你要做的第一件事就是换掉那个默认的“0comments”,这种表述太骇人了,换成一些有趣又迷人的。 | The first thing you should do is change that horrid default text that says "0 comments" to something more interesting and engaging. | |
22 | 抨击我使用牙线的方法,并不意味着我就是个糟糕的雇员,或是个令人讨厌的人。 | To attack the latter is not to imply I am a terrible employee or horrid person. | |
23 | 前一阵子,我认为向前走就是要反对使用这个讨厌的词。 | Until a month ago I thought the way forward was to protest at the use of this horrid phrase. | |
24 | 如果你发现自己感觉很恐怖的话,跟你的医疗服务提供者谈论下。 | If you find that you are feeling truly horrid , talk to your healthcare provider. | |
25 | 他们会让宏伟的想法投入实践,但是他们的成果会显得复杂、不可理喻甚至令人可怕。 | They will get the grand ideas running, but theirimplications are apt to be complex, overwhelming, and just plain horrid . | |
26 | 它用南方田园般的风景衬托树下垂悬的尸体,刻画了一副惊悚的意象。 | It juxtaposes the horrid image of bodies hanging from trees with a description of the idyllic South. | |
27 | 我们必须在那些可怕的机器在田里轰鸣之前,就得把全部家具、行李和粮草从这儿搬走。 | We really must get all the furniture and baggage and stores moved out of this before those horrid machines begin clicking round the fields. | |
28 | 我努力想象戴上传感器将会是什么样子。第一个念头就是:太可怕了。 | I’m trying to imagine what it would be like to be tagged and my first thought is that it would be horrid . | |
29 | 我甚至无法想象会有什么恶心的东西从里面出来! | I can’t even imagine what horrid imitations come out of that! | |
30 | 心理学家认识到拷打以及其它一些骇人的事情,最终将会导致精神问题。 | Psychologists know that torture causes, among other horrid things, lasting mental-health problems. |