属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-婚礼保险 婚前的保护
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:锅
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:银弹
1 | 下面大街上骑在马上的骑士们和怀着崇敬之情的群众在歌颂本市的权势。 | In the street below knights on horseback and adoring crowds celebrate the city’s dominance | |
2 | 现在很少人骑马出门了。 | Few people travel on horseback now | |
3 | 小人得意,忘乎所以 | Set a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil | |
4 | 许多人也喜欢从事一些非竞争性的活动像健行、骑单车、骑马、露营或打猎。 | Many people also enjoy non-competitive activities like hiking, biking, horseback riding, camping or hunting | |
5 | 学如逆水行舟,不进则退;心如平原跑马,易放难收 | To learn is like sailing upstream against the current, one has to forge ahead or he will be driven back. The mind goes like riding on horseback on a great plain, once let go , it is difficult to rein in . | |
6 | 演员总是做一个开门的动作,往前一抬腿表示进屋。演员手执马鞭就表示在骑马。 | The actor always opens an imaginary door and takes a high step to indicate that he is entering a room. If an actor carries a riding crop, he is on horseback . | |
7 | 一个粗暴的绅士,足登锃亮的高统马靴,跨在马背上。 | A gruff squire on horseback with shiny topboots | |
8 | 一种用环状物做鞭梢的骑马用的短鞭. | a short whip used in horseback riding, with a loop serving as a lash. | |
9 | 以拦带着箭袋,还有坐战车的和马兵,吉珥揭开盾牌。 | and Elam was armed with arrows, and aram came on horseback ; and the breastplate of Kir was uncovered. | |
10 | 有的人喜欢骑马,而我喜欢打高尔夫球。 | Some people like horseback ridding, but I prefer golfing as a hobby | |
11 | 有两个士兵骑着马。 | There were two soldiers on horseback . | |
12 | 有一天我们在山脚边一条路上走着,忽然我们看见三个骑马的人飞驰过来。他们走近时,我们躲在矮小的丛林中,幸好他们没有发现我们。 | One day, we were walking along a road which went round the foot of a mountain. Suddenly we saw three men on horseback riding quickly toward us. When they came up, we hid ourselves behind some undergrowth. Luckily, they didn’t discover us. | |
13 | 有一天我们在山脚边一条路上走着,忽然我们看见三个骑马的人飞驰过来他们走近时,我们躺在矮小的丛林中,幸好他们没有发现我们。 | One day, we were walking along a road which went round the foot of a mountain. Suddenly we saw three men on horseback riding quickly toward us. When they came up, we hid ourselves behind some undergrowth. Luckily, they didn’t discover us. | |
14 | 于是哈曼将朝服给末底改穿上,使他骑上马,走遍城里的街市,在他面前宣告说,王所喜悦尊荣的人,就如此待他。 | Then Haman took the robes and the horse, and dressing Mordecai in the robes, he made him go on horseback through the streets of the town, crying out before him, So let it be done to the man whom the king has delight in honouring. | |
15 | 于是掠夺者任意地驶入江河的上游,步行或骑马袭击遥远的内陆,抢劫的区域在内地扩大。 | The raiders then sailed their ships up the rivers at will, striking far inland on foot or on horseback , and pillaging far and wide | |
16 | 灾来如骑马,祸去如步行。 | Misfortune come on horseback and go away on foot. | |
17 | 在新一年的一天,她跟平常一样坐在窗子旁,爱德华骑着一匹马,高视阔步地从车道上走来。 | One day in the new year she was sitting as usual at her window when Edward came prancing up the drive on horseback | |
18 | 遭灾易,消灾难。 | Misforunes come on horseback and go away on foot. | |
19 | 正走间,曹操突然在马背上扬鞭大笑说:"别人都说诸葛亮足智多谋,我看也是无能之辈 | While marching on, Cao Cao, riding horseback , pointed his whip and laughed loudly, saying, "People say Zhuge Liang is wise and full of clever stratagems, but it seems to me he is as incapable as the average general. | |
20 | 走马看花,不深入,因为有那么多的花嘛。 | If you look at flowers on horseback , you’ll only get a superficial impression, as there are so many | |
21 | ||1:正如每一场婚礼会为离婚律师创造潜在的业务一样,每一场订婚也会给保险公司招揽生意的机会。||2:保险公司Travelers的承保人艾伦·图瓦表示,未来的夫妻可能更希望在婚礼上保护自己,免出差错。||3:虽然你的未婚妻不太可能像《落跑新娘》中的茱莉亚·罗伯茨那样骑马跑掉—当然,大多数保险公司不会涵盖这项业务,但是你也不可能知道会发生什么。||4:图瓦先生发起了这家公司的婚礼保险业务,他和他的妻子是的一个客户。 | ||1:JUST as each wedding creates potential business for divorce lawyers, so each engagement gives insurers a chance to drum up business.||2:Future spouses, says Alan Tuvin of Travelers, an insurer, may wish to protect themselves against something going wrong on the wedding day.||3:It is unlikely that your betrothed will scarper on horseback , as Julia Roberts did in “Runaway Bride”, and most insurers wouldn’t cover that anyway. But you never know what might happen.||4:Mr Tuvin launched the firm’s wedding-insurance business; he and his wife were its first clients. | |
22 | 1848年1月24日,一个名叫詹姆斯·威尔逊·马歇尔(James Wilson Marshall)的人在加利福尼亚境内发现了黄金。这个消息很快传开了,成千上万的人徒步,骑马或乘船奔向加州西部的黄金地带。到1849年,淘金热开始了。 | On January twenty-fourth, eighteen forty-eight, a man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold in the territory of California. The news spread quickly. Thousands rushed west. They traveled on foot, by horseback and by boat to reach the gold fields. By eighteen forty-nine, the great gold rush was on. | |
23 | 一位高级官员很崇尚20世纪30年代在麦加执政的沙特国王阿卜杜勒阿齐兹所推行的女性政策,当时女性可骑在马背上带着货物去市场交易。 | A senior official admires footage of the Saudi state’s founder, Abdulaziz, holding court in 1930s Mecca, while women riding on horseback bring their wares to market. | |
24 | 在他的新身份中他戴着面具。他在马背上寻找美国西部的坏蛋并将其绳之以法。 | In his new identity he wore a mask. On horseback , he looked for the bad guys in the American West and brought them to justice. | |
25 | 1899年,古巴雷梅迪奥斯,戈梅兹将军的骑兵出现在一片长满棕榈树的平原上,其中一名士兵手持古巴国旗。 | Cavalry of Gen. Gomez’ army, Remedios, Cuba. Group of armed soldiers on horseback , one carrying Cuban flag, on a palm covered plain. | |
26 | 1907年12月26日由爱德华·柯蒂斯拍摄,展现了一群骑在马背上的布鲁尔族印第安人,很多人头戴战帽。 | Brule Indians, many wearing war bonnets, on horseback . Photo by Edward S. Curtis, December 26, 1907 | |
27 | PFD可能由繁重的运动——如普拉提、骑单车和骑马等引起的肌肉损伤所导致。 | PFD can occur as a result of injury through strenuous activities like Pilates, biking, and horseback riding. | |
28 | 安德鲁骑马穿越大草原。 | Andrew traversed the prairie on horseback . | |
29 | 本实用新型是车辆维修行业中理想的骑马攀螺母拆装机。 | The utility model is an ideal disassembly and assembly machine for horseback -riding cap nuts in the vehicle maintaining industry. | |
30 | 不行,亲爱的,你最好骑着马去。天好象要下雨的样子,下了雨你就可以在那儿过夜。 | No, my dear, you had better go on horseback , because it seems likely to rain; and then you must stay all night. |