属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英伦生活质量 被挤压成沙漏型的劳务市场需求
1 | 抽纱法将线沿着水平方向拉直并将剩余的垂直线扎成沙漏状的一种刺绣方法 | A method of decorating cloth by pulling out horizontal threads and tying the remaining vertical threads into hourglass -shaped bunches. | |
2 | 吹制玻璃术发明后,滴漏计时器便开始使用。 | After glass blowing was invented,the hourglass came into use. | |
3 | 滴漏用于计算大约长十二个小时的时间,沙漏用于计算一个小时,因此也被称为“时漏”。 | The water clock was used for periods of about twelve hours: the sand clock was used for one hour, and was therefore called an“hourglass ” | |
4 | 环面蜗杆齿面啮合线的计算器仿真技术 | The computer simulation Technology of the Hourglass Worm Gear Tooth Meshing Line | |
5 | 沙漏的用法很简单,每小时倒置一次,沙子才能重新流下。 | The hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be turned over every hour so the sand could flow again | |
6 | 沙漏的中部、小提琴中间凹处、黄蜂的腰部. | The waist of an hourglass ,a violin,a wasp | |
7 | 沙漏状的图案;沙漏形的图形 | An hourglass design; an hourglass figure. | |
8 | 时光会倒流吗 | Can sand flow upward in the hourglass ? | |
9 | 所以玻璃吹制技术发明以后,沙漏开始使用。 | So, after glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use | |
10 | 有限元程序网格沙漏变形的分析与控制 | Hourglass Control in Finite Element Code | |
11 | 直廓环面蜗杆齿面磨削方法的研究 | The Study on a Grinding Method of Straight Outline Hourglass Worm | |
12 | ||1:关于怎样才能表达出时间的印象,他已经深思熟很多年。||2:他想要的表达,不是时钟、日历、时漏这些仪器,这些仪器的用处是提醒人们什么时候去喝咖啡,什么时间去喂小猫咪。||3:这样子的时间甚至都可以往回拨,钟表的指针可以回调,时漏可以颠倒。||4:他想要表达出来的,是穿过他自己的时间,那是不可逆转的连续的时间,是在无限的广漠之中他生命的脉搏走向了死亡。||5:在二十世纪六十年代早期几年里,他曾试着在用一种颜色在画布上点点,或是画之字,这种画他称之为“染色体”,但是最后他得出了这样的结论,即时间比它们都有序。||6:所以他才想到用这样的方法来画画,在画布上写下数字,从一到无限,至少,到他有生之年能够到达的那个数字,这样,他能创作出的艺术品,才是对时间在生命之中的运动,或对生命在时间中的运动所做的纪录。 | ||1: He had thought about this for years, wondering how he might visualise time. ||2: He did not mean the time of clocks or calendars or hour-glasses; those were merely instruments of convenience for fixing points at which to have coffee, or feed the cat. ||3: That was time you could even reverse, by winding back the clock or tipping the hourglass over. ||4: He meant the irreversible continuum of time that flowed through him, the pulse of his life approaching his death within the vastness of infinity. ||5: For some years early in the 1960s he had played around with dabs and zigzags of monochrome paint on canvases which he called “Chronomes”, but he concluded that time was more orderly than that. ||6: By painting numbers in careful succession from one to infinity, or as near to it as he was destined to get, he would make a work of art that tracked as well as anything the movement of time in a life, and life in time. | |
13 | ||1:如今英国政府一边在“哭诉”曾经管理层的失败,一边又在同样的问题上栽了更大的跟头。||2:就目前利率来看,在2010至2015年议会期间,公民真实收入将缩减至6,660欧元(折合美元10,250元)。||3:劳务市场需求沙漏化更加明显:英国总工会(Trades Union Congress)的一项研究表明,至2012年11月,由低工资部门提供的净就业机会占总数的五分之四,而那些被限制的中等水平求职者只好利用信用卡来支付各项费用。||4:2013年第一季度英国储蓄率跌至4.2%,是自2009年以来的最低水平。 | ||1:Today the government crows about the failings of past administrations while presiding over an intensification of the same problems.||2:At current rates, real earnings will have shrunk by £6,660 ($10,250) over the 2010-15 parliament.||3:The hourglass shape of the labour market has become more pronounced: research by the Trades Union Congress shows that four in five net jobs created up to December 2012 were in low-wage sectors. As before, the squeezed middle is turning to credit cards to compensate.||4:In the first quarter of 2013 the savings ratio fell to 4.2%, its lowest since 2009. | |
14 | 被挤压成沙漏型的劳务市场需求 | Squeezing the hourglass | |
15 | 爱情就象一个砂漏,当脑子倒空的时候心就被填满了。 | Love is like an hourglass , with the heart filling up as the | |
16 | 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。 | love is like an hourglass , with the heart filling up as the brain empties. | |
17 | 包络环面蜗杆传动的承载接触研究 | Study on Contact of Loaded Hourglass Worm Gearing | |
18 | 北美洲对人类威胁最大的几个物种之一,最大特点就是身体下面的红色漏斗标记。 | One of the few species harmful to people in North America, a black widow often features a red hourglass shape on its underside. | |
19 | 但是,甚至一直做桶倒立的男人也不可能把一个体态似消防栓的女人看作似沙漏。 | But even a man who has been doing keg-stands is not likely to mistake a woman shaped like a fire hydrant for one shaped like an hourglass . | |
20 | 滚柱包络环面蜗杆传动的运动学分析 | Kinetic analysis on roller enveloping hourglass worm driving | |
21 | 滚锥包络环面蜗杆传动的润滑状态分析 | Lubrication states analyses on rolling cone enveloping hourglass worm gearing | |
22 | 滚子的接缝处断开 | Roller seam is opening or becoming hourglass shaped | |
23 | 黑寡妇是臭名昭著的蜘蛛,可以通过它们腹部上彩色沙漏形斑点来识别。 | Black widows are notorious spiders identified by the colored, hourglass -shaped mark on their abdomens. | |
24 | 环面蜗杆齿面啮合线的计算机仿真技术 | The computer simulation Technology of the Hourglass Worm Gear Tooth Meshing Line | |
25 | 环面蜗杆类零件实体建模研究 | Study on Solid Modeling of Hourglass Worm Parts | |
26 | 她还说,科学证明,腰与臀的理想比例是0.7,而据估计,在泰勒的沙漏身材上,这一比例竟达到了0. | Science has shown that the the ideal waist-to-hip ratio is 0. 7, she said, but Taylor’s hourglass figure supposedly boasted a 0. 6 ratio. | |
27 | 巨星S106IR位于沙漏的束腰位置,天文学家估计该恒星的质量可能是我们太阳质量的15倍。 | Giant star S106IR lies near the waist of the hourglass . Astronomers estimate the star could be up to 15 times more massive than our sun. | |
28 | 你用隐喻时,前后不能混为一谈。也就是说,不要在开始的时候把一个东西称之为旗鱼,而后面又称之为沙漏。 | When you use metaphor, do not mix it up. That is, don’t start by calling something a swordfish and end by calling it an hourglass . | |
29 | 譬如说,稍稍地在圆柱体中间挤压,使它成为沙漏的形状。 | [Animation of a black string] Say, for example, the cylinder was squeezed slightly in its center, giving it the shape of an hourglass . | |
30 | 平面包络环面蜗杆精度评价 | Precision evaluation for the planar enveloping hourglass worm gear |