属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:狼
1 | 任某人尽情欢乐的时候 | sb.’s night to howl | |
2 | 肉骨头打狗,狗不叫。 | A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. | |
3 | 森林中嚎叫的狼群. | Wolves howl ing in the forest. | |
4 | 身在狼窝,须学狼嗥。 | One must howl with the wolves | |
5 | 他拼命哭闹,紧抱住她的腿不放。他父亲费了好大的劲儿才让他松了手。 | He put up an awful howl and fastened himself tight to her leg. His father managed to pull him loose. | |
6 | 他始而大喊大叫,后来声音减低到小声咕哝。 | He began to howl and diminuendoed down to a mutter | |
7 | 它就凄凉地吠叫起来。 | He began to howl dismally | |
8 | 听见狼嚎我毛骨悚然。 | It made my flesh creep to hear the wolves howl . | |
9 | 同狼(即不法私商)一起学“狼叫” | this is like learning to "howl like a wolf" when living among wolves, i.e., the unscrupulous private traders (指解放初期反投机倒把的方法之一) | |
10 | 痛苦的喊叫声 | A howl of pain | |
11 | 我们发现《泥泉晨声报》的同业认为范维特的当选还不是确定的事实,这是一种错误的看法… | We observe that our contemporary of the Mud Springs Morning Howl has fallen into the error of supposing that the election of Van Werter I not an established fact… | |
12 | 向敌人高喊挑战. | howl defiance at the enemy | |
13 | 要想狗不叫,必须有骨头 | A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. | |
14 | 夜空中又传来了那又长又凄凉的狗叫声。 | That long,lugubrious howl rose on the night air again! | |
15 | 一声惊醒了所有宿营者的嚎叫 | a howl that awakened the whole camp. | |
16 | 以吼叫声淹没反对的意见 | Howl down the opposition | |
17 | 与狼结交,须学狼嗥。 | Who keep company with the wolf will learn to howl . | |
18 | 与狼为伍者会懂得嚎。 | Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl . | |
19 | 与狼相结交,就会学狼嚎。 | Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl . | |
20 | 在享利的逼视下,他迟疑起来,望望周围就餐的人,随后立刻朝侍者大发雷霆。 | He hesitated under Henry’s direct gaze, looked around at the other diners, and all at once burst out in a howl of abuse at the waiter | |
21 | 这是一声哀号--一声悲鸣,半似恐怖,半似得意,只有堕入地狱的受罪冤魂痛苦的惨叫,和魔鬼见了冤魂遭受天罚的欢呼打成一片,才跟这声音差不离。 | It was a howl -a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly from the throats of the damned in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation | |
22 | 这是一首安灵曲,一首挽歌,一种呻吟,一种感叹,一种呼号,一种啼哭,可以说是总其精华,集悲惨与难听之大成。 | It was a requiem, a dirge, a moan, a howl , a wail, a lament; an abstract of everything that is sorrowful and hideous in sound | |
23 | 政府的支持者们准备用喊叫声压倒任何批评意见。 | Supporters of the administration were ready to howl down any suggestions of criticism | |
24 | 总有一天,我要叫他们用后腿站起来汪汪大叫说:“老天爷,又是那个混账的第三集团军和巴顿那个王八蛋”…… | Some day I want them to rise on their hind legs and howl :"Jesus Christ, it’s that goddam Third Army and that son of a bitch Patton again".. | |
25 | ||1:事实上,民主争论更加复杂。||2:脱欧公投不仅是欧洲怀疑论的表现,也是一种更广泛的挫败感的表现。||3:它暴露了过去左右两党分裂所掩盖的按年龄、地区和阶级划分的分歧。||4:公投以来的激烈争论非但没有弥合这些分歧,反而导致双方的分歧进一步扩大。||5:推翻投票结果可能会使他们无法和解。||6:但是,采用英国退欧这样的协议不大可能治愈这些创伤。||7:事实上,退欧公投在某种程度上是左派对遥远而冷漠的精英统治的抗议,这种形式的退欧可能会让这些问题变得更糟。||8:对不负责任的统治者的愤怒不会因为一项协议而得到缓解,在该协议中,英国听从了它不能选出来的人的命令。||9:而那些只想把事情办完的人可能会发现,英国退欧仅仅标志着围绕英国与隔壁巨头关系的全国性争论的开始。 | ||1:In truth, the democratic argument is more complicated.||2:The vote to leave was an expression not just of Euroscepticism but of a wider frustration.||3:It exposed divisions by age, region and class that the old left-right party divide had covered up.||4:Far from bridging those divides, the bitter arguments since the referendum have if anything caused the two sides to move even further apart.||5:Overturning the vote would risk making them irreconcilable.||6:But adopting a Brexit deal like the one on offer would be unlikely to heal those wounds.||7:Indeed, to the extent that the referendum was a howl by the left-behind against rule by remote and uncaring elites, this form of Brexit could make those problems worse.||8:Anger at unaccountable rulers would not be assuaged by a deal in which Britain followed orders from people it could not elect.||9:And those keen just to get the whole thing over with might find that Brexit marked only the beginning of national argument about the relationship with the behemoth next door. | |
26 | ||1:这段曲子可能在半个多世纪前就创作完成了,但是,在三分钟内你就能听到他的作曲人生中对他最重要的东西。||2:里面有对着月亮吼叫的两个音符-听过了,就永远也忘不了。||3:从音乐上讲,这是一种难得的心灵与思想的融合,就像贝多芬第五交响曲的开头音符一样清晰可辨。||4:此外,还有经典的音乐主题,比如理查德·瓦格纳在《尼伯龙根的指环》系列中散布的那些主题,这些主题划分出了好人、坏人和丑陋的人。 | ||1:The theme may have been written well over half a century ago, but in less than three minutes you hear everything that came to matter most to him in a lifetime of composing.||2:There is the two-note howl at the Moon—once heard, never forgotten.||3:Musically, it is that rare fusion of heart and mind and as recognisable, in its way, as the opening notes of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.||4:Then there are the classic musical motifs, like those Richard Wagner scattered through the “Ring” cycle, that mark out the good man, the bad and the ugly. | |
27 | 评论家们怒嚎,小孩子们太嫩,对付不了社交网络。 | Critics howl that young children lack the maturity to cope with social networks. | |
28 | 评论者们怒斥道,儿童不够成熟,社交网络上的种种他们应付不来。他们也担心脸谱网会从天真无知的孩子们,或者更有可能是其父母身上赚取不义之财。任职于一家压力集团——儿童网络服务组织——的Doug Fodeman说:"我们这是在送羊入虎口。" | Critics howl that young children lack the maturity to cope with social networks. They also worry that Facebook will find devious ways to make money from naive children or, more likely, their parents. "We would be giving the keys to the chicken coop to the fox," says Doug Fodeman of ChildrenOnline.org, a pressure group. | |
29 | 色鬼狼嚎(wolf call)是指男子发出的口哨声、嚎叫或是其它噪音,表示他喜欢某个女孩的外貌。但是色鬼狼嚎不是一件好事,这些男子听起来非常野蛮和粗鲁。相信我,大多数女性都不喜欢这样。所以它无法为男人在爱情游戏中赢得任何好处。 | A wolf call is a whistle, howl or other noise made by a man to show that he likes the way a woman looks. But a wolf call is not a nice thing. These men sound wild and rude. And trust me, most women really hate wolf calls. So, they don’t win a man any points in the game of love. | |
30 | 狗也摆好阵势,要狂吠了,但是今晚,他们按兵不动。 | The dogs began to yip and howl , but tonight they kept their places. |