属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-紧缩的办公室 都是管理学惹的祸
1 | 嘈杂的声音淹没了主人的声音。 | The hubbub of voices drowned out the host’s voice. | |
2 | 大的叫喊声;嘈杂声 | A loud outcry;a hubbub . | |
3 | 地铁车站的嘈杂声。 | the hubbub of a subway station | |
4 | 法国人的思想是有名的清楚,他们的文章也明白干净,但是他们的做事,无不混乱、肮脏、喧哗,但看这船上的乱糟糟。 | The French are famous for the clarity of their thought and the lucidness of their prose, yet in whatever they do, they never fail to bring chaos, filth, and hubbub , as witness the mess on board the ship | |
5 | 广场上人山人海,人声鼎沸。 | The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up. | |
6 | 基于Digital Hubbub的远程多媒体监控系统的设计与实现 | Design and Realization of Long-distance Multimedia Monitoring System Based on the Digital Hubbub | |
7 | 基于家庭Digital Hubbub的分布式多媒体QoS管理模型 | The QoS Management Model for Distributed Multimedia Based on Home Digital Hubbub | |
8 | 建筑物的巨大高度…大声喧嚷及无尽的骚动…使我陷入了吃惊的麻木不仁之中(罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)。 | The huge height of the buildings.the hubbub and endless stir.struck me into a kind of stupor of surprise(Robert Louis Stevenson. | |
9 | 却说封肃因听见公差传唤,忙出来陪笑启问. | Hearing the hubbub at his gate, Feng Su hurried out so see what the messengers wanted. | |
10 | 他埋头于手头的工作,室外的吵闹声他简直象没有听见一般。 | He concentrated on the work in hand,and the hubbub outside the room simply flowed over him. | |
11 | 他们发出了一阵喧哗。 | There arose a hubbub among them. | |
12 | 他一心埋头于手头的工作,对室外的吵闹声好像没有听见一样。 | He concentrated on the work in hand, and the hubbub outside the room simply flowed over him | |
13 | 天天生活在城市里的我们很难想像过去的人,过去的事,过去的年代与感觉。 | In the hubbub of city life,it is hard for us to imagine the people and the things of the past,and how indeed these people felt about the world. | |
14 | 我的弟兄们,我再说一遍,即使是在说俏皮话、诙谐、笑谑和隐语时,也不可过于热心,不可嚣张,不可过分。 | I repeat, brothers, I repeat, no zeal, no hubbub , no excess,even in witticisms, gayety, jollities, or plays on words | |
15 | 午餐时刻,博物馆的餐厅里洋溢着一片愉快的嘈杂声。 | At lunchtime, a pleasant hubbub of voices fills the museum’s cafeteria | |
16 | 喧闹声;骚动 | An uproar;a hubbub . | |
17 | 以治待乱,以静待哗,此治心者也。 | Disciplined and calm, to await the appearance of disorder and hubbub amongst the enemy:--this is the art of retaining self-possession. | |
18 | 在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。 | We couldn’t hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors,speculators,tipsters,and touts. | |
19 | 只是偶然发生口角,大声地吵闹。 | Only occasionally a hubbub of altercation rises to the skies | |
20 | ||1:除了追求低成本,“挤压”战略的背后还有一个动机。||2:受硅谷启发,各公司正试图把自己的办公室变成“协同空间”,职员们可以随意地与他人会面并且有效地交流。||3:计划搬迁的阿拉斯泰尔·杨说,毕马威重新设计过的伦敦金融区的写字楼还将包含许多的“超脱空间”,员工可以在那儿略作小憩,以及远离喧嚣的静音房。||4:他认为这是提高生产力与节约成本的双赢战略。 | ||1:Aside from cheapness, there is a motive behind this squashing.||2:Inspired bySilicon Valley, firms are trying to make their offices into “collaborative spaces”, where people bump into each other and chat usefully.||3:KPMG’s redesignedCanaryWharfoffices will include lots of “breakout spaces” where employees can relax, and quiet rooms where people can get away from hubbub , says Alastair Young, who is planning the move.||4:He thinks this will both improve productivity and save money. | |
21 | 他们说开放式办公室使他们更难以集中精神,因为其他人的喧闹和电子噪音是如此令人分心。 | Workers say that open-plan offices make it more difficult to concentrate, because the hubbub of human and electronic noise is so distracting. | |
22 | 从一片乱局之中,投资者可以得出两个结论。 | Investors can draw two conclusions from all the hubbub . | |
23 | 但是由工资引起的骚动也过分简化了事情,尤其是当把工资等级与它的结构混合在一起时。 | But the hubbub around pay also oversimplifies things, especially by conflating the level of pay with its structure. | |
24 | 而在大约20年后,既然游行的喧闹已经消失殆尽,我便可以在这里详细地说明,。 | But I can elaborate on it here, some twenty years later, now that all that parade hubbub has died down. | |
25 | 目前猪流感大规模流行的威胁导致一片混乱,在这之中,一个有关流行病的秘密正在被解开。 | Amidst the hubbub surrounding the current pandemic threat from swine flu, an epidemiological mystery has been unfolding. | |
26 | 让我对这场闹剧感到好笑的是,萨拉所做的和我们传统意义上的性工作是何其的相似。 | What’s amusing to me about all the hubbub is just how similar what she’s doing is to what we traditionally label as sex work. | |
27 | 山里的空气清新,能让生活在繁忙都会的城市人洗净城市尘嚣,让人感觉心旷神怡。 | The air in the mountain is so fresh that can make the busy citizens be far away from the hubbub and feel way above par. | |
28 | 上周,美国的电视和广播中激荡着各种不和谐音。 | This week, a cacophonous hubbub is overwhelming America’s airwaves. | |
29 | 实际上,我们仅仅是在临场发挥而已,通常是在周四早上报纸出版时匆忙草就的。 | Actually, we just make them up on the spot, usually in the Thursday-morning hubbub as the newspaper goes to press. | |
30 | 所以HubbubBenson,住在河的对面,也就是医学院的对面,在该领域做了大量研究。 | So Hubbub Benson, from the across the river, from the medical school here, has done a lot of research in this area. |