属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国派系纷争 究竟谁是幕后智者?
1 | ||1:其他三股思想的影响力稍弱。||2:保守党内曾强势一时的左翼力量余部主张经济干预,并对欧洲态度相对宽松,抱团支持托利改革派。||3:党内底层成员中占主流地位的是社会保守主义者和自由论者。||4:前者基本上与基石派相似,曾在会议外围大搞反同性恋结婚游行。||5:后者则被认为在税收和对外政策上持有鹰派观点。 | ||1:Three other strains are less influential.||2:The pitiful remnants of the party’s once-strong left wing, economically interventionist and relaxed about Europe, huddle around the Tory Reform Group.||3:Better represented among the party grassroots are the social conservatives and the libertarians.||4:The former, mostly close to the Cornerstone Group, were out in force at an anti-gay-marriage rally on the conference fringe.||5:The latter are defined by hawkish views on taxes and foreign policy. | |
2 | 保持精神。体里体外保持清洁和穿着整齐。清洁的感觉可以让你舒服地缩成一团,和接近任何一个人。 | Be fresh. Be clean and neat, inside and out. The feeling of cleanliness makes you comfortable to huddle up or to get close with anyone. | |
3 | 朝鲜的邻国们可能已准备好仅龟缩在一起,将希望寄于外交和导弹防御的最佳结果。 | North Korea’s neighbours may be prepared simply to huddle together, trusting in the best efforts of diplomacy and missile defences. | |
4 | 大概15个人在监视器,荧光灯,塑料保育器,还有加热灯前忙成一团。 | About fifteen peoplewere crowded into the huddle of monitors, fluorescent lights, plastic incubators, and heat lamps. | |
5 | 大概有十五个人挤在一堆监控器、荧光灯、塑料保育箱和热灯之中。 | About fifteen peoplewere crowded into the huddle of monitors, fluorescent lights, plasticincubators, and heat lamps. | |
6 | 但是这些企鹅挤成一堆的同时为什么还要摇摆呢? | But why are the birds doing the wave as they huddle ? | |
7 | 但在当前的经济寒冬里,蜷缩在亚洲地区唯一仍在燃烧的经济“篝火”旁,不失为一种明智的做法。 | But in these chill times it makes sense to huddle up to the only economic fire still flickering in the region. | |
8 | 而2003年,该行所在地科特迪瓦在战火中支离破碎,它也因此成了难民,从家里逃到突尼斯暂时避难。 | And in 2003, it became a refugee, fleeing its home in war-torn Cô ted’Ivoire to huddle temporarily in Tunisia. | |
9 | 更具决定性的是,高盛表示,9月4日,即百度股价开始上涨当天,它并没有召开“秘密交易会议”。 | More decisively, Goldman says it had no "huddle " on September 4, when Baidu first began to move. | |
10 | 还有房子已成灰烬的几百平民,他们拥挤在临时搭建的遮蔽处内。 | Several hundred civilians, their homes in ashes, huddle under makeshift shelters. | |
11 | 她们不像无业游民那样麋麋集为伴,互相寻温暖。 | They do not huddle together for warmth and companionship like bums. | |
12 | 据我所知,“集群”是google+在为集群短信服务作准备。 | As far as I understand it, a "huddle " is supposed to be the Google+ alternative to group texting services. | |
13 | 两名士兵蜷缩在一堵墙后。 | Two soldiers huddle behind a wall. | |
14 | 没有人会要求你为了拯救我们的地球在黑暗里面蜷缩成一团,在烛光中一边发抖一边啃豆子。 | No one’s asking you to huddle in the dark, shivering and eating beans by candlelight, to save the planet. | |
15 | 耐人寻味的是,当网上大部分软件都提供免费服务时,HuddleMindMeister和blueKiwi都需要对他们的产品收费。 | Intriguingly, when most of the internet is assumed to offer free services, Huddle , MindMeister and blueKiwi all charge for their products. | |
16 | 你们可以分享彼此的想法和经验——在演讲之前,我会通过电话参与一场特殊的战略讨论。 | You can share ideas and experiences -- and I’ll be joining on the phone for a special strategy huddle before the speech. | |
17 | 农舍由一堆打火石和红瓦砾堆砌而成,四周弥漫着醉人的奶香 | a huddle of flint, brick and red tile in a heady smell of cows. | |
18 | 女人总是想当然地认为,男人聚在一堆是为了聊低俗的性,事实并非如此。 | Women have always assumed that men huddle in groups for sleazy sex chats, but that isn’t true. | |
19 | 甚至客厅的沙发都能让夫妇和家人们挤在一起吃爆米花和看电影的时候间感到舒适和亲密。 | Even a living room sofa can provide comfort and closeness for a couple or family as they huddle together to eat popcorn and watch a movie. | |
20 | 圣地亚哥居民罗拉乔装成了她的美国海军父亲的模样;惠子则打扮成她在海豹突击队的叔叔的造型。她俩一起簇拥在星条之中。 | San Diego natives Lola, dressed as her US Marine father and Keiko, as her Navy Seal uncle, huddle amidst the stars and stripes. | |
21 | 委员会成员与主席私下碰头开会。 | The committee members went into a huddle with the chairperson. | |
22 | 我发现战线就在阿克亚拉以外1英里处。那里是一片小吃摊和垃圾堆。 | I found the front line about a mile beyond Al Uqaylah, a huddle of roadside snack shacks and trash heaps. | |
23 | 我们围绕着一个公共的碗挤成一团,共用数个调羹舀出几口咸味通心粉,调料是沙漠草药制成的。 | We huddle around a communal bowl, sharing spoons to dip out mouthfuls of salty macaroni seasoned with desert herbs. | |
24 | 有的晚上,我蜷缩在收音机前,转动着调谐盘,努力收听远方电台。 | At night sometimes I’d huddle at the radio, turning the dial, trying to pick up stations far away. | |
25 | 在比利时布鲁塞尔以东约80公里靠近哈瑟尔,一场暴雨袭击了在哈瑟尔附近举行的露天音乐节后,乐迷们挤在一起。 | Fans huddle together after a storm swept through an open air music festival near Hasselt, about 80 kilometers east of Brussels, Belgium. | |
26 | 在国家海岸线海湾群岛最西端的卡特岛上,一些沾满油污的褐鹈鹕蜷缩在一起。 | Oil-stained brown pelican chicks huddle on Cat Island, a barrier island forming the westernmost point of Gulf Islands National Seashore. | |
27 | 在这个公园里,一群年轻人正围在两个吉他手周围,吉他手边唱边弹着一首曲子。 | In this park, a group of teenagers huddle around two guitarists who are strumming and singing an acoustic melody. | |
28 | 这幅抽象派拼贴画来源于许多集体照,显示了人们在说“cheese”的时候都摆出了相同的姿态。 | The collage, cobbled from dozens of group portraits, shows how people adopt the same huddle when they’re saying ’cheese. ’ |