属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-澳大利亚和日本 逐利先锋
1 | "你一定是对的,先生,""约翰恭顺地说道。" | "You must be right, Sir,"" said John humbly ." | |
2 | “基督对你有何要求呢?仅仅是处世公正、慈悲为怀、过着虔诚谦卑的生活?” | What doth the Lord require of thee,but to do justly and to love mercy,and to walk humbly with the God | |
3 | “请原谅!”爱丽丝似乎理亏似地说,“我想你已经拐到第五个弯了吧!” | `I beg your pardon,’ said Alice very humbly : `you had got to the fifth bend, I think?’ | |
4 | “是,先生,”马丁乖乖地说,希望那时处于希尔顿老师地位的是图书馆询问台的那个人。 | "Yes, sir," Martin said humbly , wishing somehow that the man at the desk in the library was in Professor Hilton’s place just then | |
5 | 爱丽丝低声恳求着说,“我再不打岔了,也许有那样一个井吧。” | Alice said very humbly ; `I won’t interrupt again. I dare say there may be ONE.’ | |
6 | 白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。 | The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. | |
7 | 卑躬屈膝地;谦恭的 | In a humble manner;humbly . | |
8 | 出身微贱. | be humbly born | |
9 | 当时法国的上流社会,上至路易十六下至各沙龙中那些生来就会恭顺地巴结名流权势的女士们都向这位老人敞开了谨慎戒备的大门。 | The great world, from Louis XVI down to the most humbly endowed of lionhunting ladies of the salons, opened its jealously guarded portals to the old man | |
10 | 狗是把我们看作偶像的,至少你不把我们看作偶像,因而我越发感激你的这般赏识----以及其他种种。” | At least you do not take us for gods, as do the dogs, and the more am I humbly beholden to you for this little service of recognition----and something more." | |
11 | 极为谦逊地恳求宽恕. | beg most humbly for forgiveness | |
12 | 将壳剥掉后,她看到的是只煮熟的鸡蛋。最后他让她啜饮咖啡。品尝到香浓的咖啡,女儿笑了。她怯声问道:“父亲,这意味着什么?” | Mter pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. She humbly asked. "What does it mean, Father?" | |
13 | 你应当对他俩说有礼貌的话。你应当必恭必敬地服侍他俩,你应当说:“我的主啊!求你怜悯他俩,就像我年幼时他俩养育我那样”。 | And act humbly to them in mercy, and say, “My Lord, have mercy on them, since they cared for me when I was small.” | |
14 | 苏小姐理想的自己是:“艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,”让方鸿渐卑逊地仰慕而后屈伏地求爱。 | Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, "as delectable as peach and plum and as cold as frost and ice," decided she would allow Fang to humbly gaze at her in admiration and then prostrate himself to beg for her love | |
15 | 他出身卑微。 | He was humbly born. | |
16 | 他立定一秒钟,面向着道尔顿家大门,他在不到一星期前也曾在这同一扇门前站过,手里拿着帽子,样子那么卑躬屈节。 | He stood a second facing the front door of the dalton home, the same door before which he had stood so humbly with his cap in his hand a little less than a week ago | |
17 | 他们把她的谦卑看作愚蠢。她在工作中受到许多不公正的待遇,却还是谦卑地认为他们比自己高明。 | They treated her humility as synonymous with stupidity.She took a great deal of stick at the studio and continued,humbly ,to believe that they always knew better than she did. | |
18 | 外祖父谦恭地脱下帽子,谢谢她。 | The grandfather humbly pulled off his hat and thanked her | |
19 | 席间,谦卑恭顺的老夫妇面带笑容,殷勤备至地服侍天神用饭。 | The old couple humbly waited on the immortals with cordial looks and eager good-will | |
20 | 现在仆人衣着华贵地走在前头,王子谦恭地紧随其后,保持着一个仆人适当的距离。 | Now the servant, dressed in finery, led the way, and the prince humbly followed at a servant’s appropriate distance | |
21 | 艳色天下重,西施宁久微? | Since beauty is honoured all over the Empire, How could Xi Shi remain humbly at home?-- | |
22 | 有缘同生在当世的人,是不是可以在共同回首之际,冷静而虚心的放下成见,吸取教训,为子孙创造更美好的将来 | Can those living in the present soberly and humbly put away their prejudices as they look back in retrospection, and learn lessons from the past, so as to create a better future for generations to come? | |
23 | 原谅我大胆提一句,我已经二十二岁了。 | I would very humbly point out to you that I am twenty-two years old | |
24 | 真正高贵的标志并不是趾高气扬,而是身居高位而谦虚谨慎。 | A mark of true nobility is,not to hold one’s bead high,but to bear oneself humbly in a high station of life. | |
25 | 真正高贵的标志并不是趾高气扬,而是身居高位时谦虚谨慎。 | A mark of true nobility is, not to hold one’s head high, but to bear one’s self humbly in a high station of life | |
26 | 最后,我的朋友们,你们将这项艰巨的任务交付给我,我必将公正地去做,仁慈地去爱,上帝与我同在。 | And finally my friends in this staggering task that you have assigned me, I should always try to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God | |
27 | ||1:他在帝俄时期出生于一个贵族家庭,先祖中不乏海军元帅和王子。||2:这类人纷纷逃离布尔什维克革命之后随之而来的红色恐怖;他们中间留下来的或者是被共产党对“阶级敌人”的仇恨毁掉了余生,或者干脆就因为这种阶级仇恨丢了性命。||3:但年轻的谢尔盖成了漏网之鱼。他在莫斯科一家织机厂干着卑微的工作,业余写点诗歌。||4:那成了他藉以跻身无产阶级文化工作者这一新贵阶层的门票。||5:在心底里,他其实仍然是一名侍臣,同时也玩世不恭。 | ||1: He was born in the Russian empire to a noble family, with admirals and princes among his forebears. ||2: Many of that breed fled from the Red Terror that followed the Bolshevik revolution; those that stayed behind had their lives blighted, or ended, by the communist hatred of “class enemies”. ||3: But young Sergei slipped through that net, working humbly in a Moscow loom factory and writing poetry on the side. ||4: That was his ticket to the new aristocracy of proletarian cultural workers. ||5: He remained, at heart, a courtier and a cynic. | |
28 | ||1:作为第一位在澳议会发表演讲的日本首相,岸信介的孙辈,安倍晋三“低声下气”的向在二战中死去的人们致以“最诚挚的哀悼”。||2:在日总理访澳的历史上,安倍在演讲中提及“历史的不幸和惨剧”已算是最为干脆的认罪了。||3:安倍本想让演讲听起来又坦率又开放——尽管安倍不是历史上首个道歉的首相,但其演讲中既没有充斥着日本对自身战争罪行的认识,也没有包含明确的致歉。||4:此次访问是决定两国关系是否下滑的关键时刻,安倍走上了其前辈的老路。||5:1957年,安倍晋三的外祖父,成为日本首任战后首相的岸信介到访澳大利亚,签署了一份通商条约。||6:而就在1942年,日本袭击了澳大利亚北部以及悉尼,残暴对待新几内亚,婆罗洲还有其他地区的澳大利亚战俘,以至于阴影笼罩在两国关系之上,数十年不散。 | ||1:As the first Japanese prime minister to address Parliament, Kishi’s grandson “humbly ” offered his “most sincere condolences” to those who lost their lives.||2:Mr Abe’s reference to the “evils and horrors of history” was the most expansive such acknowledgment by a Japanese leader on Australian soil.||3:The speech was intended to sound frank and open-minded—though not for the first time in the history of Japanese apologetics, it amounted neither to full-blown acceptance of Japanese war guilt nor a clear apology.||4:Mr Abe played on historical resonance in a visit that could go down as a key moment in the two countries’ relations.||5:In 1957 Mr Abe’s grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, became Japan’s first post-war prime minister to visit Australia, signing a commerce treaty.||6:Yet Japan’s attacks in 1942 on northern Australia and Sydney, and the brutal treatment of Australian prisoners-of-war in New Guinea, Borneo and elsewhere, overshadowed relations for decades. | |
29 | “现在,我谦卑地请求您能我一个全新的重生机会。” | "Now, I’m humbly appealing to you for a brand new start. " | |
30 | “谢谢您给的时间。”我谦卑地说,“您还有别的什么希望您的孩子们知道的么?” | "Thank you for your time. " I said humbly , "Is there any else you would like your children to know? " |