属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国选战 两党党首"抄袭"奥巴马式拉票
1 | 我只有匆匆忙忙地完成它. | I could not do it other than hurriedly . | |
2 | 迅速地跳读名单 | Skipped through the list hurriedly | |
3 | 一个标新立异的女人一旦冒犯了礼规,招致了唇枪舌剑的非议,再没有谁会象她那样飞快地跑去寻找尊严体面的庇护了。 | No one runs so hurriedly to the cover of respectability as the unconventional woman who has exposed herself to the slings and arrows of outraged propriety | |
4 | 一只肥的,深蓝色的鸽子飞到路中间来,急急地到井边一个水洼跟前去喝水。 | A plump, dark-blue pigeon flew into the road, and hurriedly went to drink in a puddle near the well | |
5 | 玉皇大帝立即命千里眼、顺风耳天南天门观看。二将奉玉皇旨意出南天门。 | He hurriedly sent two subjects, Thousand-mile Eye and Wind accompanying Ear outside the Southern Gate to listen and observe. | |
6 | 这堡垒被仓促地放弃了。 | The fort had been hurriedly deserted. | |
7 | 这孩子跳下床,匆忙穿好衣裳就跑下楼了。 | The boy jumped out bed, dressed hurriedly and ran downstairs. | |
8 | 这位雕刻师急忙转过身来。 | The carver turned round hurriedly | |
9 | 众小厮听他说出这些没天日的话来,唬的魂飞魄散,也不顾别的了,便把他捆起来,用土和马粪满满的填了他一嘴. | These obscenities frightened the servants half out of their wits. Hurriedly trussing him up, they stuffed his mouth with mud and horse-dung. | |
10 | ||1:在奥巴马竞选模式中,如果说拉票人构成其四肢的话,完备的信息管理系统就是其大脑。||2:通过该系统,竞选人可将合适的信息准确无误地传达给选民。||3:在英国,自由民主党在技术上遥遥领先于其他各党。||4:2011年,该党购置了奥巴马竞选时曾使用的“选民活化网络”(Voter Activation Network)这一时髦货,为其准确地生成了各个选民详细联系方式的特制列表。||5:但可惜的是,该党的一手信息不足,并缺乏为其收集信息的宣传人员。||6:而其他党派则忙着革新自己的竞选系统。 | ||1:If the campaigners are the limbs of the Obama model, a good data system is the brain.||2:It enables campaign supremos to target tailored messages at precisely the right voters.||3:Of the British parties, the Liberal Democrats are farthest ahead technologically.||4:In 2011 they bought the snazzy Voter Activation Network used by the Obama campaign, which enables users to generate finely customised lists of voter contact details.||5:Sadly, the party has little raw information—and too few canvassers with which to obtain it.||6:The other parties are hurriedly upgrading their systems. | |
11 | 其他人有着较为保守的预测,但是,随着电池变得越来越便宜和越来越好——每千瓦小时的成本已经从2010年1000美元降至目前的130-200美元,都在匆忙地调高各自的预测。 | Others have more modest forecasts, but are hurriedly revising them upwards as batteries get cheaper and better—the cost per kilowatt-hour has fallen from $1,000 in 2010 to $130-200 today. | |
12 | “不!不!快离开——快!这里不是久留之地,这所有的夜晚!”耳边响起急促的回答。 | The reply rang out hurriedly , "No! no! Come away quick - quick! This is no place to stay, and on this of all nights! " | |
13 | “她在哪个房间?”这个男人焦急地说。 | "What room is she in? " said the man hurriedly . | |
14 | “可怜的东西!”老看护说着,急忙将一个绿色的小玻璃瓶揣回长裙子的兜里。 | ’Poor dear! ’said the nurse, hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt. | |
15 | “你可以走了。”国王一说,帽匠立即跑出法庭。甚至顾不上去穿他的鞋。 | ’You may go, ’ said the King, and the Hatter hurriedly left the court, without even waiting to put his shoes on. | |
16 | “我不知道!我不知道!”她匆匆回答说。“是更好吗?是吧;这样我们就可以一起死去,还有小珠儿陪着我们!” | "I know not! I know not! " she hurriedly replied. "Better? Yea; so we may both die, and little Pearl die with us! " | |
17 | Hale的手机铃声响起,他和他老婆正在匆忙打包所有能带走的物品。 | As his cell phone rings in the background, Hale and his wife hurriedly pack what belongings they can. | |
18 | Nika并不愿意,她匆忙离开了餐厅,并且叫Sara不要告诉Michael她们俩交谈过。 | As Nika hurriedly leaves the diner, she asks Sara not tell Michael they spoke. | |
19 | 阿兰慌忙从睡袋里挣扎出来,开始在寺院里四处寻找。 | Hurriedly Alan struggled out of his sleeping bag and began to search the grounds of the monastery. | |
20 | 爱沙尼亚和立陶宛都急于同他们的邻居撇清关系。 | Estonia and Lithuania are hurriedly trying to differentiate themselves from their neighbour. | |
21 | 仓促地去吃美味佳肴,匆匆地放过绚丽美景,浅薄地表达深厚感情,这些都违背了上帝的意愿。 | It is against the will of god, To eat delicious food hastily, To pass beautiful views hurriedly , To express deep feelings superficially. | |
22 | 此后,他匆忙将他还不到30岁的小儿子金正恩(KimJong-eun)指定为接班人。 | Since then, he has hurriedly designated his son, Kim Jong-eun, as his successor although he is only in his late 20s. | |
23 | 但是纪子妃怀孕的消息一经外泄,该法案就被匆忙、至少是暂时地搁置下来。 | But then news of Princess Kiko’s pregnancy leaked out, and the bill was hurriedly shelved, at least for now. | |
24 | 但自2008年以来仓促同意收购西方银行的股份后,投资基金不时会遭遇惨重损失。 | But investment funds have sometimes suffered painful losses after hurriedly agreeing to buy stakes in western banks since 2008. | |
25 | 当《头像》以特殊的新型式来制作,工作室匆匆将原来的2D播放模式转化。 | While Avatar was specifically made in the new format, studios have hurriedly converted films that were originally made for two dimensions. | |
26 | 当时,中国仓促筹集了资金,派出那名赛跑选手作为一人代表团参加奥运。 | China hurriedly raised the money to send the runner as its own one-person delegation. | |
27 | 店内的客人匆匆离开了,外面的人也不许进去。 | The people inside the shop left hurriedly and no others were allowed to go in. | |
28 | 更深层次的疑问冒了出来:为什么布郎如果快速行此令人惹目的提案,而且恰恰是预算的前一天? | A further question is why Mr Brown performed this striking YouTube U-turn so hurriedly , and on the day before the budget. | |
29 | 渐渐地,我回想起,我的妈妈是怎样一个人匆匆地将我送到医院,一路上,她的呼吸是怎样地急促。 | Little by little, I recalled how hurriedly my mother took me to the hospital on her own and how difficultly she breathed all the way. | |
30 | 狡猾的小偷见追来的是踩着滑轮的女警,赶紧往人多拥挤的大都会一带逃窜。 | Seeing the chasers were just women on roller blades, the cunning thief hurriedly headed for the congested Daduhui area. |