属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19680-1970
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19681-1970
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-科技引领残奥会进入新高度
1 | 您需要液压油具备优异的抗磨保护性能,从而获得您在液压油上的最大投资回报率。 | You need superior anti-wear protection to get the best out of your hydraulics ; | |
2 | 农业水利工程中土壤研究方法.土壤分解和地下水观测 | Methods of research in agricultural hydraulics ; ascertainment of the soil profils and observation of the groundwater | |
3 | 农业水利工程中土壤研究方法.土壤取样 | Methods of research in agricultural hydraulics ; taking soil samples | |
4 | 浅议小型挖掘机液压件的发展-认识和思考 | A Brief Discussion on the Development of Hydraulics on Small-sized Excavators: Understanding and Consideration | |
5 | 热工数据测控平台的开发和研究 | Research and Development of Measurement and Control Platform in Thermal-hydraulics Area | |
6 | 三峡工程导截流数值实验室的建立及关键技术(Ⅰ) | Development of Hydraulics Numerical Laboratory and Its Application in River Closure and Diversion Engineering of Three Gorges Project and Key Techniques (Ⅰ) | |
7 | 三峡工程导截流数值实验室的建立及数值模拟(Ⅱ) | Development of Hydraulics Numerical Laboratory and Its Application River Closure and Diversion Evgineering of the Gorges Project and Numerical Simulation (II) | |
8 | 三峡水利枢纽泄洪调度运行水力学试验研究 | Hydraulics Research on Flood-Releasing Regulation of TGP | |
9 | 三峡永久船闸抽水调试期水力学原型观测 | Hydraulics Prototype Observation in Water-pumping Debugging Period for TGP Lock | |
10 | 生态水力学法在河段最小生态需水量计算中的应用 | Application of the Eco-hydraulics Method in Calculation of Ecological Flow of River | |
11 | 水力泵房:装有供水和排水管线的房间 | Hydraulics Riser: A room containing pipework for water supply and drainage | |
12 | 水压传动技术的特征与新进展 | The Features of Water Hydraulics and Its New Development | |
13 | 水压传动技术及其在农业机械中的应用 | Water Hydraulics and Its Applications in the Agricultural Machinery | |
14 | 通过刻苦自学,思龙先生掌握了电力学和水利学的高级理论,在他长寿、多产的一生中,共创造了64项发明。 | Through intense self-education, Mr. Sloan developed a superior knowledge of electrical circuitry and hydraulics , which led to a total of 64 inventions during his long, productive life. | |
15 | 我们的几项研究发明经转化已被应用于商业领域,特别是在线性液压方面的一项突破性成果现在被国内各家石油公司采用。 | Several of our research discoveries have been adapted for commercial use, and one particular breakthrough in linear hydraulics is now being used by every oil company in the country | |
16 | 无论是用于轴承和螺栓还是液压设备和齿轮箱,壳牌加适达润滑油都能为设备提供高层次的呵护。 | Whether for bearings and screw threads or hydraulics and gearboxes, Shell Cassida provides top-tier protection for your equipment. | |
17 | 新形势下中小液压配套件企业之思考 | Consideration of Middle-and-small-scaled Hydraulics Suppliers under New Situation | |
18 | 压强偏移法求解离心级联水力学静态特征根 | Pressure Excursion Method for Obtaining Characteristic Roots of Hydraulics in Centrifuge Cascades | |
19 | 制动系统必须能够强制汽车减速或停车。现代汽车速度很快,良好的制动系统是安全的基本保证。实际上所有的汽车都使用液压制动(通过向液体加压来完成的)。 | Brakes are necessary to slow or stop the Car. Modern cars can travel very fast, so good brakes are essential for safety. Practically all cars use hydraulics brakes (which operate by applying pressure to a fluid). | |
20 | 装载机工作装置机械-液压耦合系统仿真 | Simulation of Mechanism-hydraulics Coupling System of Wheel Loader Working Mechanism | |
21 | 作业设备安装范围包括高功率机械式前取力器,先进的且带有标准化设备接口的集成式静态及动力液压系统等。 | Implement mounting areas, heavy-duty mechanical front power take-off and advanced, integrated static and power hydraulics system with standardized implement interfaces, etc. | |
22 | ||1:一般来讲,重新评价与伟人相关的遗留下来的东西,周年纪念是个好机会。||2:达·芬奇遗留下来的东西强调了一个事实,那就是在绘画领域之外,和他的天才不同,其他领域的遗留下来的东西是谦逊的。||3:他在解剖学和水力学等各个领域都有卓越的直觉,但是因为他没有发表其理论和发现,几百年后才被其他人发现。 | ||1:Anniversaries are normally opportunities for reappraising the legacy of the great man or woman concerned.||2:Da Vinci’s highlights the fact that, outside the field of painting, his legacy—as distinct from his genius—was modest.||3:He had brilliant intuitions in fields as diverse as anatomy and hydraulics , but because he failed to publish his theories and findings, hundreds of years were to pass before they were discovered by someone else. | |
23 | 102辆入围赛车包括了以蒸汽、汽油、电力、压缩空气和液压为动力的车辆。 | The 102 entrants included vehicles powered by steam, petrol, electricity, compressed air and hydraulics . | |
24 | 帕里:“我们可以帮助他们自力更生。||我们可以为他们提供杆子帮助他们平衡身体。但我们不能用那些会给他们不公平优势的弹簧或液压装置。因为那样就会变成谁可以制造最好装备,而不是谁是最好运动员的竞争。”|| | PETER PARRY: "We can help them support themselves. We can provide them with the pole to help them balance their body.|| But what we can’t do is have things like springs or hydraulics also, which would give them an unfair advantage. Because then it becomes a battle of who can make the best device rather than who is the best athlete."|| | |
25 | 21世纪工程水力学发展趋势 | Trends in Development of Engineering Hydraulics in the 21th Century | |
26 | CSP连铸机大型液压缸的故障分析与改进 | Fault analysis and renovation of the hydraulics cylinder for the CSP continuous casting machine | |
27 | Excel在绘制复杂水力学函数曲线中的应用 | Application of Excel in drawing complex hydraulics function curve | |
28 | Huang认为水力学在商业应用中仍然不够成熟。 | The hydraulics used may not be the most practical for commercialization, says Huang. | |
29 | 板坯连铸中间包钢液洁净度的水力学模拟和应用 | Hydraulics Simulation and Application on Cleanliness of Liquid Steel in Tundish for Slab Concasting | |
30 | 采煤机液压系统油液污染监测与控制方法研究 | The Study of Observation and Measuring and Control Methods of Shearer’s Hydraulics System Oil Contamination |