1 | 车间空气中锑及其化合物卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for antimony and its compounds in the air of workplace | |
2 | 车间空气中铜尘(烟)卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for copper dust and fume in the air of workplace | |
3 | 车间空气中液化石油气卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for liquified petroleum gas in the air of workplace | |
4 | 车间空气中乙二胺卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for ethylenediamine in the air of workplace | |
5 | 车间空气中萤石混合性粉尘卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for mixed dust from fluorspar in the air of workplace | |
6 | 车间空气中云母粉尘卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for mica dust in the air of workplace | |
7 | 车间空气中珍珠岩粉尘卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for pearlite dust in the air of workplace | |
8 | 车间空气中蛭石粉尘卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for vermiculite dust in the air of workplace | |
9 | 城市公共厕所卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for public toilet in municipality | |
10 | 城乡规划卫生 | hygienic principles in city and country planning | |
11 | 存在高毒作业的建设项目的职业中毒危害防护设施设计,应当经卫生行政部门进行卫生审查;经审查,符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求的,方可施工。 | The design of safeguards against occupational poisoning hazards for a construction project involving the operations with high toxic substances shall be subject to the hygienic examination by the administrative department for public health. The design shall not be put into construction unless it has met the national occupational health standards and hygienic requirements upon examination. | |
12 | 大气卫生标准 | Hygienic standards for air | |
13 | 蛋与蛋制品卫生标准的分析方法 | Method for analysis of hygienic standard of egg and egg products | |
14 | 第二十条临床用血的包装、储存、运输,不符合国家规定的卫生标准和要求的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门责令改正,给予警告,可以并处一万元以下的罚款。 | Article 20 Anyone whose packaging, storage and transportation of blood for clinical use fail to meet hygienic standards and requirements prescribed by the state shall be ordered by the department of public health under the local people’s government at or above the county level to make a rectification, administered a warning and may concurrently be imposed a fine of less than RMB 10,000 Yuan. | |
15 | 第七条 专供婴幼儿的主、辅食品,必须符合国务院卫生行政部门制定的营养、卫生标准。 | Article 7 Principal and supplementary foods intended specially for infants and preschool children shall conform to the nutritive and hygienic standards promulgated by the administrative department of public health under the State Council. | |
16 | 第三十八条药品经营企业分装药品,必须具有与所分装药品相适应的设施和卫生条件,由药学技术人员负责,分装记录必须完整准确。 | [Article 38] A drug-handling enterprise engaged in the repackaging of drugs must have equipment and hygienic conditions appropriate for the quantity of drugs repackaged. It must be under the charge of pharmaceutical technicians; records of the repackaging must be complete and precise. | |
17 | 第十八条医疗单位配制制剂必须具有能够保证制剂质量的设施、检验仪器和卫生条件。 | [Article 18] A medical treatment unit which makes up drugs must have adequate facilities, instruments for examination and hygienic conditions to ensure the quality of the drugs prepared. | |
18 | 第十二条 入境、出境的旅客、员工个人携带或者托运可能传播传染病的行李和物品,应当接受卫生检查。卫生检疫机关对来自疫区或者被传染病污染的各种食品、饮料、水产品等应当实施卫生处理或者销毁,并签发卫生处理证明。 | Article 12 Luggage and other articles carried along by incoming or outgoing passengers or staff members or by means of registered shipment that may spread quarantinable epidemic diseases, are required to undergo hygienic examination. The health and quarantine organ shall exercise sanitization or destruction of the foods, drinks and aquatic products that come from the pestilence area or have been contaminated with epidemic diseases and issue a sanitization certificate. | |
19 | 第十三条 供水单位供应的饮用水必须符合国家规定的卫生标准。 | Article 13. The drinking water provided by a water supply unit must conform to the hygienic standards set by the state. | |
20 | 第十条 地方各级政府应当有计划地建设和改造公共卫生设施,对污水、污物、粪便进行无害化处理,改善饮用水卫生条件。 | Article 10. Local governments at various levels shall establish or reconstruct public health facilities in a planned way, take necessary measures for the innocent treatment of sewage, wastes and feces, and improve the hygienic condition of drinking water. | |
21 | 第四条 集市应当根据食品分类,划行归市,分段设摊,合理布局,设置符合卫生标准的水源及其他公共卫生设施,保持环境整洁,防止交叉污染。 | Article 4 The markets shall allocate different zones for different food varieties, rationalize their overall layout, install hygienic water supply and other public health facilities, maintain a clean and tidy environment, and prevent cross contamination. | |
22 | 第四条动物屠宰,依照本法对其胴体、头、蹄和内脏实施检疫、监督。经检疫合格作为食品的,其卫生检验、监督,依照《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》的规定办理。 | Article 4 Quarantine inspection and supervision shall be conducted pursuant to this Law over trunks, heads and viscera of slaughtered animals. Those up to standards for foods after quarantine inspection shall be subjected to hygienic inspection and supervision in accordance with the provisions of the Food Hygiene Law of the PRC . | |
23 | 电视教室座位布置范围和照度卫生标准 | Hygienic standards for seat arrangement and illumination in classroom with television | |
24 | 淀粉类制品卫生标准的分析方法 | Method for analysis of hygienic standard of product made by starch | |
25 | 对食品摊贩和城市集市贸易食品经营者在食品生产经营过程中的卫生要求,由省、自治区、直辖市、农民代表大会常务委员会根据本法作出具体规定。 | The hygienic requirements for food production or marketing undertaken by food vendors and persons engaged in the food business in urban and rural markets shall be formulated specifically according to this Law by the standing committees of the people’s congresses in the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government. | |
26 | 对于粮食安全,指食品法典委员会制定的与食品添加剂、兽药和除虫剂残余物、污染物、分析和抽样方法有关的标准、指南和建议,及卫生惯例的守则和指南 | For food safety, the standards, guidelines and recommendations established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission relating to food additives, veterinary drug and pesticide residues, contaminants, methods of analysis and sampling, and codes and guidelines of hygienic practice | |
27 | 而我总告诉他,这水池是必备的住房设施,实际上是很清洁的。” | But as I always told him, sinks are necessary domestic equipment and actually very hygienic ..." | |
28 | 二次供水设施卫生规范 | Hygienic specification for facilities of secondary water supply | |
29 | 发酵酒卫生标准的分析方法 | Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fermented wine | |
30 | 发酵性豆制品卫生标准 | Hygienic standard for fermented bean products |