属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-红酒过敏 酒鬼们的烦恼
1 | “他们之间不会离得太远,这对情人都被埋在冰川里。这真是一个爱情故事的冰冷结局。” | They won’t be far apart,the pair of them, out there in the glacier. An ice-cold end to their love affair. | |
2 | 把你的脚泡在冰水里以便消肿。 | Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling. | |
3 | 果蔬采后冰温贮藏技术研究进展 | Advances on Postharvest Ice Cold Storage of Fruits and Vegetables | |
4 | 孩子们很想喝冰镇牛奶。 | The children thirsted for ice-cold milk | |
5 | 就以我家厨房里游弋的任何一个冷空气分子为例吧。 | Take any ice-cold air molecule milling around my kitchen | |
6 | 石块是冷的,他额上的汗也象冰似的,他把身子站直,一面却打着寒战。 | The stone was cold; the perspiration lay ice-cold on his brow;he straightened himself up with a shiver | |
7 | 它们就在那儿!一排整齐的深绿色瓶子,瓶颈一个挨一个地凝视着我,冰箱里散发出冰冷的气息。 | There they were: one neat row of thick green bottles, necks staring directly at me, and ice cold from the refrigeration. | |
8 | 外头温度超过华氏100度他却用冰冷的双手抓住我 | It’s over 100 degrees out there.He grabs me with ice-cold hands | |
9 | 终于,随着可怕的一声巨响,他掉进了冰冷的海水里,当他落入水中的时候,他不禁发出了一声尖锐的惊叫,但那声喊叫立刻被淹没有浪花里了。 | At last, with a horrible splash, he darted like an arrow into the ice-cold water, and as he did so he uttered a shrill cry, stifled in a moment by his immersion beneath the waves | |
10 | ||1:为了找到这个过敏原,Palmisano博士将一些白葡萄酒用冰凉的三氯乙酸和酒精处理以沉淀出所有的糖蛋白,之后将它们消化成叫做多肽的小分子以便用质谱仪分析。||2:他拿检查结果和已知过敏原的数据库对比。||3:有三个糖蛋白引入眼帘,其中一个过敏性蛋白相似,该蛋白可以再乳胶和梨中发现。||4:第二个与另一个乳胶蛋白以及一个橄榄蛋白相似,这两个蛋白也是已知的过敏原。||5:第三个与造成花粉过敏的豚草蛋白类似,该蛋白可说是过敏原里最厉害的一个了。 | ||1: To do so he started with a cheeky little chardonnay, treated it with ice-cold trichloroacetic acid and ethanol to precipitate any glycoproteins, then digested those glycoproteins into smaller molecules called peptides that can be analysed by mass spectroscopy. ||2: He screened the results against a database of known allergenic proteins. ||3: Three stood out. One is similar to allergenic proteins found in latex and pears. ||4: Another looks like a second latex protein and an olive protein, both known allergens. ||5: The third resembles one of the most rampant allergens of them all, a ragweed protein that causes hay fever. | |
11 | 为了找到这个过敏原,Palmisano博士将一些白葡萄酒用冰凉的三氯乙酸和酒精处理以沉淀出所有的糖蛋白,之后将它们消化成叫做多肽的小分子以便用质谱仪分析。 | To do so he started with a cheeky little chardonnay, treated it with ice-cold trichloroacetic acid and ethanol to precipitate any glycoproteins, then digested those glycoproteins into smaller molecules called peptides that can be analysed by mass spectroscopy. | |
12 | 冰储冷空调系统在电网调峰中的应用 | Application of Air Conditioning System with Ice Cold-storage for Peak-valley Load Regulation | |
13 | 冰蓄冷及水蓄热空调系统的设计与应用 | The design and application of ice cold storage and water heat accumulation air conditioning system | |
14 | 冰蓄冷系统研究新进展 | Review on recent research development of ice cold thermal energy storage | |
15 | 采用冰蓄冷和进气冷却增容的技术经济分析 | Technical and Economic Analysis on Capacity Expansion Adopting Ice Cold Storage and Inlet Air Cooling | |
16 | 低温生理盐水静脉灌注对局灶性脑缺血兔颅内压的影响 | The effects of intravenous infusion of ice-cold normal saline on the intracranial pressure of rabbits with focal cerebral ischemia | |
17 | 谎言:香波洗发后用冰水冲洗,会使头发更亮。 | Myth: Rinsing with ice-cold water after a shampoo will give you shinier hair. | |
18 | 另一个贴士是:在砰的一声打开冰镇的苏打水前,把它放在你的脖子后面能迅速地为你降温。 | Another tip: Before popping open your ice-cold can of soda, hold it to the back of your neck for a quick cool-down. | |
19 | 某办公楼冰蓄冷空调经济效益分析 | Elementary Introduction to Economic Benefits of Ice Cold Storage for Some Office Building | |
20 | 深圳地铁空调冷负荷特性对冰蓄冷技术的影响 | Impact of Refrigeration Duty of the Air Conditioning System of Shenzhen Metro on the Technology of Ice Cold Accumulation | |
21 | 他们推出堆满商品的购物车,向狂欢的西班牙人售卖冰镇啤酒。 | From loaded shopping trolleys they sold ice-cold beers to the jubilant Spaniards. | |
22 | 为了验证这个理论,学生志愿者一边把他们的手放在一桶冰冷的水中一边重复骂脏话。 | To test the theory, student volunteers placed their hands in a bucket of ice cold water while swearing repeatedly. | |
23 | 要做到这一点,只能从身体里面下手,你知道吗,直接往身体的大血管里注入冰冷的液体。 | The only way to do that is from inside, you know, infusing ice cold fluids directly into one of the big blood vessels into the body. | |
24 | 因为害怕受伤,所以选择戴上冰冷的面具,试图抵挡一切痛苦…… | Because is afraid is injured, therefore the choice puts on the ice-cold mask, attempts to resist all pain . . . | |
25 | 由于失业和不幸面瘫,吉根已放弃手淫,每天只好洗冰水浴啦。 | Unemployed and tragically paralyzed, Jergen has given up masturbation and soaks in a tub of ice cold water on a daily basis. | |
26 | 在街边小摊上买了一罐冰汽水喝下后,范老师斥责自己是多么愚蠢。 | What stupidity, Teacher Fei chided himself, after he had gulped down a can of ice-cold soda water at a roadside stand. | |
27 | 在这样的热天里,我真想喝杯冰啤酒。 | On a hot day like this one, I could really go for an ice-cold beer. | |
28 | 这是在冰水浴仪式中,一座俄罗斯教堂里的会众集会。 | This group is already a congregation of a Russian church during a ritual ice-cold water bathing. | |
29 | 只有我的开瓶器打开冰镇百威啤酒的声音。 | To have just the sound of my bottle-opener working on my ice-cold Budweiser. |