1 | 他目不识丁。 | He’s an illiterate . | |
2 | 他缺乏音乐方面的知识. | He is musically illiterate . | |
3 | 他缺乏音乐方面的知识。 | He is musically illiterate . | |
4 | 他是马夫出身,做过赛马的骑师,识字不多,后来成为臭名昭著的克里斯蒂安·韦伯的部下。韦伯是希特勒最老的党徒之一,本人也 | A former groom and then a jockey and quite illiterate , he was a protege of the notorious Christian Weber, one of Hitler’s oldest party cronies and himself a horse fancier, who by fraudulence had amassed a fortune and a great racing stable after 1933 | |
5 | 他写东西像个没有念过书的,每页都有错. | He writes like an illiterate , there are mistakes on every page. | |
6 | 投票权的扩展,已经引导出新的教育观念,各地眼光远大的政治家也看出了在没有受教育甚至是文盲的选民中推行普遍投票权的危机。 | The spread of suffrage had already led to a new concept of education, for clear-sighted statesmen everywhere perceived the danger of universal suffrage among an untutored, even illiterate electorate | |
7 | 温斯顿找了两张皱巴巴脏兮兮的票子交上去。那帕森斯便拿个文盲特有的齐整字儿,记到一个小本本上面。 | Winston found and handed over two creased and filthy notes, which Parsons entered in a small notebook, in the neat handwriting of the illiterate | |
8 | 文盲占多数的人口 | a largely illiterate population | |
9 | 我的父亲没受过教育。 | My father was illiterate | |
10 | 我这个旧社会的文盲,今天也认字了。 | I was an illiterate in the old society,but now I can read. | |
11 | 要是你连马克思这个人都从未听说过,那么你一定是没有受过教育的了. | You must be illiterate if you’ve never heard of Marx. | |
12 | 要是你连马克思这个人都从未听说过,那麽你一定是没有受过教育的了 | You must be illiterate if you’ve never heard of Marx | |
13 | 一封文理不通的信. | an illiterate letter | |
14 | 一个人可能受过高等教育而且事业成功,但也可能是财务上的文盲。 | A person can be highly educated, professionally successful and financially illiterate . | |
15 | 勇敢、善良、目不识丁的纳蒂,徘徊于印第安人与白人世界之间。 | natty, brave, kindly, and illiterate hovers between the two worlds of Indian and white man | |
16 | 由于不识字,这些故事他都得背下来。 | Being illiterate , he had to learn the stories by heart | |
17 | 在那些战死的人当中,不仅有来自苏格兰高地的农民,还有店主、学生和开始律师生涯的年轻人。 | Those who died were not just illiterate peasants from the highlands but shopkeepers, students and young men starting legal careers | |
18 | 在我国还有许多文盲 | There are still many illiterate people in our country. | |
19 | 这次人口普查,中国人口的粗文盲率(15岁及以上文盲占总人口的比重)为6.72%,比1990年普查的15.88%下降了9.16个百分点。 | According to the census results, the crude illiteracy rate (the proportion of illiterate population at and over the age of 15 in the total population)was 6.72 percent, down 9.16 percentage points from the rate of 15.88 percent in the 1990 census | |
20 | 这儿的岛民,百分之九十以上都是文盲。 | Over ninety percent of the islanders here are illiterate . | |
21 | 这个可怜的、近乎文盲的女人唯一能够维持生计的方式就是卖淫。 | well-nigh illiterate , the poor woman supported herself the only way she could--street walking | |
22 | 这可怜的女人大字不识几个,只能以卖淫为生。 | Well-nigh illiterate ,the poor woman supported herself the only way she could--street walking. | |
23 | 这里只有百分之十的居民是文盲。 | Only ten percent of the population here is illiterate . | |
24 | 这些女孩子中,有一部分是文盲 | Some of the women are illiterate | |
25 | 正常不识字老人与早期阿兹海默型失智症老人在语意流畅度测验表现的比较研究 | The Performance Pattern of Normal Illiterate and Patients with Early Alzheimer’s Disease on the Semantic Association of Verbal Fluency Test | |
26 | ||1:米尔恰·伯塞斯库声称自己是被勒索的,并且自己从未因桑杜的案子找过总统。||2:总统责怪弟弟与“错误的人”搅合在一起并且坚称自己并未收取任何财物也从未因帮助任何人而干涉任何法律问题。||3:米尔恰·伯塞斯库在黑海的康斯坦察港做肉类进口的生意,于2010年成为安格尔其中一个孙女的教父。||4:他称这是一个“纯粹的基督教徒所做的事”。||5:安格尔是康斯坦察当地一个从未受过教育的恶棍,他在东欧剧变之后通过售卖从铁轨和其他废气设施偷得的废金属而发家。 | ||1: Mircea Basescu claims that he is the victim of blackmail and that he never approached the president about the case. ||2: The president blames his brother for mingling with the “wrong people” and insists he did not take any money and never intervened in favour of anyone with legal problems. ||3: Mircea Basescu, who owns a meat-import business in the port of Constanta at the Black Sea, in 2010 became the godfather of one of Mr Anghel’s granddaughters. ||4: He claims that this was a “purely Christian thing to do”. ||5: Mr Anghel is an illiterate local gangster from Constanta who made his fortune selling scrap metal from stolen railway tracks and other installations left in decay after the fall of communism. | |
27 | ||1:他的父亲是个文盲,无法理解这世界“令人困惑的丛林”意义,因而迷信暴力。||2:年青的艾伦起先在长得跟他一样高的荨麻地里“精心”规划着人生,后来便慢慢用词语搭建起绚烂的奇异世界。||3:有人奖赏他一本《圣经》,此物却一直搁在他的书桌上。||4:少的可怜的便士被他用来买书和地图,兴许他还会将这些东西偷偷藏进外套再带回家。||5:到二十多岁,因身患肺结核,他卧床阅读狄更斯、陀思妥耶夫斯基、巴尔扎克和柏拉图,并由此激发了写作欲。||6:似乎创作和考察让他在压迫者面前保持冷静、狡黠。||7:倘若不去做这些,西氏便觉得自己的头要在全然的痛苦中爆掉了。 | ||1:His father was illiterate , unable to make sense of the “mystifying jungle” of the world.||2:Hence his violence.||3:Young Alan mapped out his own paths, first in out-of-town fields through nettles as tall as himself, and then by slowly building up exotic worlds of words.||4:He won a Bible as a prize, which stayed on his desk for good; more books, and maps, were bought with precious pence, or came home under his coat.||5:Confinement with TB in his 20s introduced him to Dickens and Dostoevsky, Balzac and Plato, and spurred him to write.||6:Both writing and exploring kept him one cool, cunning step ahead of his oppressors.||7:If he could not do either, he felt his head would burst from sheer misery. | |
28 | ||1:这位白手起家的商人幼时失荫,一字不识,却对电影满腔热情。对此,他解释道:“俺——我不识字。||2:那些字儿跟石头墙似的把我挡在上帝的世界外头。||3:对那里头我啥也不晓得……后来看到你的电影,天堂的大门就开了。||4:我看到好多的光,好大的日头,好宽的天空!爱啊,幸福啊,伤心啊,眼泪啊,全都能看清。”||5: 莫特尔从聪慧迷人的女助手安娜(Anna)(Lauren O’Neil饰)身上得到灵感,开始拍摄电影。雅各布与他合作,成为世上第一位制片人。 | ||1: Orphaned and illiterate , the ebullient self-made businessman explains why: “Me, I don’t know words. ||2: Words for me are like stone wall around God’s world. ||3: So I am stranger to God’s world…Then I see your motion picture, and the door to paradise open for me. ||4: I see big light, big sun, big sky! Because no words! No words but all of feelings! Love, happiness, sadness, tears. I see them clear.” ||5: Inspired by Anna, Motl’s clever and captivating assistant (Lauren O’Neil), the young director begins making films with Jacob as the world’s first movie producer. | |
29 | 巴基斯坦布鲁金斯研究所的备受尊崇的政治家斯蒂芬柯恩,通过观察巴基斯坦人如何缺少意见交流,以此定下本书基调。城市和乡村,高等学历者和文盲之间的分化日益严重,宗教团体竞争日益激烈。“正常之中有些反常” 斯蒂芬柯恩说。 | Stephen Cohen, a well-respected observer of Pakistani politics at the Brookings Institution, sets the tone by observing how Pakistanis lack even a shared idea of their nation.|| They are increasingly divided between the urban and rural, the educated and illiterate , and by competing religious strands. “The new normal is abnormal,” he observes.|| | |
30 | 同时印刷也摧毁了有产阶级和无产阶级,识字者和文盲,富人和穷人之间的高墙,最终导致了整个权力结构的解体。 | and also because printing had torn down the wall between haves and have-nots, literate and illiterate , rich and poor, until whole power-structures toppled. |