属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中东的解密者 弗瑞德·韩礼德
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医疗设备 有关吸入器的吸入信息
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-植物机器人 落地生根
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医疗设备 有关吸入器的吸入信息
1 | 自见者不明;自是者不彰;自伐者无功;自矜者不长。 | Those who display themselves do not illuminate . Those who justify themselves are not distinguished. Those who make claims are not given credit. Those who seek glory are not leaders. | |
2 | ||1:在他看来,中东问题的研究困难重重,有三方面的原因。||2:一是“地图主义”。在作为好用的外交棋子而被标在地图上的“伊朗”、“伊拉克”或“沙特阿拉伯”的背后,他看到的是未被充分了解的复杂、多变的社会。||3:其次,他无法忍受(尤其是在美国)在扶手椅上努力地用数学模型和理论来阐述该地区(所有这些形而上的东西)。||4:然后是他认为冷战使得包括中东人在内的所有人夸大了局外人的影响力。||5:他坚持认为,中东的问题更多是在自己,而不是莫斯科、华盛顿或者殖民主义的过去。||6:这样的观点现在已经是老生常谈了,可在韩礼德先生提出来那会儿,却是新鲜的事情。 | ||1: Middle Eastern studies suffered, in his view, from three faults. ||2: One was “mappism”. Behind handy diplomatic counters marked on maps “Iran”, “Iraq” or “Saudi Arabia” he saw poorly understood societies that were complex and shifting. ||3: He had no patience, secondly, with efforts, particularly in the United States, to illuminate the region from the armchair with mathematical models and theorising (“all this meta-stuff”). ||4: He thought, thirdly, that the cold war had led everyone, Middle Easterners included, to exaggerate the influence of outsiders. ||5: The region’s problems, he insisted, lay in the region more than in Moscow, Washington or the colonial past. ||6: Such views are now commonplace. They were not when Mr Halliday began. | |
3 | ||1:这对有关个人很有用,因为它可以阐释未明的诱发哮喘模式(例如接近特定种类的农作物)。||2:它还可以帮助医生确定那些哮喘无法适当控制的病人。||3:每月使用吸入器超过了一两次的情况说明有问题存在,而病人的药物可能需要更换了。||4:然而,如果患者一直不报告这种问题,那么就无法得到正确的药物。||5:不过,最大公共收益将出自汇集所有吸入器播报的数据,这些数据从前被适当地隐藏了。||6:这将开辟一种对发生的事情进行更详细分析的方法,而且也可能让哮喘的诱因得以识别并按照重要性的顺序加以排列。 | ||1:That is useful for the individuals involved, since it may illuminate patterns of which they were unaware (the proximity of a particular kind of crop, for example).||2:It could also help doctors identify those patients whose asthma is not under proper control.||3:Use of the inhaler more than a couple of times a month suggests there is something wrong, and that the patient’s medication may need to be changed.||4:Patients do not, however, always report such problems, and so do not get the right drugs.||5:The big public gain, though, will come from pooling all the data from the inhalers, once they have been suitably anonymised.||6:That will open the way for a much more detailed analysis of what is going on, and may allow the triggers to be identified and ranked in order of importance. | |
4 | 研究者希望借此搞清楚到底发生了什么。 | That, the researchers hoped, might help illuminate what is going on. | |
5 | 要为这些传感器编写软件,先得弄明白真正的根的工作原理。 | Writing the software for these sensors may illuminate how real roots work. | |
6 | 这对有关个人很有用,因为它可以阐释未明的诱发哮喘模式。 | That is useful for the individuals involved, since it may illuminate patterns of which they were unaware. | |
7 | 2009年拉合尔一个市场遭炸弹袭击,图为强光灯照亮烧焦的现场。 | Floodlights illuminate the charred aftermath of a marketplace bombing in Lahore in December 2009. | |
8 | 把闪光灯部件上的一层保护涂层磨去后,照相机就可以用紫外线照亮拍摄物了。 | Sanding off a protective coating on the flash unit allows the camera to illuminate its subject in UV. | |
9 | 爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。 | Father’s teachings, like a lamp, to illuminate the future for me; father’s care as an umbrella for wind and rain I am obscure. | |
10 | 不同的排名方式还有许多可以改进,最好列明潜在的学生们都有哪些选择。 | There is also lots to be said in favour of multiple rankings, the better to illuminate potential students’ options. | |
11 | 大力推进铁路绿色照明工程 | Strongly Push Forward The Railroad Green Illuminate Program | |
12 | 但鲁迅创作这些故事的意图却要深远得多:揭露他目睹的中国社会和政治上的黑暗。 | But Lu Xun’s ambitions are far more general: to illuminate the social and political darkness in the China that he observed around him. | |
13 | 但是还有一大群人证明,这只能说明传统的“统计方法”的失败,他们什么也证明不了。 | Yet others crowed that it proved the failure of traditional "statistical" methods to illuminate much of anything. | |
14 | 但是经地球大气折射的阳光仍旧会照亮月球,使月球呈现出迷人的红色。 | But indirect sunlight can still illuminate the Moon turning it a dramatic shade of red. | |
15 | 当飞机众多出舱门中的某扇打开时,电门下面的那堆指示灯中会有相应的一盏亮起。 | One of the bottom cluster of lights will illuminate if any one of the many exit doors are open in the aircraft. | |
16 | 当某个燃油活门关闭时,表盘两侧的蓝色指示灯会亮起。 | The blue lights to the left and right illuminate if a fuel valve is closed. | |
17 | 当我设计室内照明时,我喜欢用各种光源来照亮屋子。 | When I design a room, I like to use a variety of light sources to illuminate the space. | |
18 | 当整个月球行至地球的阴影时,地球将通常会照射在月球上的太阳光遮挡住,就会形成月全食。 | A total lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon passes into Earth’s shadow and is blocked from the sun’s rays that normally illuminate it. | |
19 | 第一光源被构造为将一个或多个第一非白色照射到物体上。 | The first light source is configured to illuminate one or more first non-white colors on an object. | |
20 | 电门上方某个蓝色指示灯亮起时,表示该发电机并没有为系统供电,其作用已经被其他发电机取代。 | The lights illuminate when a generator is not powering systems because another generator is doing the job for it. | |
21 | 而对于为什么当且仅当从这两个方面入手才能说清楚正义问题,柏拉图并没有给出恰当的解释。 | About why that was the right and only way to illuminate it Plato didn t give an appropriate explanation, however. | |
22 | 而我的用词失当非但没有说明问题,反而促成了媒体更大的狂热,我认为这是令人遗憾的。 | So to the extent that my choice of words didn’t illuminate , but rather contributed to more media frenzy, I think that was unfortunate. | |
23 | 方案用双能级离子制备簇态,只要一束激光照射两个相互作用的离子。 | The scheme uses two-level ions to generate cluster states and it only requires a single laser beam to illuminate two interacting ions. | |
24 | 粉色凯迪拉克的车头灯会照亮我们这座南方城市的夜晚。 | The warm glow of pink Cadillacs will illuminate our Southern nights. | |
25 | 光线会使你的拍摄者明亮,会显现出令人震惊的光滑反光。 | The light will brightly illuminate your subject, bringing out stunning catchlights. | |
26 | 广州市鸿图汽车灯具厂 | Auto curtain Guangzhou Hong to Auto Illuminate Factory | |
27 | 还是推荐使用传统的蜡烛来点亮南瓜灯。 | We prefer the traditional use of candles to illuminate our Jack-O’-Lanterns. | |
28 | 环境照度对微光夜视仪器的影响 | The Infection of Surroundings Illuminate on Low-light-level Night-vision Device | |
29 | 加温系统开启后,或温度过高自动关闭时,电门上面相应的指示灯会亮起。 | The lights illuminate when the heating system is on or when it’s overheated and automatically turned off. | |
30 | 结论该生化指标值的变化在一定程度说明了患者血脂控制情况的改善。 | Conclusion The changes of the biochemical index illuminate the amelioration of blood fat control. |