属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-脸谱网与虚拟现实 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博
1 | 如今,有抱负的经济学家很有可能埋首于聚焦各种特殊政策问题的实证性研究之中。 | Today ambitious economists are quite likely to immerse themselves in empirical work focused on specific policy questions. | |
2 | 在本月初,影视音乐互动大会上,一个技术展在德克萨斯州拉开帷幕,一些幸运的参加者能短暂的将自己沉浸在HBO的奇幻电视剧《权利的游戏》中。 | AT SXSW, a techie festival that took place inTexasearlier this month, some lucky attenders were able briefly to immerse themselves in HBO’s fantasy television series, “Game of Thrones”. | |
3 | 把你所要加工的布料或者衣服浸泡到刚才的溶液里。 | Get the cloth or clothes you need and immerse them in the solution. | |
4 | 不可避免的,我们的私生活和数码媒体联系越密切,我们变放弃越多隐私。 | Inevitably, the more we immerse our personal lives into digital media, we give up privacy. | |
5 | 不要只是参加语言学习班,并且背包游玩欧洲各地。你应该使自己沉浸在一种文化里。 | Don’t just take language classes and backpack around Europe at a furious pace; immerse yourself in a culture. | |
6 | 但是他们学会的是把注意力集中在每天的琐事上,沉浸在自己做的每一件小事里。 | But what they’ve learned to do is focus on the everyday routine and immerse themselves in every task they do. | |
7 | 当你沉浸于那种情绪之中,并且认识到它只是一种情绪而已时,你就摆脱了它的控制。 | When you immerse yourself in the emotion, and realize that it is only emotion, it loses its control. | |
8 | 当前电子产品生产的洁净室面积及空调冷负荷大户 | Oversized cleanrooms and immerse cooling loads in some electronic products production | |
9 | 而一旦失去了这个女人,就会沉浸在无限的思念和悲叹之中,这就是《长恨歌》描述的爱的真实。 | When he lost her, he would immerse in infinite missing feelings, which was the very true love story in Song of Eternal Sorrow. | |
10 | 海外留学让你沉浸在自己的国家,真正了解由内而外的语言和文化。 | Overseas study lets you immerse yourself in a country and really get to know the language and its culture from the inside. | |
11 | 好好做笔记,去成熟的想法里泡个澡吧。 | Take notes and immerse yourself in the words of great thinkers. | |
12 | 记住,要花你所需要的时间去真正沉浸于那种情绪之中。 | Remember; take the time you need to really immerse yourself in the emotion. | |
13 | 接触到皮肤时:至于热产品,则立即浸到冷水中或用大量的冷水冲洗皮肤。 | IF ON SKIN: For hot product, immediately immerse or flush skin with large amounts of cold water. | |
14 | 可七天长假过后,很多人依然沉浸在放松的气氛中,好多都市人群都患上了不同程度的“假日综合症”。 | The seven-day National Day holiday have passed, but most of us still immerse ourselves in the absolute relaxing atmosphere. | |
15 | 令我沉浸在阅读快乐中的书不是小说《飘》,而是《智利铜矿床》。 | Instead of reading Gone with the Wind, I was happy to immerse myself in "Copper Ore Deposits in Chile. " | |
16 | 你必须将自己融入背景之中,通过了解背景和观察来定调。 | You must immerse yourself in the setting. The idea is to get background and use your observations to set the tone. | |
17 | 你必需天天跑,付出努力地跑,读关于跑步的资料,让自己沉浸在跑步的世界中。 | You run daily, stretch, read about running, and immerse yourself into a sort of running world. | |
18 | 去比利时之后,梵高学习了艺术并开始沉浸于日本绘画艺术之中。 | After moving to Belgium, he studied art and began to immerse himself in Japanese paintings. | |
19 | 如果你很急,就把鱼放在密封袋里浸在一碗冰水里一个小时。 | If you’re in a hurry, place it in an airtight bag and immerse in a bowl of cold water for an hour. | |
20 | 如果我有机会成为大学生,我会尽情阅读自己想读的书,并将自己沉浸在知识的世界中。 | If I had the chance to become a college student, I would read whatever I like and immerse myself in the world of knowledge. | |
21 | 所以,在初尝爱情的甜蜜后,总会不经意地沉浸于哀伤的情绪中。 | So, at have a first taste of love of sweet after, always will pay no attention ground to sink to immerse in sad motion. | |
22 | 他姐姐住在那里,他希望找到一个基督教会社区并将自己融入其中。 | His sister lived there, and he hoped to find and immerse himself in a Christian church community. | |
23 | 他们认为女性容易沉浸在需要思想高度集中的环境,以此来作为自我排解的一种方法。 | They said women in particular may immerse themselves in brain-engaging digital environments as a means of self-distraction. | |
24 | 投身到与你当前愿景相冲突的体验之中。 | Immerse yourself in experiences that conflict with your current perspective | |
25 | 为了做到这一点,软件质量的氛围必须在深入和围绕所有团队开发活动进行培养。 | To do this, a culture of quality must be fostered that will immerse and surround all development activities on the team. | |
26 | 问一大堆问题。你越是沉浸在项目当中,你就会越熟悉项目有关的事情。 | Ask a lot of questions . The more you immerse yourself in the project, the more familiar youwill become with the subject matter. | |
27 | 我可能会更加雄心勃勃,而且对全身心投入事业更有兴趣,因为我还没有家庭。 | I am probably more ambitious, and I have more of an appetite to immerse myself in it because I don’t have a family yet. | |
28 | 我能长期沉浸在一种事情里面的时候我的工作状态是最好的。 | I work best when I can immerse myself in something for an extended period of time. | |
29 | 我学的不多,因为我不在私下的时间使用西班牙语。 | I didn’t learn much, because I didn’t immerse myself in the language on my own time. | |
30 | 我在国外住过一段时间,我已经能够使自己适应不同的文化。 | I’ve lived abroad for a short time and have been able to immerse myself in a different culture. |