属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美驻联合国代表黑莉辞职 卡瓦诺就任大法官 卡
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物技术专利 自然正义
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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-澳大利亚最大金融机构正在受审 (1)
1 | 我就不说他的不道德的行为了,但是这些行为的根源是什么呢? | I will say nothing of his immoral actions,but what is the root, of them? | |
2 | 我真爱干的事,全是不道德的,不合法的,或者是会叫人长得更胖的。 | All thing I really like to do is either immoral ,illegal,or fatten. | |
3 | 我只知道所谓道德是指你事后觉得好的东西,所谓不道德是指你事后觉得不好的东西。(美国作家海明威) | I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. (Ernest Hemingway, USa writer) | |
4 | 邪恶的邪恶的,不虔诚的或不道德的 | Wicked,impious,or immoral . | |
5 | 已经被群体公认的并因袭的那些道德的与不道德的本性,各出自哪几种先天的素质? | What are the native qualities and characteristics upon which the moral or immoral character accepted and conventionalized by the group are based? | |
6 | 因为道德败坏的行为被社会所排斥。 | Ostracized by the community for immoral activities. | |
7 | 因为性别、社会地位、宗教和肤色而剥夺人的权利是不道德的行为。 | To deny people their rights because of their sex, social status, religion, sexual orientation, or color is immoral . | |
8 | 有关于不道德跳槽的案例吗? | Are there cases when job-hopping is immoral ? | |
9 | 有些人仍然认为婚前的性行为是不道德的. | Some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage. | |
10 | 有一次,一位中国女企业家问我对于一位已婚的、并已加入其他国籍的CEO与他秘书有染这种不道德行为的看法。 | A Chinese businesswoman once asked me my reaction to the immoral act of a married, expatriate CEO, who had started an affair with his Chinese secretary. | |
11 | 与一些微不足道的所得相比,所付出的代价太大,而且是不道德的。 | Compared with some paltry gains, these prices are unjustified and immoral . | |
12 | 在第二个案例中,是否有不道德的行为还不清楚。 | In the second case, it is not clear whether an immoral act is committed. | |
13 | 这当中一个重要的利益相关者是政府,它在阻止这种具有侵犯性的、不道德的广告方面具有合法的利益。 | An important stakeholder in this case is the government, which has a legitimate interest in preventing aggressive, immoral advertising. | |
14 | 这种行为不仅是不道德的,而且有失公正,会阻碍一家公司长期的发展并影响其可持续的生产率。 | Again, besides being immoral , this violation of justice diminishes a company’ s long-term growth and sustained productivity. | |
15 | 这种行为是否把人当作最终目标,而不是中间手段?如果不是,那么这种行为是不道德的。 | Does the action respect people as ends and not only as means? If not, then the action is immoral . | |
16 | 中伤别人的名誉是不道德的。 | It is immoral to cast a slur on a person’s reputation. | |
17 | 罪恶行径,不道德的行为(如赌博、贩毒、色情勾当、卖淫) | Criminal or immoral behaviour,eg gambling,drug-trafficking,pornography,prostitution | |
18 | ||1:那年12月份签署的代顿和平协议使作为外交官的霍尔布鲁克声名鹊起。||2:他很现实也很会平衡各方利益,例如,他坚持新的波斯尼亚应该是一个多民族的国家,尽管已经有了塞尔维亚共和国。||3:1968年在巴黎举行的越南和谈会议用了两个多月时间讨论怎样对待越共,一回想起这个,他就要求要举行一个不包括波斯尼亚人和塞尔维亚人的谈判会议。||4:他唯一愿意打交道的塞尔维亚人是斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇,他能够容忍这个“暴徒”是因为他自己本人也可能是一个暴徒。||5:在树林里谈话,散步,喝下一两瓶梨白兰地酒,这些当然不是不道德的,如果这些能够拯救无数生命的话。||6:结果证明,他确实拯救了很多人。 | ||1:The Dayton peace accords, signed that December, sealed Mr Holbrooke’s fame as a diplomat.||2:Signs of his balance and realism were everywhere, for example his insistence that the new Bosnia, despite including a Serbian republic, should be a properly multi-ethnic state.||3:Recalling first-hand the 1968 Vietnam peace talks in Paris, held up for two months over how to seat the Vietcong, he demanded a table that would seat nine people only, not including the Bosnian Serbs.||4:The only Serb he would deal with was Slobodan Milosevic, a “thug” he tolerated because he could be a thug himself.||5:It was surely not immoral to talk, walk in the woods, down a pear brandy or two together, if it saved lives.||6:As it turned out, he saved many thousands. | |
19 | ||1:南非财政部长恩兰拉·内内(Nhlanhla Nene)在被证实曾与古普塔家族会面后辞职(该家族是任人唯亲以及“国家俘获”指控的焦点)。他们实际见面的次数比他此前披露的更多。||2:没有迹象表明内内先生曾有过任何违法或不道德行为。||3:他的继任者是前中央银行行长提托·姆波维尼(Tito Mboweni)。 | ||1:South Africa’s finance minister, Nhlanhla Nene, resigned after testifying that he had met the Gupta family, which is at the centre of allegations of cronyism and “state capture”, more often than he had previously disclosed.||2:There was no indication that Mr Nene had done anything illegal or immoral .||3:He was replaced by a former governor of the central bank, Tito Mboweni. | |
20 | 反对专利注册的人认为,对共享的人类遗传基因申请专利的做法是荒谬的或不道德的,或两者皆有。 | Anti-patenting campaigners argue that the idea of claiming a patent over the shared genetic heritage of the human race is absurd, immoral or both. | |
21 | 美国最高法院推翻了一项长期以来禁止使用“不道德”或“诽谤性”词语的商标的禁令,理由是该禁令侵犯了言论自由权,而且强制施行不公平。这起案件是由一家服装公司的老板提起的,他经营的公司名字为FUCT(无法信任的朋友)。 | America’s Supreme Court overturned a long-standing ban on trademarks that use “immoral ” or “scandalous” words on the grounds that it violated the right to free speech and had been imposed unevenly. The case was brought by the owner of a clothing line he brands as FUCT (Friends U Can’t Trust). | |
22 | 他们的行为,负责该调查的肯尼思·海恩称,不仅是不道德的,更是犯罪。 | Their behaviour, said Kenneth Hayne, the head of the inquiry, was not just immoral , but criminal. | |
23 | 《圣经》教导犹太人不要触犯这些不合礼法之事,因为他们是其他国家的习俗,而不是因为他们生来就不道德。 | The Bible instructs Israelites not to commit toevot because they are the practice of other nations, not because they are inherently immoral . | |
24 | 911恐怖袭击不仅不道德,还造成了适得其反的结果,他写道。 | The terrorist attacks on September 11 were both immoral and counterproductive, he writes. | |
25 | abomination一词让我们认为这些事情违法自然法则而且不符合道德。 | The word abomination makes me think of things that are unnatural and immoral . | |
26 | JohnHorgan在一篇Cross-check的博客文章中提问是否在多元宇宙中买卖同次级抵押贷款买卖一样不道德。 | John Horgan asked in a Cross-check blog post if speculation in the multiverse is as immoral as speculation in sub-prime mortgages. | |
27 | WoleSoyinka,一位诺贝尔文学奖获得者,把PDP称为盲目,腐败和无德的联合政党。 | Wole Soyinka, a Nobel laureate for literature, calls the PDP a coalition of the blind, corrupt and immoral . | |
28 | 被世人称为不道德的书是展示了世界本身的羞耻的一面的书。 | The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. | |
29 | 本文中一些观点的含义看起来可能有点不道德,与我们的理想相悖,或者有点冒犯。 | The implications of some of the ideas in this article may seem immoral , contrary to our ideals, or offensive. | |
30 | 比如说,说谎就总是不道德的,就是在为了拯救他人的性命而说谎也一样。 | Lying, for instance, would always be immoral , even if done to promote some other good (e. g. , saving a life). |