属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
1 | 不道德(淫荡)的生活. | a life of immorality | |
2 | 不道德的状态;罪恶 | A state of immorality ;sin. | |
3 | 从利润、损失程度和长期的成功等方面将好的结果与坏的结果加以比较,得到的凄惨的结果显然证实了本案例的不道德性。 | If we weigh the good results against the bad results, in terms of profit, degree of loss, and long-term success, the devastating consequences clearly indicate the immorality of the mining case. | |
4 | 道德与不道德的逻辑结构及层次 | Logical Structure of Morality and Immorality | |
5 | 更可恨者,自古来多少轻薄浪子,皆以`好色不淫’为饰,又以`情而不淫’作案,此皆饰非掩丑之语也 | Worse still, all dissolute wretches since ancient times have drawn a distinction between love of beauty and carnal desire, between love and lust, so as to gloss over their immorality . | |
6 | 极不公正,不道德;邪恶 | Gross immorality or injustice;wickedness. | |
7 | 尽管在这个规则里我们强调生产率和利润率,但“歧视”这样一种不道德行为也是同样值得我们关注的。 | Although we stress the aspects of productivity and profitability in this chapter, the immorality of discrimination is equally important. | |
8 | 历史的经验告诉我们,在某些时候,邪恶会使整个民族付出何等沉重的代价。 | Historical experiences tell us how much the immorality of certain periods cost the whole nation | |
9 | 廉洁的未被玷污的或品行端正的 | Free of corruption or immorality . | |
10 | 伦理学在揭发互联网产业不道德行为的同时,还应该继续保持与经济学的交流,以帮助发现出现在这个新产业的机会。 | Besides exposing immorality in the Internet industry, ethics must continually converse with economics to help seize the opportunities arising in this new sector. | |
11 | 卖淫性关系的不道德,特指卖淫 | Sexual immorality , especially prostitution. | |
12 | 美国在这场遥远的战争中所遭受的耻辱被看成是美国在领导战后世界中倒行逆施而应得的一场公正的教训。 | America’s humiliation in that distant enterprise was seen as an object lesson in the immorality of America’s postwar world leadership | |
13 | 品行不良的邪恶的、不道德的或者堕落的 | Given to vice, immorality , or depravity. | |
14 | 普遍的印象是…好莱坞是不朽的同义词(b多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温) | a widespread impression that.Hollywood was synonymous with immorality (bDoris Kearns Goodwin) | |
15 | 普遍的印象是…好莱坞是不朽的同义词(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温) | a widespread impression that.Hollywood was synonymous with immorality (Doris Kearns Goodwin) | |
16 | 其后果便是道德堕落与犯罪现象,简言之,就是个人的与社会的解组。 | The result is immorality and delinquency; in short, personal and social disorganization | |
17 | 请在墓碑上刻上这样的话吧:“死亡是不朽的开端。” | Inscribe rather thereon these words "Death is the commencement of immorality !" | |
18 | 扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 | Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity. | |
19 | 他们强调艰苦劳动,朴素的生活和严格的行为道德是对统治阶级的懒惰,挥霍和道德的一种抵抗。 | Their stress on hard work, plain living and strict behavior codes were a reaction against the laziness waste, and immorality of the ruling classes | |
20 | 他曾经抵制了不道德行为的种种诱惑,而那种意志力是可以给他增光的。 | He had resisted temptations to immorality with a strength of purpose that was creditable to him | |
21 | 贪污的,堕落的以不道德或堕落为特征的;堕落的 | Marked by immorality and perversion;depraved. | |
22 | 我们绝不能靠牺牲道义去换取自身的安全与自由免于核弹的威胁…… | We cannot buy our security, our freedom from the threat of the bomb by committing an immorality .. | |
23 | 我认为让任何一种文化的人都接受他那个时代的标准就是一种最粗俗的道德败坏。 | I consider that for any man of culture to accept the standard of his age is a form of the grossest immorality | |
24 | 我曾给她悔改的机会,她却不肯悔改她的淫行。 | I have given her time to repent of her immorality , but she is unwilling | |
25 | 要靠你们筑起抵御邪恶的壁垒。要抵御的社会邪恶无需指名道姓,但你们一定心知肚明。 | It is up to you to put up a firm barrier against immorality , a barrier--I say--to those social vices which I will not here call by name but which you yourselves are perfectly aware of | |
26 | 一是恨脏--当然她有时对厨房还是能高抬贵手的,因为那是仆人们住的地方;二是恨伤风败俗。 | One was Dirt-though she made an exception of the kitchen, since only the servants lived there-and the other was immorality | |
27 | 这是由于他自己的缺德吗? | Was it due to his private immorality ? | |
28 | ||1:“我得把45转的唱片找出来,这是唯一重要的事情,”玛丽·埃利斯在她位于格林维尔高地的家中说道,这里有一排单层住宅,她就住在其中一间,屋子中充斥着音乐。||2:她的邻居莫德林·奈特表示:“我从特朗普那里听到的一切都是不对的。”||3:一位退休教师鲁比·帕金斯说:“想到我们这一代年轻人都看着他的不道德行为,我感到很害怕,”她在门外挂着一个大大的“感谢耶稣”的牌子。||4:“在疫情问题上,特朗普对美国撒谎了。他一定是疯了。” | ||1:“Gotta get 45 out, that’s the only thing that matters,” said Mary Ellis, at her house in Greenville Heights, one of a row of single-storey dwellings thumping with music.||2:“Everything I hear from him isn’t right,” said her neighbour, Magdalene Knight.||3:“It scares me to think we’ve got a generation of young people watching his immorality ,” said Ruby Perkins, a retired teacher, with a large “Thank you Jesus” sign outside her door.||4:“That man lied to the nation about a pandemic. You’ve got to be demented to think he’s the answer.” | |
29 | ||1:通过再现历史风云人物的生活,米什拉讲述了国家复兴的故事,但这些风云人物为在确保亚洲“核心”的同时,如何复制西方强国的繁荣而进退两难、烦恼不已。||2:对西方世界完全陌生的两个人,他在笔墨间却倾注了很多关心。||3:一位是哲马鲁丁?阿富汗尼,就像大多数的历史人物一样“并非不加思考的照搬西方者,也非食古不化的传统者”。||4:尽管他的姓名很奇怪,美国人修整了喀布尔(阿富汗的首都)的坟墓,1838年,阿富汗尼出生在波斯(西南亚国家,现称伊朗)。||5:作为一名行走中的伊斯兰积极分子,他在埃及、印度、土耳其和俄国都呆过,他抱怨东方独裁统治的脆弱和不公,也责怪西方帝国主义的不道德,甚至试图开展泛伊斯兰教运动。||6:他有苏丹(某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)和伊朗国王的耳目。 | ||1: Mr Mishra tells the story of this resurgence through the lives of a number of pivotal figures, as they grappled with the dilemma of how to replicate the West’s power while retaining their Asian “essence”. ||2: He pays most attention to two, both little known in the West. ||3: One, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, was like most of them “neither an unthinking Westerniser, nor a devout traditionalist”. ||4: Despite his name, and despite a tomb in Kabul restored at America’s expense, al-Afghani was born in Persia in 1838. ||5: An itinerant Islamist activist, he also spent time in Egypt, India, Turkey and Russia, railing against the feebleness and injustices of Oriental despotisms and the immorality of Western imperialism, and trying to forge a Pan-Islamic movement. ||6: He had the ear of sultans and shahs. | |
30 | 一位沙特牧师怒声呵斥,女性开车,伤风败俗,有损女性贞洁。 | One Saudi cleric thundered that letting women drive would lead to immorality and alack of virgins. |