1 | "凤姐儿说道:"大老爷原是好养静的,已经修炼成了,也算得是神仙了.太太们这么一说,这就叫作’心到神知’了."" | "The Elder Master is fond of retirement,""said Xifeng. ""He’s lived so long as an ascetic, we can already consider him an immortal . So he’ll know by divine intuition what you’ve just said." | |
2 | 哎,现在这条小汽船,像所有其他英勇殉难的小汽船一样,都永垂不朽。 | But now--look--this little steamer, like all her brave and battered sisters, is immortal | |
3 | 把一个不朽的灵魂,比如说那边那孩子,交付给一个跌进现世的陷阱中的人来指导,我们这些有权势的人能够心安理得吗? | Whether we, that are of authority and influence, do well discharge our consciences by trusting an immortal Soul, such as there is in yonder child, to the guidance of one who hath stumbled and fallen amid the pitfalls of this world. | |
4 | 爸妈以我为荣。我已经把这件事告诉所有的朋友和老师。想想看,十年后我到图书馆时还能够找到我的文章。我永远都不会被遗忘了。 | Mom and dad are proud of me. I’ve told all my friends and teachers about it. Just think, 10 years from now when I go to the library I’ll still be able to find my essay. I’m immortal ! | |
5 | 碑的北面,镌刻着毛泽东的题字"人民英雄永垂不朽",碑身南面是周恩来题写的碑文。 | The granite obelisk carries Chairman Mao Zedong’s inscription of "The Heroes of the People are Immortal " on its north side and monument writing by Zhou Enlai on the south side. | |
6 | 贝多芬的不朽的音乐 | The immortal music of Beethoven. | |
7 | 不过,要是我接受了阿波罗的爱情,我可能已经成了神仙。 | Yet if I could have accepted the love of apollo, I might have been immortal | |
8 | 不死的神灵;不死的灵魂 | immortal deities;the immortal soul. | |
9 | 不朽不朽的状态或性质 | The quality or condition of being immortal . | |
10 | 不朽的艺术作品 | An immortal work of art | |
11 | 此话有理。中国像不朽的凤凰,5百年后又从灰烬中复苏再生。 | Right. She is like the immortal phoenix rising from its ashes every 500 hundred years. | |
12 | 从“学仙”到“倿佛”看李商隐的自我拯救 | Seeing Li Shangyin’ Redemption Himself from Learning Immortal to the Religion of Buddhism | |
13 | 从前荷马写《依利亚特》这不朽的史诗,固然着力表扬了希腊军的神勇,却也不忘记赞美着海克托的英雄 | In that immortal epic, the Iliad, Homer may sing the praises of the heroes on the Greek side, but he doesn’t forget a word of praise for the brave Hector | |
14 | 但是如果他能完全绝对服从,如果他能摆脱个人存在,如果他能与党打成一片而做到他就是党,党就是他,那么他就是全能的、永远不朽。 | But if he can make complete, utter submission, if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge himself in the Party so that he is the Party, then he is all-powerful and immortal | |
15 | 但是作品的精湛技巧也罢,画中人的绝色身姿也罢,都决不会如此突然,如此强烈地打动我的心。 | But it could have been neither the execution of the work, nor the immortal beauty of the countenance, which had so suddenly and so vehemently moved me. | |
16 | 当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡 | When achilles was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river. | |
17 | 道教最重要的观念是神仙观念。至上神是统治天庭的御皇大帝。 | The most important concept of this religion is that of celestials, fairies and immortal Taoists. The supreme god is the Jade Emperor ruling the Celestial Kingdom. | |
18 | 的确,向导在庇拉吉庙事件中是自愿冒生命危险的,如果以后印度人知道了这件事,他就很难逃出毒手。 | and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modelled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor.’ | |
19 | 东岳泰山天仙玉女碧霞元君 | Primordial Lady of Emerald Clouds and Heavenly Immortal Jade Maiden of Sacred Mt. Tai of the East | |
20 | 对真、善、美理想世界的不朽追寻-三毛作品评析 | Immortal Pursuit of an Ideal World of the True, the Good and the Beautiful-Analytical Commentary on Sanmao’s Works | |
21 | 多年过去了,我在越南的记忆并没有随着时间而消褪,相反,罪恶感永远压在我心头,抹之不去,无法洗脱。 | Over the years the memories of my tour in Viet Nam did not dim with age, but remained an immortal sin, unforgiving and eternal. | |
22 | 凡是会死的就不是永生的。 | That which is mortal is not immortal | |
23 | 告诉我你是否想象得出天长地久的姻缘中那种永恒的爱情的幸福! | Tell me if you can conceive the happiness of love immortal in an eternal union! | |
24 | 革命先烈永垂不朽,他们光辉的革命业绩和崇高的品质将永远铭刻在我们的记忆中。 | The revolutionary forerunners are immortal ;their brilliant revolutionary deeds and noble qualities will forever be engraved on our memory. | |
25 | 葛洪《神仙传》神学位格的现象学分析 | A Phenomenological Analysis on Theological Persons in Ge Hong’s Immortal Biography | |
26 | 葛仙山道观(江西铅山县) | Daoist Temple of Immortal Ge Mountain (Yanshan County, Jiangxi) | |
27 | 葛仙翁九转灵砂丹 | Elder Immortal Ge’s Nine-Reversion Numinous Elixir | |
28 | 鼓得很大、一颗痣也没有的肚皮,恰似紧绷着小牛皮面的圆楯。不像,是一堆白色的小麦,光辉灿烂而不朽,从亘古到永远。 | belly without blemish, bulging big, a buckler of taut vellum, no, whiteheapd corn, orient and immortal , standing from everlasting to everlasting | |
29 | 汉族家族性高胆固醇血症患者永生化细胞株的构建及其LDL-R功能的研究 | Establishment of the Immortal Cell Lines from Familial Hypercholesterolemia Patients in Chinese Han and the Analysis of LDL-receptor Function | |
30 | 黄大仙祠(浙江金华市) | Shrine of the Great Yellow Immortal (Jinhua, Zhejiang) |