属类:文学表达-外国名著-Companionship of Books
1 | 书籍具有不朽的本质,是人类勤奋努力的最为持久的产物。 | Books possess an essence of immortality , and they are by far the most lasting products of human effort | |
2 | 书籍具有不朽的本质,是人类勤奋努力的最为持久的产物。寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。 | Books possess an essence of immortality . They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. | |
3 | 随行的人们一声欢呼,他便大步走向伟大,得意洋洋地回头看着那群追随者,一路领略各式各样古怪、离奇、荒诞和自命不凡的渺小者。 | The shout begins in his train, onward he marches towards immortality , looks back at the pursuing crowd with self-satisfaction; catching all the oddities, the whimsies, the absurdities, and the littlenesses of conscious greatness, by the way. | |
4 | 他把奥蒂罗阿(即北岛)从大海里捞出,就像捞出波利尼西亚的许多岛屿一样。然而,他在谋求人类永生的过程中,自己却遭杀害。 | He fished the North Island-Oater--out-out of the sea, as he did many other islands in Polynesia, but was killed seeking immortality for all humankind | |
5 | 他获得了永垂不朽的声名。 | He has achieved immortality . | |
6 | 他一向不信宗教,对于引人进入天国的人和他们的灵魂不问一向心平气和地嗤之以鼻。 | He had always been irreligious, scoffing good-naturedly at the sky-pilots and their immortality of the soul | |
7 | 他已获得不朽的声名,名垂千古. | He has achieved immortality . | |
8 | 它们象征着不朽和长寿。 | They symbolize immortality and longevity. | |
9 | 万一游客正在参观的时候,那些木乃伊在他们眼前一下子都进入永生的境界,岂不是很尴尬吗? | It would be very unseemly if the corpses had to put on immortality under the gaze of mere sight-seers | |
10 | 为了奖励后羿,王母娘娘赐给后羿一种长生不老药,但是王母警告他必须正当使用。 | As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave Hou Yi the Elixir of Immortality , but she warned him that he must use it wisely | |
11 | 我不相信灵魂不灭的说法,自己也没有这种愿望。 | I do not believe in immortality , and have no desire for it | |
12 | 我们不妨享以种种传说、幻想、灵魂、永生、天堂、星宿。 | Legends, chimeras, the soul, immortality , paradise, the stars, are provided for them to swallow | |
13 | 我已能长生不老。 | I have attained immortality | |
14 | 无神论不能提供个人永生的希望,不能发出神灵惩戒的威慑,不能给人们所遭遇的不公作出最后补偿的承诺,不能制定拯救灵魂的确切方案。 | It can offer no hope of personal immortality , no threats of Divine chastisement, no promise of eventual recompense for injustices suffered, no blueprints to sure salvation | |
15 | 物价像得道成仙,平地飞升。 | Commodity prices, like a kite with its string broken in the wind, soared high above the ground as though they had achieved Nirvana and immortality | |
16 | 希腊人相信他们的神是永生的。 | The Greeks believed in the immortality of their gods. | |
17 | 信仰人体冷冻学的专家相信他们即将找到不朽之道。 | Experts of human body cryogenics believe that they will soon find a way to immortality . | |
18 | 幸而他在得克萨斯争取独立的战争里在阿拉莫英勇战死,因而获得不朽。 | Fortunately, he died nobly at the alamo, fighting for Texan independence, and thus secured immortality | |
19 | ’阳光说道,“他得到的不是一个而是十个吻。他有诗人的气质,他虽然挨揍可是又得到了吻。不过,他从幸运的金天鹅那里得到了幸运的环。他的思想像金蝴蝶一样飞了出去。这是不朽的象征!” | He got ten kisses for one; he was a poet, and was buffeted and kissed, alternately, all his life. But he held what no one could take from him,-the Ring of Fortune, from Dame Fortune’s golden swan. His thoughts took wings, and flew up and away, like singing butterflies,-the emblem of immortality ! | |
20 | 也想不起别的,只是说了一句简练的反对人类灵魂不朽的话,他当时觉得这是无可辩驳的论点。 | Nor aught else, except a brief, pithy, and, as it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul. | |
21 | 一些优秀的言论是不朽的,但主要从柏拉图处借用并归功于他(奥立佛·温德尔·霍姆斯爵士)。 | Some excellent remarks were made on immortality ,but mainly borrowed from and credited to Plato(Oliver Wendell Holmes,Sr. | |
22 | 因此,给这个可怜而有罪的女人留下一个不朽助婴儿,一个可能带来永恒的欢乐或悲伤的生命,对她会大有好处 | Therefore it is good for this poor, sinful woman that she hath an infant immortality , a being capable of eternal joy or sorrow, confided to her care | |
23 | 因此,在他们结束此生时,在他们的一切善恶都进入不朽的过去而成为永恒时,但愿我们能有这样的感觉 | And so, when their day is over, when their good and their evil have become eternal by the immortality of the past, be it ours to feel that | |
24 | 永生不死:可能当求 | Eternal Life and Immortality : May Should be Sought | |
25 | 在慈禧太后六十大寿时,地方官把一套大型手捏戏文泥人《蟠桃会》供奉内廷 | When Empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set, Immortality Peach Gathering. | |
26 | 张骞通西域与汉武帝的求仙动机 | Zhang Qian’s Opening up of the Western Regions and Han Emperor Wu-di’s Motive of Pursuing Immortality | |
27 | 这位名作家渴望名传千古。 | The famous writer aspires to immortality | |
28 | 这种情形,叫他想到,事物不朽不灭的演化,是有不能预知的因素操纵着的。 | It reminded him that unforeseen factors operate in the evolution of immortality | |
29 | 《永生:对长命百岁的追求及这是如何影响文明》 | Immortality : The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilisation. | |
30 | ||1:对向往长生不老的人而言遗憾的是,凯夫做出了一个结论:永生是种幻想。||2:不过就事论事,他对此的解析的确很吸引人。||3:调查中,关于灵魂的部分对与之相关的“生机论”教义做了有力的攻击,即灵魂与身心二元论——这是一种非常直接,且许多人都相信的思想,他们认为某种超自然的力量赋予了生物生命,一个人的人格及意识能够超越死亡而存在。||4:基督徒会对凯夫探讨复活的章节感兴趣,因为他探讨了上帝重造已死者的肉体这一点是怎样一直做为各基督教派的教义保留下来的。||5:人们认为,一个人的灵魂,不同于其躯体,它终会上天堂或是下地狱,则是在该思想(上帝可以重造肉体)之后才发展出来的一种修饰。 | ||1:For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfortunately concludes that immortality is a mirage.||2:But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right.||3:The section on the soul is an able attack on the related doctrines of “vitalism”, the soul and mind-body dualism—the intuitive and still widely held body of ideas that hold that living creatures are animated by some sort of supernatural spark, and that an individual’s personality or consciousness can survive death.||4:The chapters on resurrection will interest Christians, as Mr Cave examines how the literal recreation, by God, of dead people’s bodies remains the doctrine of most branches of Christianity.||5:The idea of one’s soul, as opposed to one’s body, ending up in heaven or hell is a subsequent embellishment. |