属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-黑白的希望 The black white hope
1 | 杜新箨还是不动声色,侧着头细嚼嘴里的点心,林佩珊则细腰微折,倚在张素素坐的那张椅子背上,独自在那里出神。 | Tu Hsin-to, still impassive and undisturbed, chewed silently and meditatively; Lin Pei-shan, leaning against the back of Chang Su-su’s chair, was absorbed in her own thoughts | |
2 | 法尔斜看一下母亲神色不动的脸色,眼睛里充满了恐惧。 | Val glanced sideways at his mother’s impassive face; it had a hunted look in the eyes | |
3 | 该物在磁铁前仍保持绝对静止状态. | The object remained absolutely impassive in the presence of magnet. | |
4 | 过了某一点后,她变得冷漠无情,对他没有一丝恋眷。 | After a certain point, she became impassive , detached utterly from him | |
5 | 她毫无表情地在听米勒口述拘留她的证书。 | Her face is impassive as she listens to Miller dictating the warrant for her arrest | |
6 | 她走下扶梯时,脸色泰然自若,快快活活,眼睛里有一种隐隐的痛苦神情。 | Her face as she came down the stairs was impassive , gay, with a furtive trouble in the eyes | |
7 | 冷漠的质问,虚妄的审判,被没收了的护照等卡夫卡式幻想,侵扰着他简单的头脑(纽约人) | Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive interrogation,the false trial,the confiscated passport.haunt his innocence(New Yorker) | |
8 | 面无表情地表达以冷淡的不带感情的方式来表达自己 | To express oneself in an impassive ,matter-of-fact way. | |
9 | 面无表情地冷淡地、不带感情地表达 | To express in an impassive ,matter-of-fact way. | |
10 | 仆人无动于衷,等候他的吩咐。 | His servant was quite impassive and waited for his orders | |
11 | 缺乏感情的;冷漠的 | Devoid of emotion;impassive . | |
12 | 萨姆没有任何表情,从他脸上什么也看不出来,整个上午他都是这副模样。 | Sam’s face was impassive revealing, as had been the case all morning | |
13 | 沙威是铁面无情的,他严厉的面容,绝不露一点慌张的颜色。 | Javert was impassive ,his grave face betrayed no emotion whatever | |
14 | 似乎那无情的大地毫不费力地把她吞没了。 | The impassive earth seemed to have swallowed her up without an effort, without a tremor | |
15 | 他的脸仍然毫无表情。 | His face remained impassive | |
16 | 他脸上表情冷漠。 | His face is impassive | |
17 | 他仍旧有那种心情缭乱而力自镇静的神气。 | He still wore the same impassive and preoccupied air | |
18 | 他一动不动,笔直地站着,脸上毫无表情。 | He was rigid, erect, and impassive | |
19 | 他于是又摇了摇头,望着他们铁青冰冷的脸。 | He shook his head again, looking at their hard impassive faces | |
20 | 屠维岳斩斩截截地回答,脸上依然是冷静得作怪。 | said Tu Wei-yueh bluntly, his face as calm and impassive as ever | |
21 | 韦恩走进来,看见四张毫无表情的脸冷冰冰地看着他。 | As Wanyne enters, he finds four impassive faces regarding him coolly | |
22 | 无表情的面孔(缺乏热情的人). | an impassive face (man) | |
23 | 在我们所有人中间,罗杰最装得若无其事。 | Of us all, Roger put on the most impassive front | |
24 | ||1: Gans天性乐观向上,温润谦和,从师于三重量级的世界冠军Bob Fitzsimmons。Bob常常教导他要隐忍克制,要以己之所欲,施之于人。 ||2: 所以,Gans学会了在面对即使是最刁难的挑衅时,也能泰然处之。不管是一次对手骂他是“一堆133磅重的黑肉”,又或是一次刚在场中央摆好姿势,对方就啐他一脸唾沫 ,这些Gans都能应对自如。 | ||1: Gans, a naturally polite and cheerful man, was tutored always to show restraint by Bob Fitzsimmons, a world champion at three weights②, who argued that you should do as you would be done by. ||2: In consequence, Gans learnt to remain impassive in the face of the most egregious provocations: even, for instance, when one opponent called him “133 pounds of black meat” and when another spat in his face as they squared up in the centre of the ring. | |
25 | ||1:从1968年起,每天工作结束,他都站在画布前照一张黑白照,都是些像寸照一样的照片,照他没有表情的脸。这也是这个项目的一部分。他说,这不是自我中心,更不是自恋。||2:毕竟,他的作品里没有传达任何关于他平日生活的事情,一点都没有,没有关于他在法国出生的事情,没有他在波兰经历战争的童年生活,没有他在华沙学习艺术的事情,没在柏林那一年的事情,这些,与他自愿接受的这项巨大任务相对都不重要。||3:人们问到他的作品时,他有点羞怯,轻轻扶了下眼镜框,谈起海格德尔,帕斯卡,谈成古代希腊人赋予数字的意义,他笑起来,带着点压抑的欢乐。怎能不欢乐?||4:人们看他像住在监狱里,可是每刷动一次笔刷,他都感觉到更加自由。||5:他每一幅自拍照片,银色的头发,白的肤色,展示着他的生命就像他所渴望的无穷的数字一样不可逆转地延续着。 | ||1:From 1968, at the end of every working day, he took a black-and-white photograph of his impassive face against the canvas. This too was part of the project. It was not egoism or narcissism, he insisted.||2: After all, his art told people nothing about his quotidian life. None of it—the birth in France, the childhood in Poland interrupted by war, the art studies in Warsaw, the year in Berlin—seemed important beside the immensity of the self-imposed task. ||3:He spoke about that, when asked, rather diffidently, softly rubbing the rims of his glasses in one hand, talking of Heidegger and Pascal and the notions of number held by the ancient Greeks, smiling often with what seemed to be repressed joy. And why not?||4: Though people saw him as a prisoner, he felt more liberated with every stroke of the brush.||5: Each of his self-portraits, with steadily silvering hair and whitening skin, showed him progressing as inevitably as his numbers into the infinity he longed for. | |
26 | ||1:乔甘斯天性谦和开朗,世界冠军鲍勃费茨西蒙斯教会了他忍耐,因为鲍勃主张“己所不欲,勿施于人”。||2:后来,甘斯学会了对于种种恶意挑衅漠然视之,就算有对手戏谑他是“133磅的黑肥肉”,就算在拳击场角斗时对手向他脸上啐唾沫,他也绝不动怒。 | ||1:Gans, a naturally polite and cheerful man, was tutored always to show restraint by Bob Fitzsimmons, a world champion at three weights, who argued that you should do as you would be done by.||2:In consequence, Gans learnt to remain impassive in the face of the most egregious provocations: even, for instance, when one opponent called him “133 pounds of black meat” and when another spat in his face as they squared up in the centre of the ring. | |
27 | “坐到椅子上,”他说,用平淡的,冷漠的眼神示意她,他自己已经坐到了面前的地板上。 | "Take the chair, " he said, gesturing with his flat, impassive eyes at the chair he had placed directly in front of himself. | |
28 | 不过即使是最不看好白银的基金经理也越来越难以无动于衷。 | But it is proving increasingly difficult for even the most silver-skeptic money managers to remain impassive . | |
29 | 当着死去的人谈死亡未免过于不敬,我一直不停地打量罗宾的表情,想看看她到底是怎么了,可罗宾的表情无动于衷。 | It seemed rude to speak of death to the dead, and I kept checking Robin’s face, to see how she was taking it, but Robin remained impassive . | |
30 | 尽管中国冷漠的声誉,在苏丹问题上的举动显示了中国当局对于批评是多么的敏感。 | The saga over Sudan shows how sensitive the Chinese authorities have become to criticism, despite their impassive reputation. |