1 | 〞该国劳工市场缺乏灵活性,这严重阻碍了它的经济恢复。 〞 | The inflexibility of the country’s labor market seriously impedes its economic recovery. | |
2 | 挫折因素,扼杀影响生长、失去希望和抱负或妨碍进步和繁荣的因素 | Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impedes progress and prosperity. | |
3 | 非物质的妨碍或阻碍物。 | Something immaterial that obstructs or impedes | |
4 | 近年来,台湾的分裂势力的增长以及台独势力的猖獗,某些外部势力对台湾问题的干涉都阻碍着和平统一进程.因此,不作出放弃使用武力的承诺是完全可以理解的。 | "Since the separatist tendency is growing and the activities of the forces working for the""Independence"" on the island is increasingly rampant in recent years. In addition to that, certain forces have further meddled in the issue of Taiwan. All this impedes the process of China’ s peaceful reunification. So, it’ s quite understandable why the Chinese government will not make the commitment not to use force. " | |
5 | 经济学家表示南亚和东南亚之间早就应该增进联系了。这是因为缺乏沟通导致两个区域之间的贸易变得很难。 | Economists say that improving finks between south and southeast Asia is long overdue. Poor communications impedes trade between the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Association of South-East Asian Nations. | |
6 | 利害关系方不如实反映情况、提供有关资料的,或者没有在合理时间内提供必要信息的,或者以其他方式严重妨碍调查的,商务部可以根据已经获得的事实和可获得的最佳信息作出裁定。 | In the event that any interested party does not provide authentic information and relevant documentation, or does not provide necessary information within a reasonable time-limit or significantly impedes the investigation in other ways, MOFCOM may make determinations on the basis of the facts already known and the best information available. | |
7 | 然而“人类”这个专门名词给人们的感觉是模糊、抽象的,它可能比任何其他东西都更容易妨碍认识这种形势。 | But what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term ’mankind’ feels vague and abstract | |
8 | 涉水走进或趟过水或其它同样阻碍正常运动的东西 | To walk in or through water or something else that similarly impedes normal movement. | |
9 | 什么事妨碍你早些动身? | What impedes your making an early start? | |
10 | 外界干扰是妨碍信息沟通的任何事物,而现场形态是演说发生的时间和地点。 | Interference is anything that impedes the communication of a message, and the situation is the time and place in which speech communication occurs. | |
11 | 影响生长、失去希望和抱负或妨碍进步和繁荣的因素。 | Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impedes progress and prosperity. | |
12 | 但是政策阻碍透明性的实现至少有两个原因。 | But politics impedes the ideal of transparency for at least two reasons. | |
13 | 当前在外汇市场实施的干预,只会阻碍这一进程。 | The ongoing intervention in foreign exchange markets only impedes this process. | |
14 | 当世界市场出现恐慌,人们如潮水飞奔拥抱美元时,这就阻碍了美国经常账户赤字的调整脚步。 | When world markets are fearful and therefore rush for dollars, that impedes the adjustment in America’s current-account deficit. | |
15 | 干的囊袋?起搏器和囊袋组织之间有空气?在单极配置中阻碍了正确的起搏和感知 | Dry Pocket ? Air between the pacemaker and pocket tissue ? Impedes appropriate sensing and pacing in the unipolar configuration | |
16 | 尽管此方法确保了准确性,但是也影响了多线程的某些性能优点。 | Although it ensures accuracy, this approach impedes some of the performance benefit of multiple threads. | |
17 | 冷凝的外层前沿阻止熔胶前沿直接卷至模壁 | Cooled down outer layer impedes direct frontal flow to the wall | |
18 | 例如,对周工作时间缩短进行补贴虽使目前需求得以获撑,却阻碍了长期排列组合。 | Subsidising shorter working weeks, for instance, props up demand today, but impedes long-term reordering. | |
19 | 例如减少页面包含文件数量会造成产品的可维护性变差。 | Cutting down on the number of included files for example impedes maintainability of the product. | |
20 | 其他四位可能工作得很有效率,但是第五位将会成为阻碍整个团队的重要限制因素。 | The four other people may have work effectively, but the fifth will be a major constraint which impedes the entire group. | |
21 | 什么样的政府会忙于阻止给其人民的救援物资的运输? | What kind of government actively impedes the delivery of life-saving aid to its people? | |
22 | 所以,是什么机制即使在经过长时期之后仍然防止了企业利润差异由于竞争而被削弱呢? | So, what is the mechanism that impedes the elimination of firm profit differentials through competition even over a long period? | |
23 | 他妨碍我把工作做好。 | He impedes me to do the job well. | |
24 | 他们发现了抑制一氧化氮并阻止血液流动的途径。 | They discovered a pathway that inhibits nitric oxide and thus impedes blood flow. | |
25 | 维他命D这种“阳光维他命”是我们晒太阳时,在皮肤中合成的一种物质,但防晒霜会阻碍这一过程的发生。 | The "sunshine vitamin" is synthesized in our skin when we are exposed to direct sunlight, but sunblock impedes this process. | |
26 | 我迅速发动攻击,影刃顺着刁钻的角度打向杰出高手,他根本阻挡不住。 | I quickly fire an attack and copy blade to emulate wily angle to beat toward the outstanding superior, he basically impedes not to live. | |
27 | 下降的出生率促使公民年龄的增高,劳动力比例的下降,从而遏制了经济增长。 | Declining fertility pushes up the age of the citizenryand shrinks the percentage of people in the workforce, and so impedes growth. | |
28 | 页面结构或页面内容会随每个用户请求而变化,因而不能使用页面缓存来存储页面响应。 | Page structures or page content that change with each user request impedes the use of page caches for storing page responses. | |
29 | 抑郁也可能导致更早有烟瘾。反复的抑郁妨碍了戒烟的尝试。 | Depression may also lead to early addictive smoking, and recurrent depression impedes smoking cessation attempts. | |
30 | 有一种叫动机性推理的非理性思考同样阻碍着我们寻求真理,但是却促进了争辩。 | The sort of faulty thinking called motivated reasoning also impedes our search for truth but advances arguments. |