属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-摄位车上进行的秘密活动 游客们当心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中情局之用刑 公诸于世
1 | 阿连德一旦获胜,就将危及我们在西半球的利益。 | A victory for Allende would imperil our interests in the Western Hemisphere | |
2 | 冒生命的危险去救某人 | Imperil one’s life to save sb | |
3 | 冒险在危险或受伤的危胁之下;使处于危险中 | To expose to danger or the chance of injury;imperil . | |
4 | 使...陷于危险 | imperil ; imperilled; imperilling | |
5 | 使…遇险使陷入险境或受伤;危及 | To expose to loss or injury;imperil . | |
6 | 使受危险或伤害;危及 | To expose to harm or danger;imperil . | |
7 | 使用劣质材料制成的假冒配件可能给你和你至爱的家人的生命造成严重的侵害。 | What′s more, counterfeits made of low-quality materials may imperil the lives of you and your loved ones. | |
8 | 危及生命. | imperil ont`s life | |
9 | 我不愿使我的灵魂受到玷污,我要维护教会法律的公正。 | I will not imperil my soul. I will uphold the justice of the Church | |
10 | 香港和内地的关系若出现裂痕,就可能危及香港的未来。 | Whatever drives a wedge between Hong Kong and the mainland could imperil the territory’s future. | |
11 | ||1:2009年,世界银行认为中国在水危机上的总支出占GDP的2.3%,这在很大程度上反映出水资源状况对健康之危害。||2:水资源短缺同样危及扩大能源生产,对经济增长造成威胁。||3:中国希望能跟随美国进入天然气时代。||4:然而,一个天然气井需一年15,000吨水来运转。||5:中国也正在计划建造约450座新的燃煤发电站,一年燃烧12亿吨煤炭。||6:发电站需要用水冷却,而煤炭需要用水清洗。||7:总需水量达90亿吨。供不应求。||8:据位于华盛顿的智囊组织世界资源协会称,一半的新燃煤发电站建造于水资源紧缺或极度紧缺的地区。 | ||1: In 2009 the World Bank put the overall cost of China’s water crisis at 2.3% of GDP, mostly reflecting damage to health. ||2: Water shortages also imperil plans to expand energy production, threatening economic growth. ||3: China is hoping to follow America into a shale-gas revolution. ||4: But each shale-gas well needs 15,000 tonnes of water a year to run. ||5: China is also planning to build around 450 new coal-fired power stations, burning 1.2 billion tonnes of coal a year. ||6: The stations have to be cooled by water and the coal has to be washed. ||7: The grand total is 9 billion tonnes of water. China does not have that much available. ||8: According to the World Resources Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC, half the new coal-fired plants are to be built in areas of high or extremely high water stress. | |
12 | ||1:到目前为止,计算机的兴起通过降低成本使金融民主化。||2:典型的ETF每年收取0.1%的费用,相比之下,主动型基金可能收取1%的费用。||3:你可以在手机上购买ETF。一场持续的价格战意味着交易成本大幅下降,市场的流动性通常比以往任何时候都更强。||4:特别是当大多数投资的回报和今天一样低的时候,这一切都是有意义的。||5:然而,机器主导金融的新时代引发了这些好处可能被危及的担忧。 | ||1: Until now the rise of computers has democratised finance by cutting costs. ||2: A typical ETF charges 0.1% a year, compared with perhaps 1% for an active fund. ||3: You can buy ETFs on your phone. An ongoing price war means the cost of trading has collapsed, and markets are usually more liquid than ever before. ||4: Especially when the returns on most investments are as low as today’s, it all adds up. ||5: Yet the emerging era of machine-dominated finance raises worries, any of which could imperil these benefits. | |
13 | ||1:华盛顿特区大街上正蔓延着一个可怕的威胁:无证导游。||2:这些无耻的违法者扰乱公共秩序,在没有许可的情况下带领游客们参观这个国家的首都。||3:记者亲历地下世界去观察第一手游客们关键时刻面临的危险。这让人很恐惧。||4:首先,记者必须在摄位车上保持平衡,这种两轮电动车有让她从任何一边摔向冰冷坚硬的人行道上的可能性。||5:“别担心,”违法导游Bill Main发出喉音说道,“很简单的。”||6:在兴奋、紧张中带着一个粉色的头盔,这趟行程开始了。 | ||1:A TERRIBLE threat stalks the streets ofWashington,DC: unlicensed tour guides.||2:These brazen lawbreakers imperil the public by showing them around the nation’s capital without a permit.||3:Your correspondent went undercover to observe at first hand the dangers tourists face in their clutches. It was harrowing.||4:First, your correspondent had to balance on a Segway, a two-wheeled vehicle from which she could have fallen several inches to the cold, hard pavement.||5:“Just try to relax,” purred Bill Main, the outlaw guide, “It’s easy.”||6:With white knuckles and a pink helmet, the tour began. | |
14 | ||1:这份报告会危害国家安全,中情局放出话来,要迅速解决这份长达500页的报告。||2:这份报告是由参议院情报委员会中的民主党籍写手在查阅了数百万条中情局内部资料后撰写的,而共和党人所支持的退伍老兵和情报机构对此发起了挑战,他们称这份报告是对中情局和布什政府的诽谤中伤,是充满瑕疵和党派意味的。 | ||1:The CIA has promised to work “expeditiously” to scrub the nearly 500-page summary of information that could imperil national security.||2:Veterans of the spy agency, backed by many Republicans, have challenged the report—prepared by Democratic staffers of the Senate Intelligence Committee and drawing on millions of internal CIA records—as a flawed and partisan bid to smear the CIA and the administration of George W. Bush. | |
15 | 共和党人不负责任,这意味着如果共和党在众议院继续占多数,最终将危及法治。 | Their abdication of responsibility means that a continued Republican majority in the House would eventually imperil the rule of law. | |
16 | 布兰戴斯忧心当时企业巨头的集中经济力量(concentratedeconomicpower)可能危及民主政治。 | Brandeis worried that the corporate giants of his day would imperil democracy through concentrated economic power. | |
17 | 但是,一个邪恶的同伴给自己带来的危害,并没有以自己的荣誉为代价给他人增光带来的危害大。 | But one should as little imperil oneself by an evil companion as pay honor to another at the cost of one’s own credit. | |
18 | 当权派与立宪派的妥协,催助了《钦定宪法大纲》之问世; | The compromise between the authority and the constitutionalists promoted the birth of the Constitutional Guidelines Made by Imperil Order. | |
19 | 就前者而言,大幅提高资本充足率的要求将危及复苏。 | On the former, a demand for much higher capital ratios today would imperil the recovery. | |
20 | 日渐融化的冰雪可以解开尘封许久的古老秘密,然而,温暖的气候也让很多历史遗迹陷入危机之中。 | Melting ice can help unlock ancient secrets, but warming temperatures could imperil many more historic sites. | |
21 | 如此一笔资产减记令银行资金比率再次陷入危机中,他们很可能不得不再次向政府申请援助。 | Such writedowns could again imperil banks’ capital ratios, potentially forcing them once more to go cap in hand to the Government. | |
22 | 若陷入内斗,将危及过去六个月里取得的脆弱成就。 | A descent into infighting would imperil the fragile achievements of the past six months. | |
23 | 实际上,此次危机的后果之一,就是危及央行的独立性,而且不止是在英国。 | Indeed, one of the results of this crisis is to imperil central bank independence, not just in the UK. | |
24 | 他不惜违抗自己党派的意愿并打乱内务议程做出如此决定,可谓勇气可嘉。 | His courage in doing so against the instincts of his own party, and his readiness to imperil his domestic agenda, should be commended. | |
25 | 天然石材放射性对人体健康有益 | Radioactivity of Natural Stone not to imperil Human body | |
26 | 外国经济学家开始担心中国经济增长乏力将危及全球复苏。 | Concerns are now being voiced that a faltering of the Chinese economy will imperil the global recovery. | |
27 | 文学学者伊莱恩·斯卡利(ElaineScarry)指出,在传统世界里对美人的偷瞥都能使一个观察的人置于危险之地。 | The literary scholar Elaine Scarry pointed out that in the classical world a glimpse of a beautiful person could imperil an observer. | |
28 | 一个更重要(尽管是错误)的论点是,银行成本增加将危害经济。 | A more significant, though mistaken, argument is that the higher costs imperil the economy. | |
29 | 再拖延下去只会损害到经济恢复,就像已经发生的这样。 | More delay would only imperil the recovery, such as it is. | |
30 | 在如此大量的原油泄漏的情况下,它们足可以消耗尽某一区域所有的氧气并创造出一个缺氧的“死亡地带”,这将危及鱼类和其他海洋生物。 | Give them a huge oil blowout, and they can use up enough oxygen to create anoxic "dead zones" that imperil fish and other sea creatures. |