属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙特跟老美 别扭扭
1 | 无礼的、冒失的、不当的话或行为;厚颜无耻 | Impertinent talk or behaviour;impudence | |
2 | 无礼的举动或言语 | An impertinent act or statement. | |
3 | 无礼的鲁莽的或不尊重的;不礼貌的 | Audaciously rude or disrespectful;impertinent . | |
4 | 小孩教训大人是不礼貌的 | impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup. | |
5 | 一天,有个 | One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual, addressed this sally to him, "Monseigneur, people are inquiring when Your Greatness will receive the red cap!" | |
6 | 由于你那鲁莽的做法, 谁还能喜欢你呢? | After the impertinent way you acted, who could like you? | |
7 | 与问题无关的论点. | a point impertinent to the question | |
8 | 在最后谈到要点之前先说了几个不相关的事实 | Mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point. | |
9 | 这是一个离题太远的论点。 | This is a point impertinent to the argument. | |
10 | 自然说,他是我的孩子,尽管他有许多莫名的痛苦,但与我在一起,他将快乐无比。 | Nature says, he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. | |
11 | ||1:其他方面的分歧也在慢慢酝酿中。||2:沙特无法像以往一样依赖美国,国王便采取了更为激进的方式来寻求自身利益。||3:11年阿拉伯之春爆发,西方国家广而叫好,而沙特首都利雅得却不得不沮丧地视之为警告。||4:沙特军队加入小邻居巴林岛,从多数什叶派组织支持民主的起义中救出其君主,可见沙特几乎不向白宫点头表示赞同。||5:美方支持兄弟会的穆尔西当选埃及总统,以此作为向民主的迈进,而沙特将其当做是伊斯兰狂热份子夺权,并由另一个鲁莽的邻居卡塔尔出资援助。卡塔尔的Al Jazeera卫星电视频道一直吵到沙特王室的好眠。||6:最近几周,沙特一直让美国不好受,因为美方将沙特大使逐出卡塔尔,以求与伊朗的阿拉伯邻居间更为紧密的合作。 | ||1:Other differences, too, are brewing.||2:Unable now to rely so much on American might, the kingdom’s rulers have taken to a more aggressive pursuit of their own regional interests.||3:Widely cheered in the West, the outbreak of the Arab spring in 2011 was viewed with dismay and alarm in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.||4:With scarcely a nod to the White House, Saudi troops intervened in the neighbouring statelet of Bahrain to rescue its king from a pro-democracy uprising by his majority-Shia subjects.||5:While America welcomed the election of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi as president of Egypt as a step towards democracy, the Saudis viewed it as a power grab by an Islamist cult, financed by another impertinent neighbour, Qatar, whose noisy Al Jazeera satellite TV channel has long disturbed the royal Saudis’ sleep.||6:In recent weeks Saudi Arabia has dismayed America, which has long urged greater co-operation between Iran’s Arab neighbours, by pulling its ambassador out of Qatar. | |
12 | ||1:他的很多精力都用来躲避很多无礼的问题。||2:在他管理巴黎的18年里,希拉克增加了市政人员的工资(特别是政党的工人)。||3:他为自己的支持者举办了盛大奢华的派对,而文化名人和其他有影响力的朋友则住进了时髦的市政公寓。||4:然后就有了2002年的刻薄的竞选口号“给骗子投票,而不是法西斯”。||5:他的坏名声越来越大。||6:即使是最厌世的人,也无法对成捆的现金、外国银行账户和暗箱操作的交易不闻不问。 | ||1:Much of his energy was devoted to dodging impertinent questions, of which there were many.||2:In his 18-year stint running Paris he bloated the city payroll (particularly with jobs for party workers).||3:He threw huge, lavish parties for his supporters, while cultural notables and other influential friends gained chic municipal apartments.||4:Hence the caustic slogan from the 2002 election, "Vote for the crook, not the fascist".||5:The stink rose with him.||6:Even the most world-weary could not shrug away the stories of bundles of cash, foreign bank account sand murky quid pro quos. | |
13 | “不要失礼!”国王说,“别这样看我了!”他一边说一边躲到爱丽丝的身后。 | ’Don’t be impertinent , ’ said the King, ’and don’t look at me like that! ’ He got behind Alice as he spoke. | |
14 | 不恰当的比喻:敌进我退,敌疲我打,敌战我休。 | Impertinent analogy: Enemy retreat into me, enemy exhausted I am hit, enemy battle my resting. | |
15 | 观众纷纷向英国广播公司(BBC)抱怨,称马尔无权提出如此不相干且不友好的问题。 | Viewers complained to the BBC that Marr had no business making such an impertinent and insensitive enquiry. | |
16 | 她脸上表现出有些近乎无礼的嘲弄的表情。 | his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air- Lawrence Durrell. | |
17 | 科学的本质是:问一个不恰当的问题,于是走上了通往恰当答案的路。& | Abraham Lincoln That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to the pertinent answer. | |
18 | 美国并不是受到无礼评级机构刁难的唯一大国。 | AMERICA is not the only giant to suffer from an impertinent ratings agency. | |
19 | 他是我的造物,抿灭他无关紧要的悲伤,与我同在他应欢悦,自然向他如是说。 | Nature says, -- he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. | |
20 | 我把过去的事都对他说了,使他明白我当初阻挡他那件事,真是又荒谬又冒失。 | I told him of all that had occurred to make my former interference in his affairs absurd and impertinent . | |
21 | 我本人不是英国圣公会成员,因此由我来发表意见未免有些冒昧。 | I’m not a member of the Church of England myself, therefore it would be rather impertinent of me to express an opinion. | |
22 | 这不是个是否原谅的问题,虽然这样说有些无礼。 | It’s not a matter of forgiving. That would be an impertinent thing to say. | |
23 | 这些鲁莽的问题很明显不适合放到一个好的电视节目中播出,至少在星期日晚上的黄金时段很不适合。 | It’sclear that such impertinent questions don’t make for good television, at leastnot in prime time Sunday evening. | |
24 | 作为一个上等人,他认为,打听别人住在哪里是无礼的举动,是多管闲事。 | As a gentleman himself, he thought it was only impertinent curiosity to ask where any other gentleman lived. |