属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7827-1984
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 30728-5-1995
1 | (1)行政机关执行立法会通过并已生效的法律; | 1)The administrative organ implements laws enacted by the legislative council; | |
2 | OLE DB 是一种组件数据库结构,对多种类型数据源实现了高效的网络和 Internet 访问,包括关系数据、邮件文件、平面文件和电子表格。 | OLE DB is a component database architecture that implements efficient network and internet access to many types of data sources, including relational data, mail files, flat files, and spreadsheets. | |
3 | 钯,犁和其它工具。 | rakes,hoes,and other implements . | |
4 | 保险是国家对暂时或永久丧失劳动能力的公务员给予物质帮助的一种劳动保险制度。 | The state implements a labor insurance system to provide material aid to civil servants who have temporarily or permanently lost the ability to work. | |
5 | 长柄大镰刀是最古老和最有效的人类工具,其设计即明显符合人类工程学。 | The scythe, one of the oldest and most efficient human implements , shows a remarkable degree of ergonomic engineering. | |
6 | 场地上乱七八糟地堆满工具。 | The yard is cluttered up with various implements . | |
7 | 从而能够对所有作业设备进行极好的控制,并实现相当长的车辆运营时间。 | which enables excellent control of all implements and rather high service hours of the vehicle. | |
8 | 到目前为止,考古学家已经挖掘出了城市遗址,青铜器工具和墓葬,这证明了夏朝文明的所在地与古籍中记载的位置相吻合。 | By now, archaeologists have uncovered urban sites, bronze implements , and tombs that point to the existence of Xia civilization in the same locations cited in ancient Chinese historical texts. | |
9 | 第二十八条在戒严地区遇有下列特别紧急情形之一,使用警械无法制止时,戒严执勤人员可以使用枪支等武器: | Article 28 The martial-law-enforcing officers may, under any of the following unusual emergencies that occurs in the area under martial law, use guns or other weapons when they cannot stop it simply with police implements : | |
10 | 第二十六条在戒严地区有下列聚众情形之一、阻止无效的,戒严执勤人员根据有关规定,可以使用警械强行制止或者驱散,并将其组织者和拒不服从的人员强行带离现场或者立即予以拘留: | Article 26 When the martial-law-enforcing officers fail to prevent the following persons from engaging in mass activities in the area under martial law, they may, in accordance with relevant regulations, use police implements to stop or disperse them, and forcibly take the organizers and the persons who refuse to obey away from the scene or detain them immediately: | |
11 | 第二条 国家按照所有权与使用权分离的原则,实行城镇国有土地使用权出让、转让制度,但地下资源、埋藏物和市政公用设施除外。 | Article 2. The State, in accordance with the principle of the ownership being separated from the right to the use of the land, implements ten system whereby the right to the use of the State-owned land in the urban areas may be assigned and transferred, with the exclusion of the underground resources, the objects buried underground, and the public works. | |
12 | 第九条 国务院负责安全生产监督管理的部门依照本法,对全国安全生产工作实施综合监督管理; | Article 9 The department of the State Council in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety implements comprehensive supervision and administration of the work of production safety of the whole country. | |
13 | 第六十六条 企业实行承包、租赁经营责任制的,除遵守本法规定外,发包方和承包方、出租方和承租方的权利、义务依照国务院有关规定执行。 | Article 66. If the enterprise implements the contract and leasing systems of managerial responsibility, the party awarding the contract and the contractor, the lessor and the lessee, with regard to their respective rights and obligations, shall implement the relevant provisions of the State Council, apart from abiding by the provisions of this Law. | |
15 | 第三十条 固定资产是指使用年限在一年以上,单位价值在规定标准以上,并在使用过程中保持原来物质形态的资产,包括房屋及建筑物、机器设备、运输设备、工具器具等。 | Article 30 Fixed assets refer to the assets whose service life is over one year, unit value is above the prescribed standards and where original physical form remains during the process of utilization, including buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, transportation equipment, tools and implements , etc. | |
16 | 第十一条 国家推行全民健身计划,实施体育锻炼标准,进 l 行体质监测。 | Article 11 The State implements the National Fitness Program, carries out the Physical Training Qualification Standards and conducts monitoring of the people’s physique. | |
17 | 第四十五条监狱遇有下列情形之一的,可以使用戒具: | Article 45 Under any of the following circumstances, a prison may use restraint implements : | |
18 | 对申请人逾期不起诉又不履行复议决定的,分别情况处理: | Where an applicant neither initiates a suit nor implements the reconsideration decision within the time limit, the case shall be dealt with according to different conditions: | |
19 | 工作发动机.农机具.农用车辆.多用途车辆和挂车的轮圈 | Rims for machines, agricultural vehicles, implements , multi purpose vehicles and trailers | |
20 | 公共工程的图形符号.第5部分:带支架的悬挂式器具 | Graphical symbols for communal purposes-Part 5: Mounted implements with boom | |
21 | 公共航空运输企业未经国务院民用航空主管部门批准,不得运输作战军火、作战物资。 | No public air transport enterprise shall carry munitions of war and implements of war unless approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. | |
22 | 公司实行权责分明、管理科学、激励和约束相结合的内部管理体制。 | A company implements an internal management structure with a clear division of rights and responsibilities, scientific management and combined incentives and restrictions. | |
23 | 驾驶室:进入驾驶室,开始轻松的工作,而车辆和作业设备都已尽在掌控之中。 | Cab: Get in, relax and with the vehicle and the implements under control. | |
24 | 监督国际武器弹药和作战工具贸易公约 | Convention on Supervision of International Trade in Arms and Ammunition and in Implements of War | |
25 | 她检视这个时期起始的文献,道教宫观的建筑布置、日常的戒律、男女修道者人际间的礼仪、他们身上的配件与法衣,以及宫观生活中崇拜的面向(规律的宗教仪式、年度的庆典以及诸如葬礼的特殊仪式)。 | She examines texts from this period along with the architectural layout of Daoist monasteries, the daily discipline and interpersonal etiquette of monks and nuns, their implements and vestments, as well as the liturgical dimension (regular services, annual festivals, and special rites such as funerals)of monastic life. | |
26 | 控制的方法与程度和与法规的一致性是终端用户的根本责任。如果你的设备要实施一项消除策略,请同Air Products的代表联系,寻求具体的建议。 | The method and degree of control, and regulatory compliance, is the ultimate responsibility of the end user. If your facility implements an abatement policy, please contact your Air Products representative for specific recommendations. | |
27 | 例如,该协定规定,在食品安全方面作为国际参照的是那些食品法典委员会执行FAO;WHO共同标准规划而制定的标准、规范。 | For example, the agreement stipulates that in the case of food safety the international references are those of the Codex Alimentarius Commission--which implements the Joint FAO/WHO Standards Programme. | |
28 | 梅赛德斯-奔驰正在致力于将Unimog U 300/U 400/U500系列定义为专业级的设备车,并且已经为所有能够想到的设备集成了标准安装点和驱动系统。 | Mercedes-Benz is presenting the Unimog U 300/U 400/U500 series as a professional implement carrier that has integrated standard attachment points and drive systems for all conceivable implements . | |
29 | 美国联合汽车、航天和农机工人国际工会 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implements Workers of America | |
30 | 美国汽车、飞机、农业机构械工人联合会 | United Auto, Aircraft and Agricultural Implements Workers of America (UAW) |