属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞扬的旗帜 拒绝投降
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-管理合伙人制 选举新老板
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本史 选择性记忆
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象
1 | “啊!”法官梅尼菲声容并茂地说,”毫无疑问,一件单相思的案子。” | "Ah!" exclaimed Judge Menefee, impressively ; "a case of unrequired affection, no doubt." | |
2 | “就是为了他,阁下,”布拉斯答道,把声音放得很低。 | "This of him, sir," rejoined Brass, dropping his voice impressively | |
3 | “西奥多?劳伦斯,你应该是世界上最幸福的男孩子了。”她感慨地补了一句。 | "Theodore Laurence, you ought to be the happiest boy in the world," she added impressively | |
4 | 宏大地;予人深刻印象地;盛大地 | In a big manner;impressively ;grandly | |
5 | 巨大的、坚硬的和不朽的 | Impressively large,sturdy,and enduring. | |
6 | 所有考官们评论说杰克思路清晰,给人印象深刻,独立判断能力也相当强。 | All the examiners commented that Jack had an impressively clear head and considerable powers of independent criticism. | |
7 | 他发现自己编造了这样惹人注意的无聊话。 | He found himself inventing such impressively nonsensical propositions | |
8 | 他讲述了牛顿的引力定律,给人以深刻的印象。 | He discoursed impressively on Newton’s theory of gravity. | |
9 | 他脸上永远堆着和善的微笑,给人印象很深,但并不给人以和蔼可亲之感。 | Though his smile was impressively white, and he flashed it often enough, it did not express pleasure | |
10 | 烟火响声震天. | The fireworks banged impressively . | |
11 | 由于是BMW发动机,即使大的功率也不必担心会造成环境污染,因为燃油消耗和排放量都很低。 | And because this is a BMW engine, impressive power is achieved at no environmental cost: fuel consumption and emission figures remain impressively low | |
12 | 在笑气影响下,他写下了这样惹人注意的无聊话。 | Under the influence of nitrous oxide, he found himself writing such impressively nonsensical propositions | |
13 | 这组建筑古朴大方,豁然庄重,清仁宗颙琰曾作诗赞颂 | The pavilions were simple and plain in design, yet looked impressively august. Emperor Renzong (1796-1821)had once celebrated the palace architecture in the following poem | |
14 | 执行巡逻任务的警察沿着街走着,给人以很深的印象。 | The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively | |
15 | ||1:埃弗里特认为文化影响语法是可能的,但他并不确定。||2:他承认,关于引起语言差异原因的猜想已经成为多数不负责任的业余的语言学的主题。||3:文化在哪影响了语言、语言在哪影响了文化和认知(心理语言学研究的一个热门话题)、差异在哪是无关联的都很难计算。||4:埃弗里特提醒先天派,一个印象深刻的谦逊的合理的人是会考虑到乔姆斯基曾经笑话他是个骗子。||5:他的情况并不能完全证明,但值得一读,还有超越了人身攻击的回应。 | ||1:Mr Everett thinks it possible that culture influences grammar, but he is not sure.||2:He acknowledges that conjecture about what causes linguistic differences has been a staple of much irresponsible amateur linguistics.||3:It is hard to work out where culture has affected language, where language affects culture and cognition (a hot topic of psycholinguistic research), and where the differences are unrelated.||4:Mr Everett has taken a shot across the innatists’ bow, and an impressively modest and reasoned one given that Mr Chomsky once called him a charlatan.||5:His case is not wholly proven, but it deserves a serious reading, and a response beyond name-calling. | |
16 | ||1:让人印象非常深刻的是,里丁的书可谓对德占期法国的一次全面调查:法国的犹太人--特别是那些在国外出生的--被维希政权和德方残酷迫害;||2:戈培尔“征收”(实则为抢)犹太人拥有的艺术品;||3:一些法国知识分子的法西斯主义倾向,也有部分被斯大林的共产主义所吸引。||4:一个巨大的讽刺是,战前的法国电影因有犹太导演,演员和制片人的加入而更加丰富,在他们遭到驱逐后,因新锐们蜂拥而入,电影业不受影响一如既往的繁荣着。||5:里丁大力赞扬了马塞尔·卡内尔的《天堂的孩子们》。 | ||1: Mr Riding’s book is an impressively comprehensive survey of the occupation years: the relentless persecution of France’s Jews, especially the foreign-born, by the Vichy authorities as well as the Germans; ||2: Goebbels’s expropriation of Jewish-owned art; ||3: the fascism of some French intellectuals, and the attraction of Stalin’s communism for others. ||4: One irony is that French cinema, so enriched by Jewish directors, actors and producers before the war, nonetheless flourished after their expulsion thanks to an influx of new talent. ||5: Mr Riding particularly praises Marcel Carné’s “Les Enfants du Paradis”. | |
17 | ||1:想要从埃切瓦里先生手里拿下接力棒也不是件容易的事。||2:自2011以来,在他的领导下,德勤的业绩是非常惊人的。||3:在他任期的前两年,其所在的美国分部收入从119亿美元上升到139亿美元。||4:而四大的其他成员,安永、普华永道和毕马威,现在不得不重新建立他们在安然事件中出售的咨询分支。||5:德勤仍然保持着咨询业务,这也是埃切瓦里先生努力的方向。 | ||1:The race to succeed Mr Echevarria is likely to be hotly contested.||2:Under his stewardship since 2011, Deloitte has grown impressively .||3:In the first two years of his term, revenues at its American arm rose from $11.9 billion to $13.9 billion.||4:The other members of the Big Four—EY, PwC and KPMG—sold their consulting arms after the Enron scandal and have since had to rebuild them from scratch.||5:Deloitte stayed in consulting and Mr Echevarria has pushed that side of the business. | |
18 | ||1:选择性记忆往往不利于对下一代的教育。||2:道尔写道,日本的中学教科书对战争描述极少,反映了官方试图“淡化日本近代史的阴暗面”。||3:在中国这一方面,政府依靠抗日战争来突出其历史合理性,因此学校教育不断提及日本在战时的暴行。||4:这可以解释为什么对于当下的岛屿纠纷两国的公众反应截然不同。||5:中国人愤怒地走上街头抗议,而日本人却待在家里看电视,电视里正是中国人抗议的镜头。 | ||1:Selective memory is often a harmful feature of children’s education.||2:Japanese high-school textbooks devote impressively little space to the war, reflecting official attempts to “downplay the dark aspects of Japan’s modern history,” writes Mr Dower.||3:For its part, China’s government relies on its struggle against Japanese aggression for its historical legitimacy, so memories of wartime atrocities are kept fresh in schools.||4:This helps to explain the strikingly different public reactions to the current island disputes.||5:While the Chinese angrily take to the streets, the Japanese stay at home and watch it on TV. | |
19 | ||1:作为伦敦玛丽女王大学文艺复兴研究的教授,布洛顿先生通过12幅地图的讲述对绘图的复杂性进行了考察。||2:这些地图跨度巨大,分属于不同时期、不同地区,既有托勒密艰苦劳作的产物,也有谷歌地球,还有一些更鲜为人知的伊斯兰作品和东亚作品。||3:尽管它们之间各不相同,但也有一些有趣的相似之处,主要是由于这些地图反映了制图者在制图时所考虑的优先次序的方式。 | ||1:Mr Brotton, a professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary University of London, examines the complexity of mapmaking through the stories of 12 maps, which stretch across space and over time.||2:The examples are impressively varied, from Ptolemy’s toils to Google Earth, and include some lesser-known Islamic and East Asian works.||3:Despite their differences, these maps enjoy some intriguing similarities, largely for the way they illustrate the priorities of their authors. | |
20 | DilmaRousseff对于工党而言可以说是一位新秀,虽然给人一种非常干练的印象,但她缺少总统候选人应具备的吸票魅力。 | She is a relatively new recruit to the PT. Although she is impressively competent, she lacks the president’s vote-getting charisma. | |
21 | Princeton的English语言WordNet项目是一项庞大的公共服务,正在取得不断进步。 | Princeton’s English language WordNet project is a tremendous public service, and is progressing impressively . | |
22 | 本书还包含更多内容,涉及面十分广泛,并且进行了充分的研究调查。 | There is much more to this book, which is impressively broad and richly researched. | |
23 | 不要认为自己奉献不够好、不够令人影响深刻。 | Don’t judge yourself for not giving impressively or perfectly. | |
24 | 超级计算机这一术语也可以是指速度慢了很多但仍然让人感觉很快的系统。 | The term supercomputer may also refer to systems that are much slower but still impressively quick. | |
25 | 但不可否认的是,他最吸引人的是他深刻的歌词。 | But there is no denying his genius and the way he cancarry a tune and, more impressively , a lyric. | |
26 | 但是令人难忘的是,他已经开始履行他要改革公众生活的承诺。 | But he has begun impressively to fulfil his promises to clean up public life. | |
27 | 当商家的品牌与消费者之间的关系逐渐加强,当消费者变得更为“青睐”的时候,商家们将会从中受益匪浅。 | When the customer relationship grows stronger, when the customer becomes more "engaged, " the company benefits impressively . | |
28 | 访问者来自182个国家,让人印象更深刻的是全部访问量的87%都是“直接流量”。 | More impressively is that 87 % of all traffic is "Direct Traffic" . | |
29 | 该工厂表面看起来干净地令人难忘。 | On the surface, the plant is impressively clean. | |
30 | 更令人刮目相看的是 | Perhaps more impressively |