属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-2016大选阵势 罗姆尼回归
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-巴林和白俄罗斯新入选“互联网公敌”名单
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-六十年代的未来技术 远去的雷鸟号
1 | 他的时间排得很满,学生根本无法和他接触。 | His busy schedule make him completely inaccessible to his student. | |
2 | 他是一个很孤僻的人,他如此孤僻,连小说家都似乎不能仔细地观察他(伦纳德·迈克尔斯) | He is an exceedingly insular man,so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist(Leonard Michaels) | |
3 | 他与员工有隔阂。 | He is inaccessible to his employees. | |
4 | 它能够穿越森林、沙漠、岩石地形、河道等地区,而这些地区对于其它多数车辆而言都是可望而不可及的。 | It can pass through forests, deserts, rocky terrains, watercourses, etc. that are inaccessible for most of other vehicles. | |
5 | 为了操作那些安装在地下、难于接近的闸阀、截止阀和角阀,我们设计了地轴架。 | Floor stands are designed for operating gate, globe and angle valves that are installed in inaccessible places under a floor. | |
6 | 我们不易获得的资料 | Materials inaccessible to us | |
7 | 纤维镜利用光学纤维制成的一种韧性仪器,用于对一些用其它方法无法接近的物体或区域(如体腔)进行检查 | A flexible fiber-optic instrument used to view an object or area, such as a body cavity, that would otherwise be inaccessible . | |
8 | 英国的统治法规在土王的势力范围内就不能正常执行,至于在文迪亚群山中那些无法接近的地方,那就更加无法管辖了。 | The English have not been able to secure complete dominion over this territory, which is subjected to the influence of rajahs, whom it is almost impossible to reach in their inaccessible mountain fastnesses | |
9 | 由于光纤的进步,使操作的仪器能够达到以前难以到达的位置,同时大大减少了不适感。内窥镜上也可加装附件,以进行细胞或组织采样、息肉或肿瘤的切除和外来物的清除等。 | With fibre optics, much more maneuverable instruments can reach formerly inaccessible sites, while causing much less discomfort. Attachments can take tissue samples, excise polyps and small tumours, and remove foreign objects. | |
10 | 有的灾区因道路被洪水冲断而无法进入,许多人无家可归;还有许多灾民在等待粮食等救援物资。" | Some of the disaster areas are rendered inaccessible as roads have been broken by floods. Many people have become homeless; and still many other flood victims are waiting for food and other relief items." | |
11 | 在这个旅游频繁的世界上,仍有成千上万游人足迹未至的地方。 | In this much-traveled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists. | |
12 | 这本书对我来说是最难懂的小说之一。 | This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible . | |
13 | 这是一个难以达到的高峰,但并不是高不可攀的。 | It is a summit difficult of access,but not inaccessible . | |
14 | 这是一件罕见的东西,目前几乎无法弄到. | It is a rare thing which is today almost inaccessible . | |
15 | 这位科学家在丛林深处最难进入的区域发现了这种植物。 | The scientist discovered the plant in the most inaccessible reaches of the jungle. | |
16 | 这些文件公众无 | The papers were inaccessible to the public. | |
17 | 这些文件公众无法接触。 | The papers were inaccessible to the public. | |
18 | 这样会使得全部用户都无法访问该文件夹,是否继续? | You are about to make this folder inaccessible to all users. Do you wish to continue? | |
19 | 珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最难到达的地方。 | The top of Mount Everest is the most inaccessible place in the world. | |
20 | ||1:一个人即使想要竞选总统,对选民他也会绝口不提,也不会就某事踩定立场,而是放出风声给那些捐助人,让他们知道他正在“招标”,貌似竞选遥遥不可及,还缩在北极熊那旮旯里。||2:而对于罗姆尼,这一场景也是似曾相识,他在1月9号告知捐助人,在几个月的深思熟虑后,他可能决定再度参选。||3:若不算他的父亲,这已经是第三个参选的罗姆尼。 | ||1:WHEN a man wishes to run for president, he no longer announces the fact to voters, or chooses an issue on which to take a stand.||2:Instead, he lets a group of donors know that he is “exploring” the possibility of a bid, as if the campaign trail were some inaccessible region inhabited by polar bears.||3:For Mitt Romney, who told donors on January 9th that he might run again, after months of scoffing at the idea, it is hardly unfamiliar terrain. | |
21 | 阿尔冈:“该国无法访问的网站名单越来越大。甚至一些新闻网站和对立网站遭到了攻击。” | DELPHINE HALGAND: "The lists of the websites which are inaccessible in the country are becoming bigger and bigger. And even some news websites or opposition websites were attacked." | |
22 | 还有,账户不再活动或取消后,上面的相片和视频却仍然可以被搜索到,这完全与它的承诺不相符。 | And it failed to keep a promise to make photos and videos on deactivated and deleted accounts inaccessible . | |
23 | 他关于潜意识的概念成了众相传说的一部分,颇受欢迎。他认为潜意识隐藏在意识底部,难以达到理性思维,虽则如此,但它却影响着人们的行为。 | His ideas about the unconscious—a sort of shadowy basement of the mind that is inaccessible to rational thought, but which nevertheless influences people’s behaviour—are part of popular folklore. | |
24 | 它要在一块从林里的空地上垂直起降,否则其所载的飞机无法起落。 | It would have taken off and landed vertically in, say, a jungle clearing otherwise inaccessible to the aircraft piggybacking on it. | |
25 | 3、美国海军直升飞机向苏门答腊一些难以接近的受灾地区投放食品救援物资。 | US Navy helicopter crewmen drop food parcels to inaccessible areas in Sumatra. | |
26 | 包含可触及细小部件的不可触摸的部件 | Inaccessible components that are contained within accessible small parts. | |
27 | 被包含在可接触的小部份里面的不可接触的部件不被包含在此豁免内 | Inaccessible components that are contained within accessible small parts are not covered by this exemption. | |
28 | 本地网络管理员可能改变了一个参数,从而导致服务不能访问。 | A local network administrator could change a parameter and thus make the service inaccessible . | |
29 | 表空间将不可访问,这是因为容器被删除,插入的所有数据都丢失了! | The tablespace has become inaccessible because its container was deleted, and all the data you inserted in the table is lost! | |
30 | 并且,它并没有维持自己保存无法进入的无效或已删除账户的照片和视频的承诺。 | And it failed to keep a promise to make photos and videos on deactivated and deleted accounts inaccessible . |