1 | ||1:这么高的懒惰率实在令人担忧。||2:人类似乎已经进化到一种自相矛盾状态,尽管运动十分有益,但人类却唯恐避之不及。||3:在自然状态下,缺乏锻炼的生活是不可能对人有益的,但过度锻炼又可能耗尽宝贵的卡路里,对人体无益。但现在这种说法已经不再适用现代人了。||4:《柳叶刀》中的另一篇文章称,缺乏锻炼对寿命造成的影响几乎和抽烟差不多 | ||1: These high rates of inactivity are worrying. ||2: Paradoxically, human beings seem to have evolved to benefit from exercise while eschewing it whenever they can. ||3: In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it to be beneficial, while over-exercising would use up scarce calories to little advantage. But that no longer pertains. ||4: According to another paper in the Lancet, insufficient activity these days has nearly the same effect on life expectancy as smoking. | |
2 | 这么高的懒惰率实在令人担忧。 | These high rates of inactivity are worrying. | |
3 | SandeshaContext等待特定序列的最大等待时间就是该序列的“不活动”超时时间。 | The maximum wait time that SandeshaContext waits for a particular sequence is the "inactivity " time out of that sequence. | |
4 | timeOut变量将指定检查CPU和磁盘最低值之前需要等待的用户处于不活动状态的秒数。 | The timeOut variable specifies how many seconds of user inactivity to wait before checking the CPU and disk minimums. | |
5 | WebSphereApplicationServerLTPA是基于登陆会话的寿命来标记过期,而不是基于静止状态。 | The WebSphere Application Server LTPA token expires based on the lifetime of the login session, not based upon inactivity . | |
6 | 不运动会减少一个人将近4年的预期寿命。 | Inactivity can shave almost four years off a person’s expected lifespan. | |
7 | 布莱尔称身体活动不足是公众在21世纪面临的最大健康问题。 | Blair calls physical inactivity the biggest public health problem of the 21st century. | |
8 | 除了这些密码相关的设定,您也可以强制装置锁定之后的闲置时间的期间。 | In addition to these password-related settings, you’ll also be able to enforce device locks after periods of inactivity . | |
9 | 创建用户空闲时间或非活动时间 | Create user idle time or inactivity | |
10 | 当需要性能时提供完全的性能;当处于不活动状态时节省电能。 | Offers full performance when you need it and saves power during periods of inactivity . | |
11 | 典型的电源管理设置只需等待屏幕保护程序根据系统闲置计时器被激活。 | A typical power-management setting would simply wait for the screensaver to activate based on the system-inactivity timer. | |
12 | 而国家首相玛格丽特•撒切尔夫人,其缺陷并非出名的韧性而是自满孤立。 | As for the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, her fault was not her famed toughness but complacent inactivity . | |
13 | 非活动超时属性会控制保持非活动会话存在的最长时间。 | The inactivity timeout property controls the maximum amount of time to keep an inactive session alive. | |
14 | 根据你在冬天停止运动的时间长短不同,可能需要最长6周时间去重建一个稳固的健身基础。 | Depending upon how much inactivity you had over the winter, it could take as long as 6 weeks to re-establish a solid fitness base. | |
15 | 工党最近似乎想采取类似的策略,似乎希望少行动能使自己免受更深的磨难。 | Labour has recently appeared to adopt a similar tactic, seeming to hope inactivity could spare it further torment. | |
16 | 获取或设置一个值,该值指示了一个非活动时间期限,在该期限后,ASP.NET将自动结束辅助进程。 | Gets or sets a value indicating the period of inactivity after which ASP. NET automatically ends the worker process. | |
17 | 集体性肥胖、长期处于精止状态及不肯戒烟的生活习惯已引发糖尿病、心脏病和癌症。 | Our collective obesity, inactivity and refusal to part with the smokes have led to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. | |
18 | 监视使用的协议或连接开始时间,进一步增强对触发关闭操作的非活动状态的检测。 | Monitor the protocol used or the connection start times to further enhance the detection of inactivity that triggers a shutdown. | |
19 | 将计算机设置为在指定的非活动状态时间段之后进入睡眠状态。 | Set your computer to go to sleep after a specified period of inactivity . | |
20 | 尽管如此,还是有很多人相信花几千美元买机器可以弥补自己不爱运动。 | Despite this, some people still believe that buying a thousand dollar machine will make up for their inactivity . | |
21 | 经过一段时间的休止之后锁定待机手机 | Lock idle devices after a period of inactivity . | |
22 | 经过一个减少运动量或完全不运动的漫长冬天,你会很想一旦天气转暖就走出家门开始运动。 | After a long winter of reduced activity or inactivity you might be tempted to get outside and train as soon as the weather improves. | |
23 | 静卧不动和褥疮只会将他们推向死亡……在这儿死神是如此临近。 | "Inactivity and bed sores were pushing them toward death . . . here death is so close, " he said. | |
24 | 绝大部分疾病的发生与身体不活动或缺乏运动生活型态,有密切关系。 | The etiologies of most chronic diseases are originated from the physical inactivity or lack physical activity. | |
25 | 客户端上的套接字连接将在处于不活动状态15-20秒钟之后关闭。 | Socket connections are closed on the client after 15-20 seconds of inactivity . | |
26 | 老庄的无为政治思想 | Lao-Zhuang’s political thinking of inactivity | |
27 | 例如,可以在用户10分钟无操作后调用显示一条警告消息,如清单28所示。 | For example, an alert message can be displayed after ten minutes of user inactivity as shown in Listing 28. | |
28 | 美国航天局记录2008年一共有266天没有监测出太阳黑子——这种休眠状态1913年以来从未见过——2009年似乎将变得更安静。 | Nasa recorded no sunspots on 266 days in 2008 - a level of inactivity not seen since 1913 - and 2009 looks set to be even quieter. | |
29 | 内心静默亦非懒散,而一种意念、知识与能力的状态。 | This is not a state of inactivity . It is a state of consciousness, knowledge and power. | |
30 | 清单7给出一个由于没有用户活动导致自动注销的示例。 | Listing 7 shows a case of automatic logout due to inactivity . |