属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯和乌克兰 课间休息
1 | 如事后流传于虚拟社群中的看法所表述,PDA事件毋宁揭示了教育体 | An opinion that has been circulating on the Net is that the filming incident has revealed an apparent inadequacy in our education institutions | |
2 | 索罗斯说:"这就产生了一个新问题---资金从中心向周边流动不足。 | It has created a new problemthe inadequacy of the flow of capital from centre to the periphery, " he says | |
3 | 他老是试图用吵吵嚷嚷的言词来掩饰他的缺乏自信,有时则靠吓唬人来掩饰他的外强中干。 | He sought to obscure his lack of assurance by boisterousness, and his sense of latent inadequacy by occasional bullying | |
4 | 他一遇困难便望洋兴叹,只好半途而废。 | He always bemoans his inadequacy in the face of difficulties and has to give up half way. | |
5 | 它们的不足应归咎子康考德文艺界的贫乏。 | Their inadequacy brings us back to the general inadequacy of the literary world of concord | |
6 | 为了克服这方面的不足,采用以家系为准绳的其它资料是很重要的。 | To overcome this inadequacy it is most important to use additional information from family values | |
7 | 我的分数反映了学校制度的不健全已到了惊人的地步。 | My grades reflect the shocking inadequacy of school system | |
8 | 我国商业贿赂民事责任制度的不足与完善 | The Inadequacy and Its Improvement of China’s Civil Liability System against Commercial Bribery | |
9 | 我们资源的不足 | The inadequacy of our resources | |
10 | 消瘦是由饮食的热量不足引起的症状。 | Marasmus is the condition resulting from caloric inadequacy of the diet | |
11 | 一种缺陷往往会产生补偿的力量。 | An inadequacy often calls forth compensating forces | |
12 | 因办各项手续的有关单证送交不及时、不完备或者不正确,使承运人的利益受到损害的,托运人应当负赔偿责任。 | The shipper shall be liable for any damage to the interest of the carrier resulting from the inadequacy or inaccuracy or delay in delivery of such documents. | |
13 | 有些焦急的同学不断向校方投诉设备差,讲师和教授不够……。 | Some anxious students complained incessantly to the university authorities over the inadequacy of the facilities, the shortage of lecturers and professors, and so on. | |
14 | 远程非保护性左主干狭窄经皮冠状动脉介入治疗-选择性减容术之不足 | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Distal Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Stenoses-The Inadequacy of Selective Debulking Strategy | |
15 | 哲学创作的贫乏与哲学的“限度” | The Inadequacy of Philosophical Creation and "Limit" of Philosophy | |
16 | 之所以如此并不让人讶异 | Their inadequacy is not surprising. | |
17 | 中国农业现代化的瓶颈:投资不足 | Investment Inadequacy : Bottleneck of Chinese Agricultural Modernization | |
18 | 主要是一些国家和地区的经济结构不合理,科学技术水平不高,金融体系坑风险力不强,对外部经济的依赖性比较大。 | They include irrationality in the economic structure of some countries and regions, their low level in science and technology, inadequacy in the financial system to ward off risks, and heavy dependence on external economies. | |
19 | 主要原因不在于语文难学,或教师教得不好。 | The basic causes do not lie in the inadequacy of the teaching methods, nor the difficulty of the language itself. | |
20 | 自责由于不适当的做法或错误而产生的自责 | Self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing. | |
21 | ||1:这场战争对于绝大多数俄罗斯人来说是十分遥远的。||2:当在发生西方阴谋论的时候,州立电视台通过控制电视台对于争执的描述,去安慰观众们的不完全帝国主义怀旧情结。||3:勒瓦达中心的一项民意调查发现,77%的被调查民众说美国是基辅在东部活动的主要发起者。||4:被俄罗斯政府所否认的,隐瞒了伞兵在乌克兰遭遇不测的消息,已经引起了民众的不满。||5:但是和三年前短命的抗议相比,俄罗斯社会看起来十分温顺不成威胁。||6:另一项勒瓦达民意测试发现如果俄罗斯和乌克兰开战,只有8%的民众会加入抗议活动,与2011年的21%相反。 | ||1:The war has felt distant to most Russians.||2:State television has manipulated its narrative of the conflict to soothe viewers’ feelings of inadequacy and imperial nostalgia, while talking up Western plots and machinations.||3:A poll by the Levada Centre found that 77% of those surveyed said America was the main initiator of Kiev’s operations in the east.||4:The secret burials of Russian paratroopers killed in Ukraine, only to be disavowed by the Russian state, have proved uncomfortable.||5:But compared with the short-lived season of protest three years ago, Russian society seems docile and unthreatening.||6:Another Levada poll found only 8% willing to join protests if they started, against 21% in 2011. | |
22 | 青少年常因日以继夜地维护他们的网上形象而倍感压力,着致使他们产生紧张感和不满足感。 | Teens often feel pressure to maintain their images online around the clock, leading to stress and feelings of inadequacy . | |
23 | [6]这就使得盖特纳金融拯救计划这个软肋更加令人懊恼。 | [6]That makes the inadequacy of the financial rescue all the more regrettable. | |
24 | DCS改造后煤量计算控制逻辑组态的不足与修改 | Inadequacy and Modification of the Configuration of Coal Weighing after DCS Retrofit | |
25 | 不善于体育,他恐惧失败和嘲笑和由不适当的感觉消耗。 | Not good at sports, he feared failure and ridicule and was consumed by feelings of inadequacy . | |
26 | 产业结构调整:治理有效需求不足的根本举措 | Restructuring of the Industries: Key Resolve of the Inadequacy of Effective Demands | |
27 | 但不管怎样,这也算是对邦政府警员缺乏的一种响应措施了。 | Yet, to be generous, it was partly a response to the inadequacy of the state police. | |
28 | 但今天西方领导人所面临的困难不能全部归咎于他们自身的能力不足。 | But today’s western leaders face difficulties that cannot all be attributed to their own inadequacy . | |
29 | 但由于目前国内核电厂对其研究较少,其测量和计算中存在一些不足。 | However, the study on the RCP leak rate is inadequacy in China, and there is some shortness in its measurement and calculation. | |
30 | 对高校图书馆图书需求不足的反思 | Considerations about the Book Demand Inadequacy in University Library |