属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
1 | 盒子不够大。 | The box is inadequate big. | |
2 | 黑洞是什么?这个问题是很难回答的,因为,我们通常用来描述科学现象的术语用在这个问题上就不够了。 | What is a black hole? Well, it’s difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here. | |
3 | 皇帝曾处于令人可怜的举棋不定状态(威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。这两个词有时暗指轻蔑的同情,如令人绝望地无能或不合适的东西 | The emperor had been in a state of pitiable vacillation(William Hickling Prescott.Sometimes the terms connote contemptuous pity,as for what is hopelessly inept or inadequate | |
4 | 结果成千上万切罗基人被迫向俄克拉荷马州西迁,历时116天的强行迁徙一片混乱,由于缺乏食物,天气寒冷,加上押送军队的残暴无情,致使大约4000名切罗基人死于旅途之中 | The subsequent eviction and 116-day forced march of thousands of Cherokee to Oklahoma was badly mismanaged, and inadequate food supply, frigid weather, and the cruelty of escorting troops led to the death of about 4,000 Cherokee | |
5 | 她的妹妹们心甘情愿地把她们所有最好的东西都借给了她。但是她很快就发现她的衣服少得可怜,这和她所处的环境是何等的不相称。 | Her sisters gladly lent her all their best things. Yet she soon saw that her wardrobe was sadly inadequate to the environment in which she found herself. | |
6 | 经典力学和经典电磁学不足以解释电子在原子内的运动。 | Classical mechanics and electromagnetism were inadequate to explain the motion of electrons with the atom | |
7 | 经过多年艰苦和严正的考验,她已经坚强有力多了,自信不象当年那个夜晚那样不是罗杰·齐灵渥斯的对手了 | Strengthened by years of hard and solemn trial, she felt herself no longer so inadequate to cope with Roger Chillingworth as on that night, | |
8 | 就算她言之过甚,也是她做长辈的一片好意,你们这些年轻人--”方遯翁话里留下空白,表示世间无字能形容那些可恶无礼的年轻人。 | Maybe she did exaggerate, but she meant well as an elder.You young people-" Fang Tun-weng did not finish his sentence, indicating words were inadequate to describe these disgusting, ill-mannered youths | |
9 | 可以看出,“短”拦截,不适当的阻尼系数和高的“a”值都会发生振荡的响应曲线。 | It will be seen that short engagements inadequate damping and high values of "a" result in oscillatory responses | |
10 | 另一方面,那些不喜欢噪音的人有时会用很不适当的证据来支持他们希望有一个较为安静的社会环境的要求。 | On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society. | |
11 | 旅店中部的院子能停放十辆小汽车,两百码以外的一条小街上还能停放二十辆,但车位显然不足。 | The courtyard round which the hotel is built provides parking space for ten cars and there is space of twenty more off a side street two hundred yards away. This is quite inadequate . | |
12 | 面对难题觉得力不从心. | Feel inadequate when faced by a difficult problem | |
13 | 目前非洲免疫接种覆盖率正在改善,但覆盖率不足的问题在许多非洲国家依然存在。 | Vaccination coverage is improving in the Americas, but inadequate coverage remains a problem in many African countries. | |
14 | 那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟,但终因准备不足而告吹. | The plan,brilliant in its conception,failed because of inadequate preparation. | |
15 | 脑损伤:由各种情形,如头部损伤、缺氧、感染或颅内出血而引起的大脑损伤,可伴随行为或功能异常。 | brain damage:Injury to the brain that is caused by various conditions, such as head trauma, inadequate oxygen supply, infection, or intracranial hemorrhage, and that may be associated with a behavioral or functional abnormality. | |
16 | 诺曼底…一个树木茂盛的令人陶醉的地方[和]无法用笔触来形容那甘甜味美的食品和酒水每日电传)参见 | Normandy.where the bosky landscape is enchanting [ and the pen ] inadequate to describe the scrumptious food and wine(Daily Telegraph)See Synonyms at delicious | |
17 | 批评不多,却常被称为“围攻”,被说成是“打棍子”。其实倒是批评者被围攻,而被批评者却往往受到同情和保护。 | Inadequate as it was, it was often rejected as ``an attack from all sides’’ or ``coming down on people with a big stick’’, when in fact it was the critics who were attacked and the criticized who won sympathy and protection. | |
18 | 平静的过去时代的那些信条,不适用于暴风骤雨式的现代社会了. | The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. | |
19 | 其实,这样的看法是对经济伦理学的基本问题不了解,更是对我国企业内部对经济伦理学的需求不了解。 | This judgment is based on an inadequate understanding of the fundamental issues of business ethics, and even more so, of the need for business ethics within our enterprises. | |
20 | 其所遵循的规则是:一但p为非,pq自动为真。这是让实质条件不足以诠释普通英文条件句的一个特性。 | It follows that whenever p is false, p é q is automatically true: this is a peculiarity that makes the material conditional inadequate as an interpretation of the meaning of conditional sentences in ordinary English. | |
21 | 其他加剧有害生物风险的因素还包括病虫防治不足够,植物采自野外,植物频繁进出盆景场,附近农田的土壤运输等。 | Other factors which exacerbate the pest risk are inadequate pest control, plants collected from the wild, the continual flow of plant material into and out of facilities and soil movement from adjacent agricultural areas. | |
22 | 日本已向菲律宾采取空中攻势,使我们原极薄弱的空军丧失其战斗力。 | The Japanese had launched against the Philippines an air attack that quickly reduced our inadequate air forces to practical impotence | |
23 | 如此栏不够填写,请另加纸张。 | If space provided is inadequate , please use separate sheet of paper for item list. | |
24 | 如果合同设备的损坏或丢失是由于不正确的包装和/或不适当的保护措施所致,卖方应根据合同的规定负责修理、替换和/或赔偿。 | If any of the Contract Equipment is damaged or lost due to improper packing and/or inadequate protective measures, the Seller shall be responsible for repair, replacement and/or compensation in accordance with the Contract. | |
25 | 如加劲桁架力量不足,风引起的扭力振动就会使桥梁坍塌。 | If the stiffening system is inadequate , torsional oscillations due to wind might result in the collapse of the structure. | |
26 | 如任何成员认为,本协定由于转运、改道、谎报原产国或原产地、或伪造公文而受到规避,并认为在处理规避行为和;或对其采取行动方面未采取措施或采取的措施不适当,则该成员应与有关成员进行磋商,以期寻求双方满意的解决办法。 | Should any Member believe that this Agreement is being circumvented by transshipment, re-routing, false declaration concerning country or place of origin, or falsification of official documents, and that no, or inadequate , measures are being applied to address and/or to take action against such circumvention, that Member should consult with the Member or Members concerned with a view to seeking a mutually satisfactory solution. | |
27 | 如任何成员认为本协定由于此种谎报而受到规避,并认为在处理规避行为和;或对其采取行动方面未采取措施或采取的措施不适当,则该成员应迅速与有关成员进行磋商,以期寻求双方满意的解决办法。 | Should any Member believe that this Agreement is being circumvented by such false declaration and that no, or inadequate , administrative measures are being applied to address and/or to take action against such circumvention, that Member should consult promptly with the Member involved with a view to seeking a mutually satisfactory solution. | |
28 | 若工程师试图设计一种机器以便将腌制品自动快速地放入瓶子中,那么就必须考虑到并不是所有的腌制品都具有统一的形状,所以那种分配圆形物体(如橄榄)的设备根本就不足以完成这种操作。 | When an engineer attempts to design a machine for automatically filling pickles into jars at high speeds, it must be recognized that all pickles are not shaped the same, and a machine that will dispense round objects like olives can be totally inadequate . | |
29 | 生长与变化是一切生命的法则。昨日的答案不适用于今日的问题--正如今天的方法不能解决明天的需求。(美国总统罗斯福) | Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday’s answers are inadequate for today’s problems----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president) | |
30 | 生长与变化是一切生命的法则。昨日的答案不适用于今日的问题--正如今天的方法不能决明天的需求。美国总统罗斯福 | Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday’s answers are inadequate for today’s problems----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow.--Franklin Roosevelt, American president |