属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-犯罪的城市 成功的秘密
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-信用卡 偷蒙拐骗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-司法的学问 该吃午餐了
1 | 11.胆石症并发急性总胆管嵌顿 | Gall Stone Complicated with Acute Incarceration in the Common Biliary Duct | |
2 | 但唐太斯不会在牢里给关一辈子的,总有一天他会出来的,他一出来,必定要找那个使他入狱的人报仇的。” | But Dants cannot remain forever in prison, and one day or other he will leave it, and the day when he comes out, woe betide him who was the cause of his incarceration !" | |
3 | 宫内避孕器钳闭 | Incarceration of intrauterine device | |
4 | 教养对罪犯通过处罚禁闭,教养、缓刑以及假释或者行政制度这些有效管理方式 | The treatment of offenders through a system of penal incarceration ,rehabilitation,probation,and parole,or the administrative system by which these are effectuated. | |
5 | 尽管只是内部指针,公诉人通常只起诉可被判处监禁的违法者。 | Prosecutors, through internal guidelines, prosecute only violations which will result in incarceration . | |
6 | 口咽奶嘴填塞致舌嵌卡-病例报告 | Incarceration of the Tongue by Impaction of a Pacifier – Case Report | |
7 | 嵌卡的舌-病例报告 | Incarceration of the Tongue-Case Report | |
8 | 请你,请你将这颗心释放出来吧!否则它会因长期的禁闭而爆裂。 | Please, please set it free before it bursts from its long incarceration ! | |
9 | 湿润烧伤膏治疗面部广泛擦挫伤并异物嵌顿38例 | 38 Cases of Extensive Abrasion and Contusion in Face Complicated by Foreign Body Incarceration Treated with MEBO | |
10 | 输尿管镜气压弹道碎石在处理胆总管壶腹部嵌顿结石中的作用 | Effect of Ureteroscopic Pneumatic Ballistic Galet in Treatment of Common Bile Duct Ampulla Incarceration Calculus (Repot of 56 Cases) | |
11 | 他曾经被囚禁在臭名昭著的流放地罗宾岛,这两本日记就是那个时候记下的。 | The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony. | |
12 | 外剥内扎术早期治疗混合痔嵌顿 | External Caleavage and Internal Ligation for Mixed Hemorrhoids Incarceration | |
13 | 因此对违法者的审判和监禁可能发生在实施犯罪很多年以后。 | Thus adjudication and incarceration of the violator may occur many years after the commission of the crime. | |
14 | 在将近三年的监狱生活中,他变化不大。 | He hadn’t changed much in his nearly three years of incarceration | |
15 | 自从尼诺被监禁以来,我确实一直是照这个方式生活的。 | I have honestly been living that way since Ninoy’s incarceration | |
16 | ||1:然而,在整个美国入狱率都很高,所以这个说法不能够解释大多数被犯罪率困扰的城市的具体问题。||2:贫穷也不能够解释这个问题:纽约的失业率自19世纪90年代以来就没有降低。||3:相反,据城市学院的调查者、智囊团John Roman所说,犯罪就像是传染病。||4:人们在犯罪面前是很脆弱的——当贫穷的、没有受过教育的年轻人聚成团的时候,他们是很容易犯罪的。 | ||1:However, incarceration rates are high throughout America, so this cannot explain the specific ills of its most crime-ridden cities.||2:Nor can poverty: unemployment in New York City is not much lower than it was in the 1990s.||3:Rather, according to John Roman, a researcher at the Urban Institute, a think-tank, crime is like a contagious disease.||4:People who are vulnerable to criminality—poor, badly-educated young men—are far more likely to become criminals when they are surrounded by men much like themselves. | |
17 | 埃及总统将半岛电视台的一名澳大利亚记者驱逐出境,因报道“假”新闻为由入狱400天的至此结束。与此同时,埃及法院以参与反政府活动为由判处230人有罪,其中包括自由派活动家艾哈迈德·杜马,他被判处终身监禁。 | Egypt’s president deported an Australian journalist who had reported for Al Jazeera, ending his incarceration of 400 days for broadcasting “false” news. Meanwhile, Egypt’s courts jailed 230 people for anti-government activity, including a liberal activist, Ahmed Douma, who was sentenced to life in prison. | |
18 | 美国在很多方面都引领世界:页岩气生产,国防开销,监禁率以及,啧啧啧,支付卡诈骗。 | AMERICA leads the world in many categories: shale-gas production, defence spending, incarceration rates and, alas, payment-card fraud. | |
19 | 申请人要么请求准许假释要么请求改善狱中居住条件。 | The plaintiffs were asking either to be allowed out on parole or to have the conditions of their incarceration changed. | |
20 | 一份关于战争期间,美国强迫日裔美国人迁居和监禁的官方报告得出结论称, | An official report into America’s forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese-Americans during the war | |
21 | 《牢狱泛滥成灾:美国的大规模监禁的流行与控制研究》,欧内斯特•德鲁克著。 | A Plague of Prisons: The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America. By Ernest Drucker. | |
22 | 1995年当时反对党议会成员杰克·斯特劳曾经说:“从犯人身上获利这绝对不行”。 | "IT IS not appropriate for people to profit out of incarceration , " said Jack Straw, then an opposition MP, in 1995. | |
23 | Chin同意检察官看法,认为马多夫应受到宪法规定的最长时间监禁(150年)的惩罚。 | Chin agreed with prosecutors that Madoff should receive the statutory maximum incarceration of 150 years. | |
24 | 伴随他的审判和监禁将有多少恐怖威胁或者人质被征用? | How many terror threats or hostage takings might have accompanied his trial and incarceration ? | |
25 | 不管从什么角度来看,监禁在美国的执行都是失败的。 | Incarceration in America is a failure by almost any measure. | |
26 | 胆囊颈部结石嵌顿性胆囊炎腹腔镜手术68例治疗体会 | Laparoscopy in treating stone incarceration cholecystitis in neck of gallbladder: with a report of 68 cases | |
27 | 当犯罪率上升时,要求实施严厉的判决来解决这个问题,结果导致自1970年以来,美国的入狱率增加到了4倍。 | when the rate rises tough sentences are demanded to solve the problem. As a result, America’s incarceration rate has quadrupled since 1970. | |
28 | 导致的结果就是令我们惊愕的,全球最高水平的监禁率。 | One result is our staggering level of incarceration , the highest in the world. | |
29 | 对面部广泛擦挫伤合并异物嵌顿的病人,最为适用。 | MEBO is suitable for treating extensive abrasion and contusion in face complicated by foreign body incarceration . | |
30 | 而提高入狱率就意味着,平均来讲,就是抓一些跟已经在狱中的囚犯相比没那么危险的人。 | And raising the incarceration rate means locking up people who are, on average, less dangerous than the ones already behind bars. |