1 | 白松香一种带苦味的、芳香的树脂胶(绿黄汁阿魏阿魏属),从一种亚洲植物或者相关的植物中提炼出并用于制香和作为药用对抗刺激素 | A bitter,aromatic gum resin extracted from an Asiatic plant(Ferula galbaniflua)or any of several related plants and used in incense and medicinally as a counterirritant. | |
2 | 兵卫森画戟,宴寝凝清香。 | Outside are insignia, shown in state; but here are sweet incense -clouds, quietly ours. | |
3 | 伯莎是个谦卑的崇拜者,她供香感谢这保佑她免于毁灭的神明。 | Bertha was a humble worshipper offering incense and devoutly grateful to the deity that forbore to crush her | |
4 | 不同通风状态室内烧香产生PM10浓度变化之研究 | Distribution of PM10 Concentration from Incense Burning under Different Ventilation Condition; Indoor Study | |
5 | 藏香的清芬又渐渐迷醉了她的心灵,她软软地靠在沙发背上,似睡非睡地什么也不想,什么都没有了。 | Lulled by the fragrance of the incense , she sank limply against the back of the sofa and fell into a trance, no longer thinking or conscious of anything | |
6 | 草龙:亦称"香火龙",用稻草、青藤扎成龙形,上面插满点燃的线香 | The grass dragon, also called "burning incense dragon", is made from rice straw and green vines, with burning incenses inserted into it. | |
7 | 但闻一缕幽香,竟不知其所焚何物.宝玉遂不禁相问 | A subtle perfume hung in the air and he could not help asking what incense was being burned. | |
8 | 电脑病毒与社会失范-熊猫烧香案再思考 | Computer Viruses under Sociological Situation-Pondering over the Case of Panda Burning Incense | |
9 | 电热蚊香,无毒、无烟,保君平安。 | Electrical mosquito-repellent incense , poisonless and smokeless, keeps you safe and sound. | |
10 | 鼎焚百合之香,瓶插长春之蕊,静悄无人咳嗽. | richly blended incense burnt in the bronze tripods, and fresh flowers filled the vases. Not a cough broke the solemn silence. | |
11 | 二三月高梁桥踏青,万柳堂听莺,弄箜篌,涿州庙进香迎驾。 | In February and March people go to the Gaoliang (Sorghum)Bridge to admire the early green grass,to the Wanliu Garden to listen to the larks and play the konghou (a stringed instrument), or offer incense at the Zhuozhou Temple. | |
12 | 更妙的是--我说出来你要笑的--她以后每天早晨在菩萨前面点香的时候,替我默祷幸福--” | What was even more amazing-you will laugh when I tell you-every morning afterwards when Mrs. Su lit incense in front of the bodhisattva, she made a silent prayer for my happiness." | |
13 | 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。 | The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. | |
14 | 很多中国人家里点香,香的烟中已经发现有多环芳香族碳氢化合物。 | Incense is burnt in many Chinese homes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been recovered from incense smoke | |
15 | 据法显记述:"当此日,境内道俗皆集,作倡伎乐,华香供养 | Fa Xian wrote, "On this day, all monks and laymen of the country gather to perform music and dance, present incense and flowers | |
16 | 例如我国至今还在举行的香会、走会、花会等等庙会活动 | For instance, the temple fairs still popular today include activities like the Incense Fair, Travelling Fair and Flower Fair. | |
17 | 绵延不绝的香火飘荡在天台山脉,天台的山,天台的水,天台的云,都因这千年佛缘,而散发出一种空灵而神秘的味道。 | he smoke from burning incense has been floating around Tiantai Mountains for centuries. The mountains, water and cloud of Tiantai Mountains always seem unreal, mysterious and intelligent due to the thousand-year relationship with the Buddha. | |
18 | 庙内有香烛供奉。 | Incense and red candles are available in the temple. | |
19 | 浓郁的香的烟味. | fume s of incense | |
20 | 平时不烧香,急来抱佛脚 | never burn incense when all is well but clasp Buddha’s feet when in distress; do nothing until the last minute | |
21 | 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 | never burn incense when all is well, but clasp Buddha’s feet when in distress | |
22 | 七月中元夜,街市放焰口,点蒿子香,燃荷叶灯。 | On the night of the Zhongyuan Festival (or Ghost Festival)in July, every street is set with firecrackers, light fragrant incense , and lotus leaf lanterns. | |
23 | 其中的庙会、进香、迎驾,一般都有民间舞队(称香会或花会、皇会)参加,著 | Historically, temple fairs, offering incense and greeting the Buddhas, were joined by folk dance troupes (called Xianghui, Huahui or Huanghui). | |
24 | 气味芳香的东方红柏用于制造家具、围篱和铅笔。北美东部所产的平铺刺柏是常见的观赏种,腓尼基桧的木材可用制焚香。 | The fragrant wood of eastern red cedar (J. virginiana)is made into cabinets, fence posts, and pencils. J. horizontalis is a popular U.S. ornamental creeping juniper, and wood of the Mediterranean Phoenician juniper (J. phoenicea)is burned as incense . | |
25 | 溶胶-凝胶气相色谱毛细管柱测定电热蚊香中的有效成分 | Determination of Prallethrin in Electrothermal Mosquito-repellent Incense by Adopting Sol-Gel Capillary Gas Chromatography | |
26 | 肉豆蔻有独特的刺激性芳香,通常用于烹调、制作小香囊和熏香。 | It has a distinctive pungent fragrance and is used in cooking and sachets and as incense . | |
27 | 乳香一种从亚、非林木里提炼出的芳香的树脂乳香属主要用作香料 | An aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asian trees of the genus Boswellia and used chiefly as incense and in perfumes. | |
28 | 烧香烧香,如宗教仪式上的供奉 | To burn incense to,as a ritual offering. | |
29 | 狮盖香炉,别有韵味,令人爱不释手。 | The tripod incense burner decorated with a lion head lid is of such distinctive and pleasing quality that you can hardly bear to put it down. | |
30 | 十五的月例香供银子可曾得了没有? | Have you received the monthly allowance and donation for incense due on the fifteenth? |