属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理周刊袭击案 恐怖下的巴黎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-脸谱网与虚拟现实 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博
1 | 谈话连续不断而且令人兴奋。 | The talk is incessant and animating. | |
2 | 透过一块破碎的窗玻璃,传来了雨水着地的声响。连绵的细雨如行行绣针,洒向湿透了的花圃。 | Through one of the broken panes I heard the rain impinge upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden beds | |
3 | 维尔福希望把这件谋杀案排为大审中的第一件案子,他不断地工作,一切都已准备就绪。 | The case was therefore prepared owing to the incessant labor of Villefort, who wished it to be the first on the list in the coming assizes | |
4 | 文迪亚群山北部的全部地区,就是一个经常发生杀人掳掠事件的地方。” | The whole district north of the Vindhias is the theatre of incessant murders and pillage.’ | |
5 | 细雨连绵。 | the incessant rain | |
6 | 瞎说或乱谈的人 | An incessant or indiscreet talker. | |
7 | 要结合形势的发展,紧紧围绕党的中心任务,不断加强党的建设。 | We must make incessant efforts to strengthen Party building in close conjunction with the development of the situation and the Party′s central tasks. | |
8 | 一打就是二十二年,最后还是战胜了帝国主义和他们支持的力量,中国人站起来了。 | Through 22 years of incessant war we eventually defeated the imperialists and the forces they supported, and the Chinese people stood up. | |
9 | 一刻不停的提问。 | incessant questions. | |
10 | 一星期来连绵的阴雨. | a week of incessant rain | |
11 | 由于他的秘书经常迟到,他把她辞退了。 | He dismissed his secretary because of her incessant lateness. | |
12 | 雨差不多没有停过的一个星期 | A week of almost incessant rain | |
13 | 自从《共产党宣言》问世之后,马克思主义的原则便遭到公开的资产阶级敌人和劳工运动内部机会主义者不断的攻击。 | Ever since the appearance of the Communist Manifesto the principles of Marxism have been under incessant attack from the open bourgeois enemies and from opportunists within labor’s ranks | |
14 | 自动电唱机没完没了地放送流行乐曲. | The jukebox ground out an incessant stream of pop music. | |
15 | ||1:对于所有冷酷的、接连不断的关于恐怖主义威胁的警告,不管是法国还是世界其他地方,面对这场屠杀的第一反应都会是自然而然地怒火中烧。||2:凶手也期待能产生更大的反响。||3:这本杂志之所以被列为攻击目标是因为它珍视并提倡“冒犯别人”的权利:尤其是冒犯穆斯林。||4:这样的动机让人想起两个话题。||5:其一是言论自由是否应该有边界限制,不管这是自我约束还是来自外部的要求。||6:答案是毋庸置疑的“不”。||7:其二是欧洲的穆斯林—不管像本次事件这样的插曲是否是西方民主与伊斯兰极端主义两大文明之间的挣扎,其战场都绵延不断地从巴基斯坦的白沙瓦延伸到了叙利亚的拉卡再到巴黎市区。||8:而这个答案,也同样是“不”。 | ||1:For all the grim, incessant warnings of terrorist threats, naturally the first reaction to this massacre, in France and elsewhere, was outrage.||2:Yet the murders also demand a fuller response.||3:The magazine was targeted because it cherished and promoted its right to offend: specifically to offend Muslims.||4:That motive invokes two big themes.||5:One is free speech, and whether it should have limits, self-imposed or otherwise.||6:The answer to that is an emphatic no.||7:The second is Muslim Europe—and whether episodes such as this are part of a civilisational struggle between Western democracies and extreme Islam, on a battlefield stretching continuously from Peshawar to Raqqa to the centre of Paris.||8:Again, the answer is no. | |
16 | ||1:于是,她非常小心地问了这个问题。||2:他可能犯了一个错误吗?他没有承认,但他脸色变了,放弃了观点。||3:凯瑟琳问了更多这样的问题,他们注意到了她。||4:几个星期过去了,男人们“忘记”把她送回计算部门。||5:凯瑟琳不断的“为什么?”和“如何?”使他们的工作更出色。||6:这也对他们提出了挑战。||7:为什么他们对空气动力的计算经常出错?因为他们是数学毕业生,忘记了几何知识,而她没有;高中时,凯瑟琳在数学方面的才华导致了解析几何的特殊课程的产生,13岁的她是唯一的学生。 | ||1:So, very carefully, she asked it.||2:Was it possible that he could have made a mistake? He did not admit it but, by turning the colour of a cough drop, he ceded the point.||3:She asked more such questions, and they got her noticed.||4:As the weeks passed, the men "forgot" To return her to the pool.||5:Her incessant "why?" And "how?" Made their work sharper.||6:It also challenged them.||7:Why were their calculations of aerodynamic forces so often out? Because they were maths graduates who had forgotten their geometry, whereas she had not; her high-school brilliance at maths had led to special classes on analytic geometry in which she, at 13, had been the only pupil. | |
17 | 科技行业自身的权力游戏是一篇永不停歇的阴谋和战争的史诗,在这场游戏中,Oculus公司的交易也代表着一个转变。 | The Oculus deal also represents a twist in the tech industry’s very own Game of Thrones, an epic of incessant plotting and warfare. | |
18 | “我要强调的是,此次撞击事件发生在“海洋守护者”的船只连续不断采取危险行动的尾声。” | I underline that the collision took place at the end of the incessant and continued dangerous acts taken by the Sea Shepherd’s boat. | |
19 | 贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。 | He listened to Mr. Wang’s story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin. | |
20 | 本周将会有接二连三的会议要开。 | This week there will be incessant meetings. | |
21 | 避免不停地创建和删除线程对象,特别是在大量使用线程的时候。 | Avoid incessant creation and discarding of thread objects, especially if using threads in abundance. | |
22 | 不要让心魔(抑或那些无关紧要的“必须做的事”清单)阻碍你拥有大大梦想。 | Don’t let your inner devil’s advocate (or that incessant but unimportant To Do list) inhibit you from dreaming big. | |
23 | 第二,刚装好的新空调系统连续发生混乱。 | Secondly, there was the incessant clutter of the new air-conditioning system that had only just been installed. | |
24 | 各种炮弹的爆炸声、坦克的射击声还有飞机和直升机上投下的导弹一刻不停。 | The explosion of shells, the gunfire from the tanks and the missiles from planes and helicopters are incessant . | |
25 | 很多球迷担心如果每场比赛都伴随着vuvuzela(呜呜塞拉)持续的嗡嗡声,他们会失去理智。 | Many football followers are fearing for their sanity if every match is accompanied by the incessant drone of the vuvuzela. | |
26 | 还有其他同事那无止境的煲电话粥,难怪我的工作负担越来越重。 | And that incessant babbling on the phone -- no wonder my workload is getting heavier and heavier. | |
27 | 或者让孩子不断地参加各种活动? | Or running the kids around to incessant activities? | |
28 | 几乎遍及欧洲每个国家每个城市的战争乃是政治变革的起因。 | Political changes resulted from incessant wars involving almost every city and state of Europe. | |
29 | 尽管不远处车辆川流不息,既危险又嘈杂,但是高速公路是他们最好的赌注。 | Despite the danger and the din of incessant traffic just a few feet away, the expressway is their best bet. Why? | |
30 | 邻居的狗不停地叫,使我整夜无法入睡。 | The incessant barking of my neighbor’s dog kept me awake at night. |