1 | 二语词汇习得实证研究-直接学习与间接学习 | The Empirical Study of Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in a Second Language | |
2 | 二语学习中的偶然性词汇习得研究 | Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Second Language Learning: Task-Induced Involvement | |
3 | 反腐倡廉,既要治标,更要治本。 | To combat corruption and build an honest government, it is necessary to treat both the incidental and fundamental aspects | |
4 | 附带服务:根据合同特别条件的规定要求供应商提供的额外服务,包括现场组装、启动、提供组装工具和使用手册等等。 | incidental services: Additional services required of the supplier as specified in the Special Conditions of Contract, including on-site assembly, startup, provision of tools required for assembly, provision of manuals,etc. | |
5 | 附带民事诉讼的当事人和他们的法定代理人,可以对地方各级人民法院第一审的判决、裁定中的附带民事诉讼部分,提出上诉。 | A party to an incidental civil action or his legal representative may file an appeal against that part of a judgment or order of first instance made by a local People’s Court at any level that deals with the incidental civil action. | |
6 | 附带情况伴随着别的事情发生的事情 | Something incidental to something else. | |
7 | 附属于戏剧的[伴奏]音乐((戏剧的配乐)) | Incidental music to a play | |
8 | 该产品中仅含有美国21 CFR 178.3570,178.3620 和182下允许在与食品偶尔接触的润滑剂中使用的物质。 | Product contains only substances permitted under US 21 CFR 178.3570, 178.3620 and 182? for use in lubricants with incidental food contact. | |
9 | 该公司从事小型包裹或者货品的国际运输,以及这种运输的伴随或附加服务。 | of departureis engaged in the international transportation of small packages and services incidental or additional thereto. | |
10 | 该系列润滑油是专门为降低食品和其他产品(如食品罐等)偶然与设备润滑油发生接触的风险而开发的。 | These have been specifically developed to reduce the risk of incidental contamination in food and products such as cans, that will be in contact with food, by machine lubricants. | |
11 | 根据投票人须知11.2(b)(iv)和(v)条规定,说明是否在到岸价(CIF)或CIP价之外还要报内陆运输费和伴随服务费。 | Specify whether prices for inland transportation and prices of incidental services, pursuant to ITB Clauses 11.2 (b)(iv)and (v), must be quoted in addition to the above CIF or CIP prices. | |
12 | 公司可以行使而且只可以行使成立章程上规定的权力,以及行使着公司得到授权进行经营管理时有理由附属于它的或是派生出来的那些权力。 | A company may exercise and only exercise the powers set out in the memorandum and such powers as are reasonably incidental or consequential upon the operations that it is authorized to perform | |
13 | 公司每周给他100英镑作为杂费。 | The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses. | |
14 | 规定报出厂价以及说明是否在出厂价之外还要报内陆运输费和伴随服务费。 | Specify EXW and whether prices for inland transportation and price of incidental services, must be quoted in addition to EXW. | |
15 | 合同一般应当具备以下条款:合同标的的技术条件、质量、标准、规格、数量;履行的期限、地点和方式;价格条件、支付金额、支付方式和各种附带的费用 | A contract shall contain the following terms: the technical conditions, quality, standard, specifications and quantity of the object of the contract; the time limit, place and method of performance; the price, amount and method of payment, and various incidental charges. | |
16 | 检波器组合的一个附带作用是这些响应的平衡或平稳。 | One of the incidental functions of the detector array is the averaging or smoothing of these responses | |
17 | 接受及签订以推广香港房屋供应为目标之合法信托,或目标与委员会任何目的相类或有关之其他合法信托 | To undertake and execute any lawful trust which has for its object the furtherance of the provision of housing in Hong Kong or any other object similar or incidental to any of the purposes of the Authority | |
18 | 精神损害应当纳入刑事附带民事诉讼赔偿范围 | Mental Compensation Should be Established in Incidental Civil Action | |
19 | 举例,假设太阳风公司购入HOW公司10股普通股,每股5美元,与此相关的其他费用为4美元。太阳风公司记录该项经济业务如下… | To illustrate, assume that 10 shares of Solarwind Co. common stock are purchased at $5 per share and incurs incidental fees of $4 in connection with the acquisition, HOW Company records the transaction as follows… | |
20 | 壳牌加适达系列全部产品符合NSF国际H1类标准要求,该标准取代先前的USDA体系,适用于存在与食品发生偶然接触的应用场合。 | All products in the Shell Cassida range comply with the NSF International H1, the standard which has replaced previous USDA systems for lubricants where incidental contact with food is likely. | |
21 | 壳牌有没有适合食品应用的产品系列? | Does Shell have a range of products for use in incidental food applications? | |
22 | 临时费用,临时开支 | incidental expenses;nonrecurring charge;extraordinary expense;interim expense;contingency charge;interim charges;extra expenditure;extraordinary expenditure;nonrecurring cost;contingent expenses | |
23 | 卖方必须承担因其营业地在订立合同后发生变动而增加的支付方面的有关费用。 | The seller must bear any increase in the expenses incidental to payment which is caused by a change in his place of business subsequent to the conclusion of the contract. | |
24 | 内阁因战况的偶然变化而改变意见。 | The tone of the Cabinet is veered by every incidental change of war. | |
25 | 那是附带的话。 | That is incidental to my story. | |
26 | 你们能不能把所有这些项目归纳在’临时费’项下? | Can you lump all these items together under the heading ’incidental expenses’? | |
27 | 偶发肾癌的预后分析 | The Prognostic Analysis of Incidental Renal Cell Carcinomas | |
28 | 偶然的提及或暗示 | An incidental reference or allusion. | |
29 | 其他可能的利益包括(据推测)慢性呼吸道疾病的减少,对森林破坏的降低,可见度的提高,以及致癌物排放的减少。 | Other possible benefits include a possible (but conjectural)decrease in chronic respiratory disease, reductions in damage to forests, improved visibility, and incidental reductions in carcinogenic emissions | |
30 | 前列腺偶发癌的诊断和治疗 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Incidental Prostate Cancer |