属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-寻医问药 In need of therapy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-恶老板 现实比电影好得多
1 | 一些部门匆匆提干,而一旦这些仓促上阵的干部显得能力不支时,又把他们挂职下放 | Some departments made haste to promote cadres to certain ranks and then, when the fast-track executives proved incompetent , transfer them to lower units with their (after-promotion)posts still reserved | |
2 | 有权申请复议的公民死亡的,其近亲属可以申请复议;有权申请复议的公民为无行为能力或者限制行为能力的,其法定代理人可以代为申请复议。 | Where a citizen who has the right to apply for reconsideration is deceased, his/her nearest relatives may apply for reconsideration; where a citizen who has the right to apply for reconsideration is incompetent or has limited capacities, his/her legal representative may apply for reconsideration on his/her behalf. | |
3 | 于试用期间,雇员未尽职责,雇主得终止本契约,并将雇员遣返回,雇员应无异议,无条件立即返回。 | Should the Employee be incompetent to perform his duties during the period of probation, the Employer may terminate this Contract and repatriate him back to×× , the Employee shall immediately and unconditionally return to domicile in without objection. | |
4 | 云翁,你要知道,一种企业放在不会经营的冤大头手里,是真可惜又可叹! | I tell you, Yun-shan, it’s a crying shame when an enterprise is left in the hands of incompetent fools | |
5 | 在年度考核中被确定为不称职的,或者不胜任现职又不宜转任同级其他职务的; | Demotions are meted out to civil servants who have been proved incompetent or who have been proved incompetent but are inappropriate to transfer to other positions; | |
6 | 在瑞典,已逐渐形成了一种完善的制度以保护每个公民不受专横的和不称职的政府官员的欺压。 | Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers. | |
7 | 这就是许多不学无术之徒也登堂入室,当选议员的原因。 | This is one sure way of electing ignorant and incompetent men as senators. | |
8 | 子曰:"临之以庄,则敬;孝慈,则忠;举善而教不能,则勤。" | Confucius said, "Approach them with dignity, and they will be reverent. be filial and compassionate and they will be loyal. Promote the able and teach the incompetent , and they will work positively for you." | |
9 | ||1:然而,不管怎么说,金融巨头和为他们代言的分析师们为何连本职工作都难以做好?梅奥给出了再平常不过的答案:腐败,内幕交易,付给无能的经理们毫无道理可言的报酬,同样无能的监管者,以及无处不在的利益冲突。||2:梅奥在引述举证时将当事人的姓名和事件发生的具体日期都写进了书中,并以特写方式聚焦那些贪赃枉法的现象,凭这点,《流放华尔街》这本书就值得一读。||3:自金融危机后,梅奥在1999年发布的报告已然成了一部宝书,如果想再次引起关注,他要多提一些建设性的意见才行。 | ||1:But why, overall, aren’t the big financial firms, and the analysts who cover them, better at the job? Mr Mayo offers the usual reasons: corruption, lousy disclosure, ridiculous compensation packages for incompetent managers who are overseen by incompetent regulators, conflicts of interests that are little short of rife.||2:All of this he illustrates with names and dates, a close-up view of venality that, by itself, makes “Exile on Wall Street” a story worth reading.||3:Since the financial crisis, Mr Mayo’s 1999 report has become the conventional wisdom.To create another stir, he may need to become positive. | |
10 | ||1:他的军旅生涯几近奇迹。||2:虽然没有实战经验,艾森豪威尔被破格提升,越过228名高级军官,一路升到美军驻北非司令。七个月后,在1943年,他又越过一些经验更丰富的英国军人被提升为盟军总司令。||3:但是不管是在北非的行动,还是在欧洲的意大利登陆他都不能说是执行得很好。||4:史密斯先生是一位著名的美国传记作家,也是多伦多大学的前政治经济学教授。他承认艾森豪威尔有很多天赋。||5:但是和其之前的几位美国作家(包括艾森豪威尔的亲孙子)不同,他并没有把英国的司令们描绘成几乎是清一色的无能军官来体现艾森豪威尔的才干。 | ||1: It was an almost miraculous career. ||2: Although he had seen no action, Eisenhower was promoted over 228 senior officers when he took over the American high command in north Africa, and he leapfrogged over more experienced British soldiers when he was made commander in chief of the allied forces just seven months later, in 1943. ||3: Yet neither north Africa nor the first European landings in Italy was well handled. ||4: Mr Smith, a well-known American biographer and former professor of political economy at the University of Toronto, acknowledges Eisenhower’s many talents. ||5: But unlike several previous American writers (including Eisenhower’s own grandson), he does not do so by portraying British commanders as almost uniformly incompetent in comparison. | |
11 | ||1:糟糕的老板会以多种形式出现。||2:有精神病患,恶棍还有傻蛋。||3:蹩脚老板也令人生厌。||4:然而新线影院的老板们并不蹩脚,因为他们的电影能赚钱,但是他们做的还不够好。||5:因为他们的最新作品《恶老板》,犯下了反艺术和常识之罪。||6:剧组期望中的观众会觉得詹妮弗.安妮斯顿的挑逗是如此令人痛苦,以致于他们觉得剧中人物会对她起谋杀之心。||7:凯文.史派西(如图)则扮演了一位更加令人信服的变态老板。||8:但是他的才能却浪费在不尽如人意的剧本上。 | ||1:Horrible bosses come in many flavours.||2:There are psychopaths, bullies and prats.||3:Incompetent bosses are irksome, too.||4:The bosses at New Line Cinema are not incompetent , in that their films make money, but they are still villains.||5:For “Horrible Bosses”, their latest offering, is a crime against art and common sense.||6:The viewer is expected to believe that being propositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot her murder.||7:Kevin Spacey (pictured) plays a more convincing psychoboss.||8:But his talents are wasted on a lame script. | |
12 | 蹩脚老板也令人生厌。 | Incompetent bosses are irksome, too. | |
13 | 然而新线影院的老板们并不蹩脚,因为他们的电影能赚钱,但是他们做的还不够好。 | The bosses at New Line Cinema are not incompetent , in that their films make money, but they are still villains. | |
14 | “他的工作很不容易,每一个在下面的人是没法理解的,”一个上海的女人说。 | "His job is not easy, with everyone below him being completely incompetent , " read one post, from a woman in Shanghai. | |
15 | “最早他们学到,犯错意味着你是愚蠢的,是没有能力的。”泰吾瑞斯说。 | "They learn early on that making mistakes means you are stupid or incompetent , " Tavris says. | |
16 | 《明报》头版头条报道:“菲律宾警方失职”。 | The front-page headline of the local Ming Pao Daily News declared: "Filipino police incompetent . " | |
17 | B超检查在宫颈机能不全中的应用 | The action of B-ultrasonic examination in the cervical incompetent | |
18 | 安南先生并非如一些美国人所批评的那样贪腐无能。 | Mr Annan was not the venal incompetent that some of his critics in America tried to paint him as. | |
19 | 按一般标准来看,所有的投资者,包括我们自己,都是非专业的。 | All investors, including us, are by ordinary standards incompetent . | |
20 | 不管裁判多么无能,对他们进行人身攻击都是万万不可的。 | Personal attacks on referees should be off limits, no matter how incompetent they are. | |
21 | 不过他在总统任期之初很早就坦承他觉得「很无力」,公职负担相当沉重。 | Yet he admitted early in his term that he felt "incompetent " . The burden of office weighed heavy. | |
22 | 不幸的是,你没办法解雇一个不称职或无理取闹的老板,尽管那样的预想会令人很愉悦。 | Unfortunately, you cannot firean incompetent or unreasonable boss, as pleasant as that prospect might be. | |
23 | 超声引导下注射新型泡沫硬化剂治疗大隐静脉曲张 | Injection of a new foam sclerosing agent in treatment of incompetent great saphenous vein under guidance of ultrasound | |
24 | 但金正日为何要选择一个无法胜任的继承人呢? | But why would Kim Jong-il choose somebody incompetent ? | |
25 | 但请不要在意,他并非无能。 | Mind you, he’s not incompetent . | |
26 | 但是,组委会的工作着实反映了印度公共部门多方面的不足。 | Rather, the OC displays many of the weaknesses of India’s incompetent public sector at large. | |
27 | 但是你的客户却希望你把一切恢复到以来的样子,而且他们认为你那样做不称职。 | But instead, the client wants you to put everything back just the way it was, and they think you’re incompetent . | |
28 | 但是他在上任之初也承认自觉“不能胜任”。 | Yet he admitted early in his term that he felt "incompetent " . | |
29 | 但是这次没有童话中的坏蛋,如反叛的售货员或是毫无能力的经理,使得故事的叙述变得有意义。 | But this time there are no pantomime villains, like bolshy shop stewards or incompetent managers, to make sense of the narrative. | |
30 | 当然,只有不懂社交的人才会批评或拒绝对方的礼物。 | Still, only a social incompetent would criticize or refuse a gift from another. |